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Future Outlook. on Innovative and Sustainable Water Quality Monitoring. Orionweg 28 8938 AH Leeuwarden (NL) T 058-2675010 M 06-22538992. Artificial Intelligence (Expert System) in Sensor Technology. Knowledge Engineering to customize Process Control Systems.
Future Outlook on Innovative and Sustainable Water Quality Monitoring Orionweg 28 8938 AH Leeuwarden (NL) T 058-2675010 M 06-22538992 Artificial Intelligence (Expert System) in Sensor Technology Knowledge Engineering to customize Process Control Systems Inferential Modelling on Clusters of a-specific Sensors
A good Idea comes from our genius or by fortune …, but it’s Value comes from the Process Knowledge which is able to changes it into a Competitive Benefit (g.m.) Main Topics … • Anova & D3 Advices Joint • Main Technologies (Data Mining/ Self-Learning) • Main Competences (How we work) • Conscious Monitoring • Customized Water Quality Monitoring System • Water Supply • Wastewater Treatments • Food and Dairy Industry • Fish Farming
A good Idea comes from our genius or by fortune …, but it’s Value comes from the Process Knowledge which is able to changes it into a Competitive Benefit (g.m.) Main Technologies 1. Data Mining 1.1 – Analyzing Data Methods (Multivariate Analysis) 1.2 – Data Inferentiation and Validation 1.3 – Data Integration and Fusion 2. Knowledge Engineering (Artificial Intelligence Tech) 2.1 – Knowledge extraction and Formalization 2.2 – Knowledge Conceptualization and Modeling 2.3 – Knowledge Automation and Machine Learning (Expert Systems) 3. Information Technology and Communication (ITC) 3.1 – Microsoft.Net Framework / Prototyping Software Tools 3.2 – Firmware/Middleware 4. Electronic Device and Microchip Implementation 4.1 – Artificial Intelligence in electronic device 4.2 – Smart Metering – Intelligent Cluster Sensing 4.3 – Wireless Communication Device
Sampler Transmitter Cleaning System Junction Box Not conditioned signal A/D Signal Z Knowledge Model Y Sensor d h X Data Mining/Self-Learning …
Main Competences • Smart Sensing and Early Warning Monitoring • Real-Time ITC & Remote Control Systems • Artificial Intelligence in Electronic Tech • Business Intelligence • Water &Wastewater Processes &Technologies • Environmental & Agri-Food Process Control • Water Saving & Renewable Energy
A good Idea comes from our genius or by fortune …, but it’s Value comes from the Process Knowledge which is able to changes it into a Competitive Benefit (g.m.) How we Work… • Problem Specification (Goal) • User’s Requirement Specification • Background Analysis – Knowledge Domain Definition • “State of the Art” Analysis • Info/Data Collection/Acquisition • Theoretical Analysis/Simulation (Idea, Design) • Data Mining/Knowledge Extraction • Knowledge Engineering - Knowledge Modelling • System Basic Analysis & Design • System Functional Requirement Specification • Experimental Prototype (Prototype) • System Sw Implementation • Hw/Sw Component Acquisition (Do or Buy) • System Integration & Lab Prototyping • System Testing & Validation (in Lab) • Deployment • Final System re-Design and Implementation • System Integration and Delivery Testing • On-Site Installation, Starting-up & Tuning • On-line System Assistance & Following-up Service
Conscious Monitoring … Anova supplies Multi-Sensors Learning & Self-Diagnostic Device to create a customized Intelligent System for Water Quality Monitoring • to be able to on-line measure intangibles parameters or complex and important indicators by not specific measurements like pH, ORP, Temp., Conductivity, Turbidity, UV and so on. • to collect and deploy data acquired and make a logical fusion in a Knowledge Modeling, to timely detect an early-warning or real-time fault diagnosis and remediation (Knowledge Base eXtraction from data acquisition system and human expertise) • to get data acquisition system on-line self-learning from real multivariate process working events (extreme variability of the process effluents), without continuous and expensive Lab sampling and analysis METADATA DIAGNOSIS & TroubleShooting DATA-INPUT
Knowledge Base Color Index Probe/Sensors Organic Index IDQ Quality Index Applicable Flux IDT Tractability Index Fouling Index IDF Filtration Index Permeate Loss Remote Control Expert Node Flux Loss Customized Water Quality Monitoring System … Anova supplies solutions of Artificial Intelligence embedded into cluster sensor technology for “Early-Warning” monitoring and real-time distributed process control
A good Idea comes from our genius or by fortune …, but it’s Value comes from the Process Knowledge which is able to changes it into a Competitive Benefit (g.m.) Water Supply … On-line Detection of Contamination Critical Events A water quality assessment requires of a countless of specific chemical-physical parameters to be properly detected, all of them on samples by off-line laboratory instrumentation. To cope with difficulty to field on-line instrumentation with the ability to detect, identify and measure most individual contaminants species at the level of concentration of concern, the presence and location of contaminants must be inferred from measurements of other sustainable parameters. It is possible that the general class of contaminants might be inferred with a-specific parameters by a macro-indicator like WQDi (Water Quality Dynamic Index), so we have the follow list of some of sustainable probes: • pH, Temperature • Turbidity • Conductibility • OD (Dissolved Oxygen) • ORP (Reduction Oxidation Potential) • UV-Vis (Spectrometer for Multi-Parameter Measurem.: COD, TSS, etc.) • etc.
A good Idea comes from our genius or by fortune …, but it’s Value comes from the Process Knowledge which is able to changes it into a Competitive Benefit (g.m.) Wastewaters Treatment … On-line detection of “Early Warning” to minimize the exposure of the public to contaminated water and its effects The wastewater contamination problem is very different from the problem of contamination of water supply. Moreover about wastewater quality monitoring, there is not a standard guidance for the best selection and sitting of instruments in that typical hazardous environment. Same as water supply, it is possible that the general class of contaminants might be inferred with a-specific parameters by a macro-indicator like WPRi (Water Pollution Rate Index), so we have the follow list of sustainable probes: • pH, Temperature • Turbidity • Conductibility • OD (Dissolved Oxygen) • ORP (Reduction Oxidation Potential) • UV-Vis (Spectrometer for Multi-Parameter Measurem.: COD, TSS, etc.) • etc.
A good Idea comes from our genius or by fortune …, but it’s Value comes from the Process Knowledge which is able to changes it into a Competitive Benefit (g.m.) Food and Dairy Industry … On-line Monitoring to Improve Environmental Performance The dairy industry handles large volumes of milk and the major waste material from processing is the water. The water removed from the milk can contain considerable amounts of organic milk products and minerals. The dairy industry has come under increasing pressure to improve its environmental performance. Environmental effects on water: - River Oxygen Level and BOD5, sewage Fungus, Colour and Turbidity, Nitrogen and Phosphorus, pH, Temperature, Gaseous Emissions, Dust/Odours, Visual Effects.
A good Idea comes from our genius or by fortune …, but it’s Value comes from the Process Knowledge which is able to changes it into a Competitive Benefit (g.m.) Fish Farming … On-line Detection of Fish’s health and growth The major water quality factors that are important in freshwater aquaculture system and methods to monitor are that water quality determines not only how well fish will grow in an aquaculture operation, but whether or not they survive. Fish influence water quality through process like nitrogen metabolism and respiration. Knowledge of testing procedures and interpretation of results are important to the fish farmer. Some water quality factors are more likely to be involved with fish losses such as dissolved oxygen, temperature and ammonia. Others, such as pH, alkalinity, hardness and clarity affect fish, but usually are not directly toxic. Each water quality factors interacts with and influences other parameters, sometimes in complex ways. What me be toxic and cause mortalities in one situation, can be harmless in another.
A good Idea comes from our genius or by fortune …, but it’s Value comes from the Process Knowledge which is able to changes it into a Competitive Benefit (g.m.) Thanks …