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Supporting Professional Development for SAS Doctors Revalidation, Enhanced Appraisal & Learning

Supporting Professional Development for SAS Doctors Revalidation, Enhanced Appraisal & Learning Service. Who are the REAL Service?. Services:. GP Appraisal New Appraiser Training Appraisee Training and Updates Appraiser Updates and Assessment

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Supporting Professional Development for SAS Doctors Revalidation, Enhanced Appraisal & Learning

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  1. Supporting Professional Development for SAS Doctors Revalidation, Enhanced Appraisal & Learning Service

  2. Who are the REAL Service?

  3. Services: • GP Appraisal • New Appraiser Training • Appraisee Training and Updates • Appraiser Updates and Assessment • Remediation planning and delivery • Educational support • Network development, co-ordination and support • Specialist training products

  4. Thank you for running an excellent course at which I learnt a great deal. The two days were very well balanced in terms of taught elements, small group work, and role play. The way in which the hypothetical case developed over the course of the training made it ‘all the more life-like’. Dr Dean R Temple, Associate Medical Director, Nottinghamshire County Teaching PCT Feedback: May I just say how impressed I am with respect to the efficiency of REAL and indeed your good self with respect to the new appraisal service/contract? Taking this contract on at the Deanery cannot have been an easy task, and whilst there have been teething problems which are par for the course with this kind of thing, and many are national rather than Deanery issues you have answered all queries very rapidly indeed and sorted things out very effectively. Many thanks for that. Elaine Madden, Head of Clinical Quality (Primary Care), NHS Derby City

  5. Initial Brief: • CPD programme • SAS doctors within Psychiatry • 12 month period • Head of School and SAS tutors within Psychiatry • Five full days sessions • Themes around generic curriculum and other • relevant hot topics

  6. What would support you now and in the future?

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