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The Power of ProQuest History Vault. ProQuest History Vault – Black Freedom Struggle and NAACP modules . ProQuest History Vault offers 6 modules focused on the civil rights movement. These modules are: .
ProQuest History Vault – Black Freedom Struggle and NAACP modules ProQuest History Vault offers 6 modules focused on the civil rights movement. These modules are: One of our customers, Eric Arnesen, Professor History at George Washington University, had the following to say about History Vault: “History Vault is an absolute first-rate research tool, the single best on-line resource in African-American and 20th century history I have ever encountered.“ Gary Johnson, President of the Chicago History Museum, has told us: " The emergence of ProQuest's History Vault project is the most important digital development I have seen for university libraries. Manuscript material by its nature is unique content; in a way, more unique than photos. I am delighted to see how bundling this rich unique content can work so well.“
ProQuest History Vault – NAACP Modules There are currently four NAACP modules available on History Vault. These are: NAACP Papers: Board of Directors, Annual Conferences, Major Speeches, and National Staff Files NAACP Papers: The NAACP's Major Campaigns--Education, Voting, Housing, Employment, Armed Forces NAACP Papers – The NAACP’s Major Campaigns: Scottsboro, Anti-Lynching, Criminal Justice, Peonage, Labor, and Segregation and Discrimination Complaints and Responses NAACP Papers – The NAACP’s Major Campaigns: Legal Department Files
ProQuest History Vault – Black Freedom and NAACP, searching across modules and retrieving multiple perspectives on an event Search: Brown v. Board of Education
ProQuest History Vault – Black Freedom and NAACP, searching across modules and retrieving multiple perspectives on an event Search: Discrimination in housing
ProQuest History Vault – searching across modules and retrieving multiple perspectives on a subject Search: Employment
ProQuest History Vault – searching across modules and retrieving multiple perspectives on a subject Search: Demonstrations, pickets, and boycotts
ProQuest History Vault – searching across modules and retrieving multiple perspectives on a subject Search: Divorce
New Content in History Vault that was not sold in microfilm • Vietnam War and American Foreign Policy • This module offers a comprehensive set of deep research collections on the Vietnam War • A key collection in this module, and one that is published for the first time in History Vault is the records of the Associated Press's Saigon Bureau. • Over 40 years ago, as Saigon was falling to the communists and the U.S. was evacuating Vietnam, Peter Arnett saved the records of the AP's Saigon Bureau and brought them back to the United States. Until ProQuest filmed them and digitized them in History Vault, they were never before available to the public. • The energetic AP Saigon Bureau produced such an extensive amount of copy each day that only a portion of their stories were sent to AP member newspapers and radio stations. Consequently, the Saigon Bureau records in History Vault contain scores of stories that were never published. • These records represent one of the most complete day-to-day accounts of the Vietnam War in existence.
New Content in History Vault that was not sold in microfilm • American Politics and Society from Kennedy to Watergate • includes a number of collections that were not sold in microfilm. They are being published for the first time in History Vault. These collections are: • Associated Press, Wire Copy on the Assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert F. Kennedy • Associated Press: Cape Canaveral Bureau Records, 1959-2000 • Civil Rights in the 1970s: Publications and Reports of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1973-1976 • Environmental Protection Agency, Records on Automobile Emission Standards • Environmental Protection Agency, Records on the Health and Ecological Effects of Pollution, 1971-1977 • Records of the Department of Justice: The Cabinet Committee on Drug Law Enforcement, 1976-1977 • Records of the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, 1970-1973
New Content in History Vault that was not sold in microfilm • Struggle for Women’s Rights, 1880-1990 • This module consists of the organizational records of three important women’s rights organizations: National Woman’s Party, League of Women Voters, and the Women’s Action Alliance. • The records of the Women’s Action Alliance are new material that is published in History Vault for the first time. The Alliance’s records comprise about 33% of this module. • The Women’s Action Alliance was established in 1971 as a grass-roots activist organization. Gloria Steinem was one of the founders. The Women’s Action Alliance concerned itself with issues such as employment and employment discrimination, childcare, health care, and education.
History Vault modules line up with courses across the curriculum • All history vault modules line up with courses taught across the curriculum. Here is one example regarding the module for • Immigration: Records of the INS, 1880-1930 • This example is for Grinnell College. Grinell is an undergraduate institution that offers B.A. degrees with majors in American History, Political Science, Sociology, American Studies, and Women’s Studies. • Grinnell’s History Department offers a course called: HIS 228 - The Promised Land: U.S. Immigration History. • HIS 397 - Advanced Independent Study and • HIS 499 - Mentored Advanced Project are two research intensive courses where students might use the Immigration module, or any of the History Vault modules. • Beyond the History Department, the Political Science Department teaches a course on American Immigration Politics, and there is an Advanced Seminar in American Politics. For the Advanced Seminar, students are required to conduct intensive research, that could include the Immigration module (or, again, any of the History Vault modules). • Relevant courses for the Immigration module are also taught in the Sociology, American Studies, and Women’s Studies Departments.