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Discover the life, wisdom, and legacy of Al-Jawaad, including his Du’as, profound sayings, and notable incidents. Explore Ziyarah traditions and insights into his shrine. Learn from the timeless teachings and dialogues of this revered figure.
Al-JawaadAnecdotes and Sayings By A.S. Hashim. MD Sayings of Imams taken from: http://www.ezsoftech.com/islamic/infallible10.asp Ziyarah of Imams taken from: http://www.ziaraat.org/
About this slide show: This slide show deals with: • Al-Jawaad during his later years of life • A number of his Du’aas • Many of his sayings • Incidents and Anecdotes • Ziyarah for him with its translation • It also shows his shrine
Who is Al-Jawaad? Lineage Subayka Progeny of Mary, wife of the Prophet
Lineage Grandfather Al-Kadhim Father Al-Ridha Al-Jawaad Progeny of Mary, Mother Subayka wife of the Prophet
Al-Jawaad’s Imamah • Imamah: Age 9 through 25 Yrs • Started by 204H • Ended by 225H (some say 220H) • Period of Imamah: around 18-21 years • Most recorded sayings were during this period
Contest with Ibn Al-Ak'tham • Khalifa Al‑Ma'Moon challenged anyone to outsmart Al‑Jawaad in any field of Islamic Tradition • Benu Abbas chose the highest Supreme Justice of the time, Ibn Al‑Ak'tham. • Ibn Al‑Ak'tham was renowned for his knowledge and in the art of argument and persuasion • Ibn Al‑Ak'tham came fully prepared for the contest and Al‑Jawaad was ready for him.
Contest with Ibn Al-Ak'tham II • 900 elders of Benu Abbas and prominent men attended the contest • Ibn Al‑Ak'tham presented the most complex Fiqh query • Al‑Jawaad requested Ibn Al‑Ak'tham to clarify his question and to indicate which of the 11 subdivisions of that query he meant. • Ibn Al‑Ak'tham was stunned, then stuttered, since he did not know about any subdivisions. • Al-Jawaad gave details of each subdivision • Silence fell on the audience, all 900 scholars, including the nobility and dignitaries. Al‑Ma'Moon broke the silence saying, “Did I not tell you that this Progeny (of Ahlul Bayt) has been gifted by the Almighty with limitless knowledge? Don't you see that no one can cope even with the young of this noble house?”
Sites of Discussions and Council • Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi • Home when in Baghdad • When in Medina, in Suraya (town built by Al-Kadhim) • Ka’ba during Haj
Sample DialogueWhen asked if he were Al-Qaa'im of Aali Muhammad, Al-Jawaad answered:
Select sayings of Al-Jawaad • A believer needs three features: • Success granted to him by Allah, • self-admonition, and • acceptance of an advice offered to him. • How can one become lost [when] Allah is supporting him? And how can one escape [when] Allah is chasing him? For the person who does not rely on Allah, Allah will assign him to what that person had relied on. And the person who acts in ignorance his bad actions will overshadow his good ones. • The person who obeys his passions will give Satan what Satan wishes.
Select sayings of Al-Jawaad • The one who rejects his brother's good intention will also be displeased with his offerings. • The one who benefits a brother to please Allah, stands a chance to gain an abode in the Garden of Bliss. • Three attributes enable a person to please Allah: • Ample seeking forgiveness, • being amiable, and • the plentiful giving of Sadaqah [Charity]. • Verily Allah confers continuous bounty on some people: • Such favors continue as long as they spend it to benefit others from them. • But once they keep the bounty to themselves, Allah will take that away and transfer it to others.
Sample Advice • Hold on to patience, do not resent indigence, desist your lust, decline your fancy, and be aware that never will you be away for Allah's sight. Therefore, see how you would [like to] be. • Refrain from the company of a wicked person, for he is like a withdrawn sword, the looks of which is wonderful but the track [outcome] of which is ghastly. • Deal not with an endeavor before the time of its maturity lest you regret it, and do not drag on [it] lest your hearts become hardened. Have mercy on the weak among you, and incur mercy from Allah by your treating the weak mercifully.
Select sayings of Al-Jawaad • Don't pretend to be Allah's servant in public and be His enemy in private. • Sincerity is the best of all worships. • Relying on Allah is the price of every valuable thing and the ladder to every treasured thing. • To show a matter before preparing for it properly is spoiling it. • Love is attracted due to three traits: • being just in social dealings, • assisting others in hardships and • having a pure heart.
Select sayings of Al-Jawaad • Our wealth and soul are of God's pleasant gifts to us, and deposited trusts, they cause happiness and pleasure as long as we enjoy them, and reward is for whatever is taken (from us), so him whose grief overcomes his patience his reward is lost, and we seek refuge to God from that. • Delay in performing works always (cause) perplexity. • Dependence upon God is the price for any valuable thing and is the ladder for any eminent matter. • The one, who doesn't know the way in, has a problem finding the way out.
Sample Du’aa • O Allah! You are the Preeminent, without precedence before Thee. You are the Final One with no defined finality. • O Allah! You brought us into being not because of any subjugation: • And You designed us by Thy wisdom only through Thy choice. • And You are testing us by Thy commands and prohibitions by way of trial. • And You supported us by the tools of faculties. • And You provided us with myriads of means. • And You charged us with what we can bear. • And You have enjoined on us to obey Thee. • O Allah! Even though You put directives, You gave us the freedom to choose; and even though You had prohibited, You had already warned. You have granted us abundantly, but asked from us the meager….
Al-Jawaad As the Imam 1. Imamah at a young age 2. Called to challenge: Ibn Al-Ak’tham 3. Counsels at his home in Baghdad 4. Marries the daughter of the Khalifa 5. Returns to Medina 6. Called to Baghdad again
Dialogue • Lo! When a community abandons the Book of Allah, Allah takes away the knowledge of His Book from them and will let them be dictated upon by the one they follow. • One manner of the abandonment of the Book of Allah is that: People extol its letters while deviating from its teachings, thus they recite it but do not apply it. The crowds lacking its knowledge cherish its memorization, while men of knowledge are saddened by its abandonment. • Another manner of the abandonment of the Book of Allah is when: People entrust the Book to the unworthy in knowledge, who misdirects them by their notions [instead of Allah's rules]; thus leading them astray…..
Select sayings of Al-Jawaad • Whoever works without knowledge, his destruction is more than his rectification. • Four things aid the human in his work: soundness, be in no need, knowledge, and success. • The one aware of oppression, the aid to it, and the pleased one with it, all three are partners. • Human's death due to sins is more than death by fate, and the living due to benevolence is more than living due to natural life time. • Love and friendship is attained by three characters: fairness, accompaniment and sympathy when hardship, pure heartedness and benevolence to others.
Select sayings of Al-Jawaad • Delaying repentance is rash but deferring it for a time is helplessness. • Looking for excuses with Allah can be disastrous to you; and • Persisting to commit sins means feeling immune from Allah's plan. • Lo! None can feel secure from Allah's plan except the losers. • The person who obeys his lusts will give his enemy [Satan] what Satan wishes. • The one who becomes un-amiable will induce disquiet. • The one who knows not the issues, will have no way out. • The one feeling confidant before [acquiring] experience, will have exposed himself to trouble and a painful consequence.
Select sayings of Al-Jawaad • A believer's distinction is to be in no need of people. • Don't care about displeasure of the one whose pleasure is injustice. • He betrays you the one who keeps wisdom from you to let you follow what you lust for. • Confidence in Allah is the expense to every ordeal and the formula to every feat. • Needs are sought by hope but are sent down by Divine Decree, and the outcome is the finest gift. • The one who rejects his brother's good intention will also be displeased with his offerings. • Time will unveil to you the concealed secrets.
Select sayings of Al-Jawaad • When Allah's bounty increases on someone, people's needs to him increase. But the one who declines to fulfill their needs will have exposed that bounty to extinction. • Decorum is the adornment of poverty, • thankfulness is the adornment of affliction, • modesty is the adornment of nobility, • eloquence is the adornment of speech, • memorization is the adornment of reporting, • modesty is the adornment of scholarship, • good manners are adornments of piety, and • cheerfulness is the adornment of contentment.....
Ziyarah (Visitation) • السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا أَبَا جَعْفَرٍ مُحَمَّدَ بْنَ عَلِيٍّ الْبَرَّ التَّقِيَّ الْإِمَامَ الْوَفِيَّ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ أَيُّهَا الرَّضِيُّ الزَّكِيُ • السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا وَلِيَّ اللَّهِ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا سِرَّ اللَّهِ • السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا ضِيَاءَ اللَّهِالسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا سَنَاءَ اللَّهِ • السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا كَلِمَةَ اللَّهِ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ يَا رَحْمَةَ اللَّهِ • السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ أَيُّهَا النُّورُ السَّاطِعُالسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ أَيُّهَا الْبَدْرُ الطَّالِعُ • السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ أَيُّهَا الطَّيِّبُ مِنَ الطَّيِّبِينَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ أَيُّهَا الطَّاهِرُ مِنَ الْمُطَهَّرِينَ • السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ أَيُّهَا الْآيَةُ الْعُظْمَى السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ أَيُّهَا الْحُجَّةُ الْكُبْرَى • السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ أَيُّهَا الْمُطَهَّرُ مِنَ الزَّلاَّتِ……
Translation of Ziyarah (Visitation) • Peace be upon you; O Abu-Ja’far,the Pious, the Devout, the Guide, and the Loyal tothe Almighty • Peace be upon you; O the Pleased, the Pure • Peace be upon you; O the Devoted Servant of Allah • Peace be upon you; O the Confidant of Allah • Peace be upon you; O the Envoy of Allah • Peace be upon you; O the Secret of Allah • Peace be upon you; O the Light of Allah • Peace be upon you; O the Brilliance of Allah • Peace be upon you; O the Word of Allah • Peace be upon you; O the Mercy of Allah • Peace be upon you; O the Dazzling Light • Peace be upon you; O the Rising full moon • Peace be upon you; O the Pure and the offspring ofthe Pure Ones...
Shrine of Al-Kadhim and Al-Jawaad The Shrine
The Burial Site The inside of the Shrine
In Conclusion • Al-Jawaad: Brilliance and distinction in young age • Discussed in this slide show are: • His prowess was tested by the Khalifa • In a challenge, beats chief Justice, Al- Ak’tham • Marries daughter of Khalifa Ma’Moon • Du’aas and Sayings are the guiding light • Had great sway as an Imam at a young age
Be in Allah’s Care Thank you and May God Bless you. Dr. A.S. Hashim