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[Exercise Name] Functional Exercise

This functional exercise aims to assess and evaluate the emergency department's staff ability to establish and maintain communication during a biological terrorism incident in alignment with the EDS Plan. It will also test their capability in implementing the Incident Command System and creating Incident Action Plans effectively. Safety measures and weapons policy are highlighted for a secure exercise environment. Documentation resources include Exercise Plan, Controller/Evaluator Handbook, and more.

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[Exercise Name] Functional Exercise

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Presentation Transcript

  1. [Exercise Name] Functional Exercise [Logo Here] Controller & Evaluator Briefing [Location] [Date]

  2. Welcome & Introductions

  3. Meeting Agenda • Exercise Overview • Exercise Location and Area • Exercise Schedule • Exercise Scenario • Exercise Simulation • Controller and Evaluator Overview • Exercise Implementation • Exercise “Administrivia” • Conclusion

  4. Exercise Players • [List participating agencies/organizations]

  5. Exercise Design Objectives Communications • Assess the ability of EDS staff to establish and maintain internal/external communications with various support agencies such as the local EOC, local BOH, etc. during a biological terrorism incident in accordance with the communities EDS Plan. • Evaluate the ability of EDS staff to use common response language (i.e. plain English) when implementing communication plans during a biological terrorism incident, in accordance with Incident Command System/NIMS recommendations. Onsite Incident Management • Assess the ability of the EDS Manager/Incident Commander to implement the Incident Command System, during a biological terrorism incident, in accordance with Incident Command System principles and the EDS plan. • Test the ability of EDS staff to create and disseminate an Incident Action Plan during a biological terrorism incident, in accordance with Incident Command System protocols.

  6. Exercise Play • Exercise Play will be on [Date], from [Time] to [Time] • Exercise Play will take place at [Exercise Site] and [other location(s)] • Play will be restricted to the delineated areas surrounding the [Exercise Site] and [other location(s)]

  7. Exercise Safety • Safety is everyone’s concern • Safety concerns override exercise execution • Be aware that operating in this environment is inherently dangerous [optional for FE] • Controllers and Evaluators must immediately inform the Safety Controller or Senior Controller of safety concerns • Actual emergencies will be identified by the saying: “Real-World Emergency”

  8. Weapons Policy [Include this only if it is applicable to your jurisdiction.] • Provide a safe and secure environment at exercises for participants, observers/VIPs, control/evaluation staff, volunteers, and the general public. • Exercise planners and controllers shall plan for weapons control measures. • For the purpose of this policy, weapons include all firearms, knives, explosive devices, less than lethal weapons/tools/devices, and any other object capable of causing bodily harm. • Qualified personnel (law enforcement, security, military, etc.) with authority to carry weapons who are participating in the exercise are NOT allowed to carry a loaded weapon within the exercise play area. They may carry their weapon only after it has been properly cleared, rendered safe, and marked or identified in an obvious manner. • A clearly marked “off limits” area manned by armed personnel will be used to secure weapons in a container, vehicle, or other security area.

  9. Weapons Policy [Include this only if it is applicable to your jurisdiction.] • Qualified personnel with authority to carry weapons who are providing “real world” perimeter security for the exercise may continue to carry loaded weapons as part of their normal scope of duty. • All other personnel with no authority to carry weapons may not bring, introduce, or have in their possession any weapon of any type in any area associated with the exercise. • Simulated explosive devices, such as ‘flash bangs’, pyrotechnics, flares, smoke grenades, etc. will be handled and/or detonated only by qualified exercise staff or bomb technicians. • Aggressive behavior will not be tolerated during exercise conduct, except in self-defense. Examples of aggressive behavior include but are not limited to: excessive speeding; uncontrolled animals (i.e., K-9s, horses, etc.); use of defense products (i.e., mace, pepper spray, stun guns, tasers, batons, etc.); and forceful use of operational response equipment or tools (i.e., pike poles, hose lines used at full stream on victims, etc.). • Exceptions to this policy specifying special mitigating circumstances shall be directed, in writing, to the Lead Exercise Planner 30 days prior to the exercise.

  10. Exercise Documentation • Exercise Plan (EXPLAN) • Controller/Evaluator Handbook (C/E Handbook) • Guidelines • Exercise Evaluation Guides (EEG) • Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) • Timeline • Messages • Activity Log • Participant Feedback Summary Form

  11. Exercise Location & Area

  12. Exercise Location & Area [Insert exercise site map]

  13. Exercise Schedule

  14. Exercise Schedule

  15. Exercise Scenario

  16. Exercise Scenario • Date: • Time: • Setting: • Incident: • Weather: [if applicable]

  17. Scenario Elements • A white powder incident in [Your Town/City] is confirmed by the William A. Hinton State Laboratory Institute as Anthrax. Mass prophylaxis is needed to treat those exposed within 48 hours. • [Your Town/City] has deployed resources and decided to open an Emergency Dispensing Site (EDS) at [Name of an EDS] at [EDS address]. The order has just been sent out to activate the appropriate personnel in order to staff the EDS. • [Your City/Region] volunteers (Medical Reserve Corps, CERT, etc.) and other response staffs have arrived on scene and are ready to set up the EDS.

  18. Agent • [Insert agent information]

  19. Exercise Simulation

  20. Simulation Cell (Simcell)

  21. Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) [Insert MSEL here]

  22. Controller & Evaluator Overview

  23. Control & Evaluator Concept • Exercise execution is the responsibility of the Exercise Director and the Senior Controller • Controllers/Evaluators organized by player location/function • Experienced controllers in key positions • Observers/Media remain in designated area • Coordinate activities with the Lead Exercise Planner, Senior Controller, and other controllers in your area • Notify the Lead Exercise Planner and/or Senior Controller of ANY problems related to safety or scenario play

  24. Controller & Evaluator Assignments Emergency Dispensing Site • 2 Controllers • 2 Evaluators Emergency Operations Center • 2 Controllers • 2 Evaluators Simulation Cell • 2 Controllers • 11 Simulators [A simulator may take on the role of more than one agency or individual, therefore this number (11) may vary.]

  25. Exercise Control

  26. Controller Functions • Inject • Enforce • Report • Attend responder “Hot wash” • Attend final Controller/Evaluator Debrief at [Time] • Complete and turn in exercise documentation

  27. Controller Responsibilities Senior Controller • Monitors exercise progress and makes decisions regarding any deviations or changes • Coordinates any required modifications Individual Controller • Introduces, maintains, and coordinates exercise events in accordance with the MSEL • Observes and reports exercise artificialities that interfere with realism • Serve as the site safety officer Additional information is listed in the C/E Handbook

  28. Controller Guidelines DO… • Deliver injects promptly as directed by the Senior Controller • Notify the Senior Controller of events or need for changes DO NOT… • Hold personal conversations with Players • Provide extra or advance information to Players • Prompt Players (unless directed by the Senior Controller/Lead Exercise Planner)

  29. Exercise Evaluation

  30. Evaluator Functions • Observe • Record key events and times as they occur • Report/Elaborate • Collect information

  31. Evaluator Responsibilities • Evaluate each assigned organization/player area • Understand the exercise concept and scenario • Know the procedures for the element being evaluated • Inform the Senior Controller of problems related to exercise design • Observe, record, and report participant actions • Ensure collection of all evaluation data, EEGs, and materials after the exercise Additional information is listed in the C/E Handbook

  32. Exercise Evaluation Guides (EEG) [Insert EEG(s) here]

  33. Evaluator Guidelines DO… • Observe and record player activities • Document strengths/problem areas • Write Eligibly DO NOT… • Leave your post at key times • Prompt players • Get in the way • Answer questions for players

  34. Exercise Implementation

  35. Exercise Assumptions • Conducted in a no-fault learning environment wherein systems and processes, not individuals, will be evaluated. • Exercise simulation will be realistic and plausible, containing sufficient detail from which to respond. • Exercise players will react to the information and situations as they are presented, in the same manner as if this had been a real event.

  36. Exercise Artificialities Artificialities and constraints, such as the Assembly Area, may detract from realism. Some other artificialities include the following: • Surrogates may be playing in place of some key decision makers • Some organizations and individuals will be simulated • The exercise will be played in real time. However, there may be some time jumps or acceleration to meet certain objectives

  37. Communications

  38. Communications • All communication should begin and end with “This is an exercise” • No communication with outside agencies other than the SimCell, EOC, EDS • Concept of “Earned Information”

  39. Exercise Communication Controller/Evaluator Radio Network A designated channel to: • Report emergencies or safety issues • Report major timeline events • Acknowledge communication checks for timeline status Please keep non-essential radio traffic to a minimum

  40. Exercise Administrivia

  41. CONTROLLER EVALUATOR Exercise Badges

  42. OBSERVER MEDIA Exercise Badges


  44. Exercise Hats

  45. Exercise Administrivia • Restrooms will be available • Drinkable water will be located throughout the exercise site • You may keep your hats • After the Hotwash, please return: • Your badges and vests • All exercise documentation (EEGs/activity logs) • Any communications equipment you may have received for exercise play

  46. Final Exercise Reminders • Know your role and the scenario • Do not prompt or get in the way of players • Contact the Exercise Director and/or Senior Controller with any problems or questions • Safety Comes First – use the phrase “Real-World Emergency” in any actual emergency

  47. Questions or Comments

  48. Thank you for participating! [Logo Here] [Department name] [Phone #] [Email address]

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