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Arkansas Final Planning Conference (FPC)

Arkansas Final Planning Conference (FPC). National Level Exercise 2011 (NLE 11) April 20, 2011. Agenda. Welcome and Introductions National Final Planning Conference (FPC) Review Participating Agencies’ Briefings Review Exercise Scope, Purpose, and Target Capabilities

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Arkansas Final Planning Conference (FPC)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Arkansas Final Planning Conference (FPC) National Level Exercise 2011 (NLE 11) April 20, 2011

  2. Agenda • Welcome and Introductions • National Final Planning Conference (FPC) Review • Participating Agencies’ Briefings • Review Exercise Scope, Purpose, and Target Capabilities • Review Scenario and Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) timeline • Exercise Control and Simulation • Exercise Controller/Evaluation Training • Exercise Documents • Closing Remarks/Questions

  3. Welcome and Introductions

  4. General Housekeeping • Restroom facilities • Smoking is prohibited in the building • Concessions • Fire Exits

  5. Exercise Scope • NLE 11 will be a multiagency, multisite event designed to exercise and assess the national capability to respond to a catastrophic earthquake emanating from the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ). The event will simulate a 7.7 magnitude earthquake in the southwest segment of the NMSZ, forming a rupture under Marked Tree, Arkansas, to Ridgley, Tennessee. The NMSZ earthquake triggers another 6.0 magnitude earthquake along the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone (WVSZ), near Mt. Carmel, Illinois. The event causes widespread death, injury, and damage to major infrastructure in the impacted area. The NLE 11 functional exercise (FE) provides local, State, and Federal agencies with an opportunity to exercise and evaluate the implementation of doctrine and policies provided in their respective earthquake response plans, in addition to the National Incident Management System (NIMS)

  6. Exercise Purpose • The purpose of this exercise is to evaluate player actions against current response plans and capabilities for a catastrophic earthquake response. The exercise focuses specifically on the first four days of earthquake response and actions and decisions made by the Federal and State government to support lifesaving and life-sustaining activities

  7. Target Capabilities • Communications • Citizen Evacuation and Shelter-in-Place • Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services) • Critical Resources Logistics and Distribution • Emergency Public Information and Warning • Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Management • Medical Surge

  8. Scenario • At 9:00 AM (CDT), on 16 May 2011, the southwestern segment of the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) ruptures near Marked Tree, Arkansas. The rupture of the segment continues approximately 90 miles in a northeast direction to near Ridgley, Tennessee. The released energy is felt as shaking throughout the central United States, and two minutes later (9:02 CDT), the shaking triggers a second event in the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone (WVSZ), near Mt. Carmel, IL • There are reports of widespread damage for hundreds of miles, including collapse of large-scale buildings, power and communication failures, gas leaks, and other damages associated with liquefaction. There are numerous cascading effects that continue to transpire

  9. Scenario (cont’d)

  10. Power and Communications Failure • Statewide power outage for the duration of the exercise • Statewide commercial communication outage until Day 3 (1–72 hours) • Heavy and moderately affected counties wide area tactical communications outage until Day 2 (1–48 hours)

  11. State Exercise Participants

  12. Local Exercise Participants

  13. Private Sector Exercise Participants

  14. Federal Exercise Participants

  15. EMAC • The Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) is a strong focus for Arkansas in this exercise • Due to the catastrophic event that occurs, EMAC will be a necessity for survival • Commodities and assistance will be difficult to obtain, due to the damage that would occur not just in Arkansas, but the entire United States • This exercise will allow Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas to develop coordination that is vital for each State in this exercise and future events

  16. AR Exercise Objectives Communications Demonstrate the ability as outlined in jurisdictional plans to access, establish, and maintain a continuous flow of communications among multiple jurisdictions, agencies, governmental officials, and the private sector for the duration of the emergency, while utilizing redundant interoperable voice and data communications systems needed to support mission critical lifesaving and life-sustaining operations

  17. AR Exercise Objectives (cont’d) Citizen Evacuation and Shelter-in-Place Demonstrate the State’s and Counties’ ability as outlined in jurisdictional plans to ensure affected and at-risk populations are safely sheltered-in-place and/or evacuated to safe areas in order to obtain access to medical care, physical assistance, shelter, and other essential needs, and are safely re-entered into the affected area

  18. AR Exercise Objectives (cont’d) Mass Care Demonstrate the effectiveness of the State’s and Counties’ written plans, policies, and procedures for providing mass care services: sheltering, staffing, feeding, and bulk distribution for the general population and individuals with disabilities and access and functional needs, service animals, and companion animals throughout the affected area in order to obtain access to medical care, physical assistance, shelter, and other essential services

  19. AR Exercise Objectives (cont’d) Critical Resource Logistics and Distribution Demonstrate the State’s and Counties’ ability as outlined in jurisdictional plans to access and establish points of distribution (PODs), State Staging Areas (SSAs), Incident Support Bases (ISBs), and reception centers to receive and distribute critical resource supplies, equipment, and personnel to affected areas throughout the State, including hazardous materials (HazMat) and search and rescue (SAR) resources

  20. AR Exercise Objectives (cont’d) Emergency Public Information and Warning Demonstrate the capability of the State’s and Counties’ public information officer(s) to coordinate with Federal, State, local, private sector, and nongovernmental agencies for the formulation and dissemination of clear, accurate, and consistent information to the public and media and to establish a Joint Information Center (JIC) to monitor media contacts and conduct press briefings

  21. AR Exercise Objectives (cont’d) EOC Management Demonstrate the State’s and Counties’ ability as outlined in jurisdictional plans to effectively manage a catastrophic earthquake event through multi-agency coordination by activating and mobilizing Emergency Support Functions (ESFs), intrastate and inter-state mutual aid agreements (MAAs), and Federal aid

  22. AR Exercise Objectives (cont’d) Medical Surge Demonstrate the ability to rapidly expand healthcare resources to provide medical personnel, support functions, physical space, and logistics support to deliver triage, treatment, and medical care to the affected and at-risk populations within sufficient time to achieve recovery and minimize medical complications

  23. AR Exercise Objectives (cont’d) Recovery Demonstrate the ability to implement recovery processes after a catastrophic earthquake, including the establishment of recovery priorities, the assessment of economic impact and the coordination and implementation of recovery and relief plans to assure that families, businesses, and communities are provided with appropriate levels and types of relief with minimal delay

  24. State Agency Exercise Briefing • Please provide a three-to-five-minute briefing on your agency’s extent of play during NLE 11

  25. Local Jurisdiction Exercise Briefing • Please provide a three-to-five-minute briefing on your jurisdiction’s extent of play during NLE 11

  26. Private Sector Exercise Briefing • Please provide a three-to-five-minute briefing on your company’s extent of play during NLE 11

  27. FEMA Region VI Exercise Briefing • Please provide a three-to-five-minute briefing on Region VI’s extent of play during NLE 11

  28. Venue Control Cell (VCC) • AR Exercise Director • FEMA Region VI Exercise Director • AR Senior Controller • FEMA Region VI Senior Controller • IT/AV • Simulators • Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) • The following positions are represented in the Arkansas VCC: • Resource Trackers • VNN/Media • Administration/Documentation Support • MSEL Manager • Evaluation Lead

  29. Exercise Control • Exercise Director: Eric Witt • Deputy Exercise Director Night: Aaron Robertson • Senior Controller Day: Mark Hooker • Deputy Senior Controller Night: George Cossey • Simulation Cell (SimCell) controllers: FEMA Region VI, Arkansas Tech Universtity • SMEs: ADEM Area Coordinators, FEMA Region VI, ADH, National Guard • Venue Control Cell (VCC) SimCell location: ADEM Training Rooms A and B

  30. Arkansas/RVI C/E Structure RVI Exercise Director/Deputy AR Exercise Director/Deputy AR Senior Control AR Senior Control Evaluation Lead Simulation Lead EA/VNN IT/AV Support Admin Simulation Lead EA/VNN IT/AV Support Admin SEOC Senior Controller Region VI Senior Controller JIC Controller MSEL Manager MSEL Manager NLE County Simulation SME State Staging Area (SSA)/Linked County FSE ESF-8 Simulator – AR Govt. Officials Simulators National Guard Simulation Lead - ARNG NLE County Simulation SME State Staging Area (SSA)/Linked County FSE ESF-8 Simulator – AR Govt. Officials Simulators National Guard Simulation Lead - ARNG RRCC Controller SEOC Evaluator ACG Controller National Guard Simulation Support - ARNG MSEL Manager Support National Guard Simulation Support - ARNG Resource Trackers Assistant SSA/Linked County FSE Simulator- Resource Trackers Assistant SSA/Linked County FSE Simulator- IOF Controller RRCC Evaluator Health EOC Controller - AR Simulator IMAT Controller IOF Evaluator AR Exercise Director, Eric Witt has Command Authority regarding any decision affecting/impacting exercise play. IMAT Evaluator JIC Evaluator

  31. NLE 11 Control Structure

  32. Exercise Evaluation • Lead evaluator • Evaluators • Evaluator training requirements • Evaluation components • Objectives • Exercise Evaluation Guides (EEGs) • Participant Feedback Form • Player Hot Wash • Controller and Evaluator Debriefing • Evaluator reports

  33. Exercise Evaluation (cont’d) • After Action Report (AAR) Reporting Form • Located on the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management (ADEM) Web page

  34. Controller/Evaluator Training • April 25: Star City Civic Center • April 26: Hope Fair Park Community Center • April 27: Johnson County Office of Emergency Management • April 28: Craighead County Annex Building • April 29: ADEM Training Rooms

  35. Exercise Documents • Exercise Plan (ExPlan) • Controller and Evaluator (C/E) Handbook • MSEL • EEGs • VIP/Observer Plan

  36. Player Briefing • A player briefing will be provided to players and will include: • Exercise artificialities and assumptions • Safety protocols • EMSe overview • Instructions for during the exercise • Instructions for the end of the exercise • Exercise communications • Observer and media control • NLE 11 Exercise Summary

  37. Exercise Logistics • Local jurisdictions’ reimbursement • Satellite phones, meals, etc. • Determine briefing locations • Controller and evaluator briefing • Controller and evaluator debriefing • Identify and coordinate any exercise locations • Field Site • EOCs • Hospitals • Observer/VIP area • Media area

  38. Meeting Dates • NLE 11 Exercise Conduct • May 16–19, 2011 • Controller/Evaluator Debrief • May 19, 2011: EndEx • NLE 11 After Action Review • May 20, 2011, 9:00 General Instructions Building • Arkansas NLE 11 After Action Conference (AAC) • Tentative: August 10, 2011, General Instructions Building

  39. Review and Action Items • Finalize and provide the following documents to the design team by May 1, 2011, to ensure that requested changes have been made to the following: • ExPlan • C/E Handbook • MSEL • Print the ExPlan, C/E Handbook, MSEL, and SimCell Handbooks • Prepare pre-exercise controller and evaluator briefings • Prepare player briefings

  40. Questions?

  41. Contact Information Eric Witt – Exercise Section Chief 501-683-6756 Eric.witt@adem.arkansas.gov Bo Robertson – Exercise Coordinator 501-683-6759 Aaron.robertson@adem.arkansas.gov

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