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Comparing, Ordering, and Rounding Numbers Guide

Learn the rules for comparing, ordering, and rounding numbers, including decimals. See how to line up digits, compare place values, and round numbers effectively. Practice for a better understanding!

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Comparing, Ordering, and Rounding Numbers Guide

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Presentation Transcript

  1. COMPARING, ORDERING AND ROUNDING NUMBERS When comparing, ordering or rounding numbers, you follow the same rules as with whole numbers.

  2. When comparing or ordering numbers, you must line up the digits by their place or decimal point. • The number with the largest place value is the largest number • If they have the same lead place then you must look at the digit to determine the value. • The number with the higher digit in the same lead place is the larger number • If the digits are the same you must go to the next set of digits that are lined up and continue to do so until you can compare two different digits. • *COMPARING DECIMALS AND WHOLE NUMBERS IS DONE IN THE SAME WAY • *WHOLE NUMBERS WITHOUT DECIMALS HAVE DECIMALS AT THE END AND ZEROS CAN BE ADDED AT THE END FOR PLACE HOLDERS. COMPARING & ORDERING


  4. To place them in order, make sure to use the same steps as when comparing starting on the left and moving right if needed. Ordering Decimals

  5. Once you compare the numbers, take all of the numbers and order them from least to greatest. If two numbers are equal, only write it once.

  6. < > > = LEAST TO GREATEST: 0.35; 0.38; 0.4; 0.5; 2.07; 2.7; 25.5

  7. When rounding a number to a specific place, the number to the right of that digit determines if it goes up or stays the same. • Write all the digits in the number before the digit you are rounding, then • Underline the digit/place you are rounding and • Look to the digit to the right (circle it)—this digit is boss! • If the boss digit is “5 or more raise the score, 4 or less let it rest”. • This means if the number is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 the digit in the place you are rounding goes up to the next digit. If the number to the right is 4, 3, 2, 1 or 0 it stays the same digit it already is. • All the digits after the one you are rounding become zeroes. • Any zeroes at the end of a decimal can be dropped—they are place holders. ROUNDING




  11. Rounding Practice

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