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Learn about the structure of FooCorp Web Services, Network Intrusion Detection, and how scalable NIDS work with key concepts for detection and more.
Network Monitoring Stolen from:Daniel Schatz @virturity
Structure ofFooCorp Web Services 2. GET /amazeme.exe?profile=xxx 8. 200 OK Output of bin/amazeme Internet FooCorpServers FooCorp’sborder router Front-end web server Remote client bin/amazeme -p xxx
Structure ofFooCorp Web Services 2. GET /amazeme.exe?profile=xxx 8. 200 OK Output of bin/amazeme Internet Monitor sees a copyof incoming/outgoingHTTP traffic FooCorpServers FooCorp’sborder router Front-end web server NIDS Remote client bin/amazeme -p xxx
How They Work: Scalable Network Intrusion Detection Systems Tap Do this in OpenFlow:100 Gbps installat LBNL High Volume Filter Is Not BitTorrent? H(SIP, DIP) Load Balancer Linear Scaling:10x the money... 10x the bandwidth! 1u gives 1-5 Gbps NIDS Node NIDS Node NIDS Node
Inside the NIDS HTTP Request URL = /fubar/ Host = .... GET HT TP /fu bar/ 1.1.. HTTP Request URL = /baz/?id=... ID = 1f413 GET HTTP /b az/?id= 1f413 1.1... Sendmail From = someguy@... To = otherguy@... 220 mail.domain.target ESMTP Sendmail...
Break Random fact about … Scott Shenker
Evasion /etc/p RST NIDS
Evasion /%65%74%63/%70%61%73%73%77%64 NIDS
Beware! seq=1, TTL=22 r r seq=1, TTL=16 X n Packet discarded in transit due to TTL hop count expiring seq=2, TTL=16 X i seq=2, TTL=22 Sender / Attacker o o Receiver seq=3, TTL=16 X c seq=3, TTL=22 o o seq=4, TTL=22 t t seq=4, TTL=16 X e ~~~~ root roo~ r~~~ ro~~ rice? roce? rict? roct? riot? root? rioe? rooe? nice? noce? nict? noct? niot? noot? nioe? nooe? TTL field in IP header specifies maximum forwarding hop count Assume the Receiver is 20 hops away ri~~? ro~~? ni~~? no~~? r~~~? n~~~? ri~~? ni~~? ric~? roc~? rio~? roo~? nic~? noc~? nio~? noo~? ~~~~ r~~~ Firewall Assume firewall is 15 hops away
Structure ofFooCorp Web Services Internet FooCorpServers FooCorp’sborder router Front-end web server HIDS instrumentation added inside here 4. amazeme.exe?profile=xxx Remote client 6. Output of bin/amazeme sent back bin/amazeme -p xxx
Structure ofFooCorp Web Services Internet FooCorpServers FooCorp’sborder router Run Nightly AnalysisOf Logs Here Front-end web server Remote client bin/amazeme -p xxx
Structure ofFooCorp Web Services Internet FooCorpServers FooCorp’sborder router Real-time monitoring of system calls accessing files Front-end web server Remote client 5. bin/amazeme -p xxx