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Why Health and Fitness Classroom-Based Assessments?. Classroom-Based Assessments. Assessments that require students to apply concepts and thinking skills in meaningful, authentic tasks. Health and Fitness Classroom-Based Assessments. RCW 28A.230.095 states:
Why Health and Fitness Classroom-Based Assessments?
Classroom-Based Assessments Assessments that require students to apply concepts and thinking skills in meaningful, authentic tasks.
Health and Fitness Classroom-Based Assessments RCW 28A.230.095 states: • By the end of the 2008-09 school year, school districts shall have in place in elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools assessments or other strategies to assure that students have an opportunity to learn the essential academic learning requirements in social studies, the arts, and health and fitness. Social studies includes history, geography, civics, economics, and social studies skills. Beginning with the 2008-09 school year, school districts shall annually submit an implementation verification report to the office of the superintendent of public instruction.
Health and Fitness Classroom-Based Assessments • Beginning 2008-09 • OSPI recommends: Grades 5, 8 and high school • Submit an implementation verification report to OSPI Grade 5 Grade 8 High School
Why Health and Fitness Classroom-Based Assessments? Curriculum + Instruction + Assessment = Learning CBAs: • Enable students to demonstrate that they have met the Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALRs) at the 5th, 8th, and high school benchmarks in authentic and valid formats • Models developed by teachers serve to empower the profession
Why Health and Fitness Classroom-Based Assessments? High Quality CBAs: • Promote best practices in Health & Fitness • Promote flexibility and creativity in the classroom while increasing accountability to the EALRs
Timeline- What does 2007-2008 look like? Administration: Teachers, schools, and districts volunteer administration of CBAs Reporting: Districts voluntarily share CBAs used and student’s success Training: Summer Institutes, January Conference, and ESD Regional Training
Timeline- What will 2008-2009 look like? • Administration: All 295 school districts would implement and report assessments or other strategies to assure that students have an opportunity to learn the essential academic learning requirements in health and fitness • Scoring: Standards are set for scoring and processes • Reporting: All school districts will report on classroom based assessments beginning 2008-2009 • Training: Regional Training continues; Summer Institutes & January Conference continues, ESDs, WAHPERD State Conference, PEAK Conference
Fitness Performance Assessments: Starting 2008-09, OSPI recommends fitness performance assessments no later than Grade 5 and continue each year through completion of high school PE. Schools may use OSPI Fitness Performance Assessments, President’s Challenge, FitnessGram, or district approved fitness assessment plan. District Approved Fitness Assessment Plan OSPI Fitness Performance Assessments
2008-09 OSPI Recommended Health and Fitness Classroom-Based Assessment Action Plan Grade 5: PE Fitness Assessments: Starting 2008-09, OSPI recommends fitness performance assessments no later than Grade 5 and continue each year through completion of high school PE. Schools may use OSPI Fitness Performance Assessments, President’s Challenge, FitnessGram, or district approved fitness assessment plan. OR
2008-09 OSPI Recommended Health and Fitness Classroom-Based Assessment Action Plan Grade 8: PE Health AND OR OR Drug/Alcohol Body Systems
2008-09 OSPI Recommended Health and Fitness Classroom-Based Assessment Action Plan High School: Health PE AND OR OR OR Drug/Alcohol Nutrition Mental Health
Health and Fitness Classroom-Based Assessments (CBAs) Online Reporting Form DRAFT October 2007
DRAFT October 2007 Online Reporting Form for CBAs Memorandum 057-07M Informational To: Educational Service District Superintendents School District Superintendents Building Principals Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Administrators RE: Classroom-Based Assessments and Classroom-Based Performance Assessments for Social Studies, the Arts, and Health and Fitness http://www.k12.wa.us/BulletinsMemos/memos2007/M057-07.doc The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction has sought to promote student learning in social studies, the arts, and health and fitness through the development and implementation of Classroom-Based Assessments (CBAs) and Classroom-Based Performance Assessments (CBPAs) in these academic areas. Hundreds of educators have collaborated over the last five years to ensure that these assessments are rigorous, research-based, aligned to our state’s standards, and relevant for all students in the state of Washington. This work can be found on the following websites: Social Studies - www.k12.wa.us/assessment/WASL/SocialStudies The Arts - www.k12.wa.us/assessment/WASL/Arts Health and Fitness - www.k12.wa.us/assessment/WASL/HealthFitness The purpose of this memorandum is to clarify the recommended use of the Classroom-Based Assessments (CBAs) and Classroom-Based Performance Assessments (CBPAs). It also details the reporting requirements related to assessments and accountability in social studies, the arts, and health and fitness outlined in RCW 28A.230.095.
DRAFT October 2007 Online Reporting Form for CBAs • To get to the OSPI website, go to www.k12.wa.us.
DRAFT October 2007 Online Reporting Form for CBAs • 2. To get to the Assessment page, click on “Assessment” on the horizontal bar.
DRAFT October 2007 Online Reporting Form for CBAs CLASSROOM-BASED ASSESSMENTS Classroom-based assessments (CBAs) and classroom-based performance assessments (CBPAs) are now being used to make sure students are getting key skills and knowledge in social studies, arts and health/fitness. Classroom-based assessments are built from the state’s learning standards. State curriculum specialists create tasks and questions that model good assessments and provide these to local school districts. As their name suggests, these assessments are given in the classroom by a teacher. To report: Please click on the hyperlink for the mandatory reporting form, optional survey, and/or optional reporting information. Social Studies Social Studies CBA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form for 2008-2009 Optional Survey for Social Studies Optional Reporting Information for Social Studies The Arts Arts CBPA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form (dance, music, theatre, visual arts) for 2008-2009 Optional Survey for The Arts Optional Reporting Information for The Arts Health and Fitness Health and Fitness CBA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form for 2008-2009 Optional Survey for Health and Fitness Optional Reporting Information for Health and Fitness
DRAFT October 2007 Online Reporting Form for CBAs Social Studies Social Studies CBA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form for 2008-2009 Optional Survey for Social Studies Optional Reporting Information for Social Studies The Arts Arts CBPA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form (dance, music, theatre, visual arts) for 2008-2009 Optional Survey for The Arts Optional Reporting Information for The Arts Health and Fitness Health and Fitness CBA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form for 2008-2009 Optional Survey for Health and Fitness Optional Reporting Information for Health and Fitness Mandatory
DRAFT October 2007 Online Reporting Form for CBAs Social Studies Social Studies CBA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form for 2008-2009 Optional Survey for Social Studies Optional Reporting Information for Social Studies The Arts Arts CBPA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form (dance, music, theatre, visual arts) for 2008-2009 Optional Survey for The Arts Optional Reporting Information for The Arts Health and Fitness Health and Fitness CBA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form for 2008-2009 Optional Survey for Health and Fitness Optional Reporting Information for Health and Fitness
DRAFT October 2007 Online Reporting Form for CBAsHealth and Fitness CBA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form for 2008-2009 214 201
Fitness Classroom-Based Assessments DRAFT October 2007 Online Reporting Form for CBAsHealth and Fitness CBA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form for 2008-2009 184 174
DRAFT October 2007 Online Reporting Form for CBAsHealth and Fitness CBA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form for 2008-2009 87 87
Fitness Classroom-Based Assessments DRAFT October 2007 Online Reporting Form for CBAsHealth and Fitness CBA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form for 2008-2009 125 118
Fitness Classroom-Based Assessments DRAFT October 2007 Online Reporting Form for CBAsHealth and Fitness CBA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form for 2008-2009 149 136
Fitness Classroom-Based Assessments DRAFT October 2007 Online Reporting Form for CBAsHealth and Fitness CBA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form for 2008-2009 278 272
DRAFT October 2007 Online Reporting Form for CBAs Social Studies Social Studies CBA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form for 2008-2009 Optional Survey for Social Studies Optional Reporting Information for Social Studies The Arts Arts CBPA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form (dance, music, theatre, visual arts) for 2008-2009 Optional Survey for The Arts Optional Reporting Information for The Arts Health and Fitness Health and Fitness CBA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form for 2008-2009 Optional Survey for Health and Fitness Optional Reporting Information for Health and Fitness
DRAFT October 2007 Online Reporting Form for CBAs Optional Survey for Health and Fitness
DRAFT October 2007 Online Reporting Form for CBAs Social Studies Social Studies CBA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form for 2008-2009 Optional Survey for Social Studies Optional Reporting Information for Social Studies The Arts Arts CBPA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form (dance, music, theatre, visual arts) for 2008-2009 Optional Survey for The Arts Optional Reporting Information for The Arts Health and Fitness Health and Fitness CBA Mandatory Verification Reporting Form for 2008-2009 Optional Survey for Health and Fitness Optional Reporting Information for Health and Fitness
DRAFT October 2007 Online Reporting Form for CBAsOptional Reporting Information for Health and Fitness Fitness Classroom-Based Assessment Classroom-Based Assessment Implemented: Fitness Plan for Pat, Grade 8 Classroom-Based Assessment Implemented: Fitness Performance Assessments Assessment administered: (Circle) • Fitness Gram • President’s Challenge • OSPI Fitness Performance Assessment • Other: Explain Health Classroom-Based Assessments Classroom-Based Assessment Implemented: Assessment administered: Sara’s Story, Grade 8
DRAFT October 2007 Online Reporting Form for CBAs Lisa Rakoz Program Supervisor Health and Fitness 360-725-4977 TTY 360-664-3631 lisa.rakoz@k12.wa.us