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Enhancing Coastal Resilience: University-Based Sea Grant Extension Activities

The Sea Grant Extension Network provides state-of-the-art knowledge for management and policy decisions. Acting as a catalyst, it fosters information exchange and partnerships across government, academia, industry, and citizens. The program engages in research, outreach, and education activities, forming collaborations with various stakeholders to address coastal challenges. Through projects like sustainable aquaculture, marine education, and environmental leadership, it promotes sustainability and resilience. By developing case studies, graduate programs, and educational initiatives, Sea Grant contributes to coastal community well-being and environmental stewardship.

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Enhancing Coastal Resilience: University-Based Sea Grant Extension Activities

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  1. Results Sea Grant Extension Activities Communications Research Extension

  2. Outreach activities conducted by university-based educational programs that seek to apply knowledge and understanding gained through research to aid individuals and groups Based on the Land Grant Program paradigm What is Sea Grant Extension?

  3. Sea Grant Extension Network

  4. What We Do • Provide state-of-the-art knowledge for management & policy decisions • Serve as a link between government, academia, industry and citizens

  5. What We Do • Serve as a “catalyst” and pathway for two-way information exchange • Develop synergy and results through partnerships

  6. Individual Agents Local Institutional NOAA Strategic Plan National SG Strategic Plan Focus Areas National Priorities Researchers Advisory Boards Community/User Groups Partners Personal Strategic Plan University of Hawaii SG Strategic Plan Annual Work Plans (Goals, Objectives And Activities) University of Hawaii SG Biennial Proposal Measurable Accomplishments

  7. Where We Work

  8. How Do We Do It Form partnerships with: • SOEST/UH System • NOAA and other Federal agencies • Local government (Counties and State of Hawaii) • NGOs • Local communities

  9. Core SG 6.0 FTE Partners 15.3 FTE Extension FTE

  10. Extension Support Summary FY 2003 -2007

  11. Extension Educational Backgrounds Ph.D. 8 M.S./M.A. 11 B.S./B.A. 6

  12. Centers of Excellence Models • Center for Smart Building and Community Design (extant and functioning) • Sustainable Aquaculture (in development; Kevin Hopkins, UH Hilo) • Island Community Resiliency and Climate Policy (in development; Chip Fletcher) • Marine Education (in development; Kanesa Duncan) • Environmental Leadership in Coastal Tourism (to be developed)

  13. Sustainability Case Studies • Drs. Fred MacKenzie and Michael Guidry • Three topics: water & climate, energy, coastal resources • Published in hardbound print, digital and online versions • Water and climate case study was converted into online content for a secondary level public charter school (Myron B. Thompson Academy) and formed the basis of online GES environmental course • Energy case study: ready for publication • Coastal resources case study: in development

  14. Hawaiian Language Newspaper Translation Project • Translations of fisheries-related news articles from Hawaiian language newspapers • Develop a scholarly publication • Invaluable archive of information from the past that could inform fishery resource managers and policy decision-makers

  15. Graduate Trainee Program • Sea Grant-funded Research Assistantship • Provide opportunities for SOEST/UH graduate students to carry out their research under Sea Grant Researcher mentorship • ~ 16 students per biennial cycle • Author two Ka Pili Kai articles • Education outreach requirement (40 hr/yr)

  16. Public Presentations at Hanauma Bay • November is reserved for Sea Grant graduate student talks • Mechanism for disseminating SOEST/UH research to the public • Opportunity for students to gain education outreach experience

  17. What is Next? • Waikiki: An Aquarium Without Walls project • Partnership with NOAA Sanctuaries Program, Waikiki Aquarium, Harold K. L. Castle Foundation, Waikiki Improvement Association • Purpose: Use beach replenishment as a tool for coral reef restoration and conservation

  18. What is Next? • Maunalua Bay Outreach project • Partnership with Malama Maunalua, Pacific Marine Life Foundation, Harold K. L. Castle Foundation • Purpose: To increase public awareness and understanding of coastal ecosystems in Maunalua Bay

  19. What is Next? • Establishing a Sea Grant Coastal Processes/Hazards Mitigation position • Partnership with Kauai County • To provide technical support to planning office on coastal zone planning and management

  20. Mahalo nui loa!

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