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Prime area: Personal, Social and Emotional development (Incl. RE, PSHE & SEAL)

Reception: Term 6. Decreasing focus : Prime areas. Prime area: Communication and Language. L isten attentively and respond with relevant comments and questions. Give attention to what others say and respond appropriately. Ask and answer questions about a story or an experience.

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Prime area: Personal, Social and Emotional development (Incl. RE, PSHE & SEAL)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reception: Term 6 Decreasing focus: Prime areas • Prime area: Communication and Language. • Listen attentively and respond with relevant comments and questions. • Give attention to what others say and respond appropriately. • Ask and answer questions about a story or an experience. • Express themselves effectively showing awareness of others. • Develop own stories by connecting several ideas. • Be able explain their ideas about what they have made or built. • To use correct tenses when talking about going to different places. • Prime area: Personal, Social and Emotional development (Incl. RE, PSHE & SEAL) • Participate confidently during a class assembly for parents and the rest of the school. • Talk about their ideas and choose resources they need to complete an activity. • Continue to use the Choosing Wheel and say why they prefer one activity more than another. • Talk about behaviour and consequences and work together as a class, in groups and in pairs. • Express themselves effectively and show awareness of others. Connect ideas when giving explanations. • Create special places inside and outside. Respond to the natural world. Read the Creation story (RE). • ‘Changes’ (SEAL) Coping with change. Understand dangers and how to keep safe. (PSHCE) • Take part in a range of activities during Healthy schools week Increasing focus: Specific areas • Prime area: Physical development. • Move confidently with control and coordination and safely negotiate space. • Begin to learn simple team games and participate in School sports day. • Handle PE equipment with confidence and increasing levels of skill during team games. • Use tools such as scissors, staplers and hole punches during design and making activities. • Use pencils effectively when drawing and writing. • Understand the importance of exercise and healthy eating. • Discuss potential dangers and understand how to keep oneself safe in different situations. Topic: ‘Going Places’ Plus continuous provision both inside and out. • Specific area: Mathematics. • Add and subject single digit numbers using different strategies such as number lines to count on and back. • Begin to apply different strategies to problem solving activities. • Continue to develop the language of time by talking about o’clock times. What’s the time Mr Gumpy activity. • Coin recognition and addition and subtracting using money. • Continue to develop concepts of position and direction. • Continue to develop understanding of halving and doubling and apply this in practical situations and problem solving activities. • Use mathematical language to describe characteristics. • Specific area: Literacy. • Continue to develop use of phonics and recall of tricky words when reading. Read with increasing fluency and expression. • Reply to a letter sent by Mr Gumpy using phonic knowledge to write words and form simple sentences. • Write a list of what you need to take on holiday to France • Produce correctly formed letters consistently. • Contribute to a class non-fiction book an two contrasting environments: India and the North pole. • Create imaginative stories about where a magic bubble. • Read and respond to Mr Gumpy stories and a range of books about transport and other related themes/topics. • Specific area: Expressive arts and design. • Enjoy joining in with musical activities and singing. • Learn new songs about ways of travelling. • Explore using musical instruments to accompany stories. • Continue to develop ability to produce recognisable representations of events, people and objects with increasing amount of detail. • Produce artwork using warm and cold colours that have been mixed. • Use a range of different materials and techniques to produce models of vehicles. • Make Mr Gumpy out of pipe cleaners and make a set of clothes for him to wear out of felt • Create a seaside role play area. • Specific area: Understanding the world. • Talk about different places and how to get there. • Look at non fiction books and find out more about different countries and ways to travel. • Take part in International week and learn about life in France. • Visit Weston-Super-Mare by coach. • Make simple observations and talk about why certain things occur e.g. floating and sinking. • Make a whole class non –fiction book about two contrasting places: India and the North Pole. • Develop ability to use a variety of simple programmes on the computer to support learning. • Programme Beebots to move in different directions.

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