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Stars. Colleen May 13, 2003. The closest star to the Earth, is Alpha Centauri. Alpha Centauri is actually a pair of yellow stars. Most stars have “families.” Whether it is twins, triplets, or larger!.
Stars • Colleen • May 13, 2003
The closest star to the Earth, is Alpha Centauri. Alpha Centauri is actually a pair of yellow stars. Most stars have “families.” Whether it is twins, triplets, or larger!
Sirius is the brightest star, with a magnitude of -1.42. The second brightest star is Canopus with a magnitude of -.72. Alpha Centauri is the third brightest star with a magnitude of -.06.
After Alpha Centauri the next brightest star is Arcturus with a magnitude of -.06. Then Vega has a magnitude of .03. Next is Capella. It has a magnitude of .09.
Then, after Capella is Rigel. Rigel has a magnitude of .15. With a magnitude of .35, Procyon follows closely behind.
The 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th brightest stars are-Beta Centauri~.61, Betelgeuse~.69, Altair~.79, and Adebaran~.86. Numbers 14 and 15 are Arux .87, and Antares, .89.
Spica has a magnitude of .96. Spica is the 16th brightest star. Then comes Fumalhuat. It is the 18th brightest star with a magnitude of 1.16. The next brightest star is Pollux. It has a magnitude of 1.13.
After Fomalhaut is Deneb, Becrux, and Regulus. They have magnitudes of 1.25, 1.28, 1.35~ Regulus is the 21nd brightest star. Still, there are MANY more stars that are MUCH dimmer.
Here are the constellations in English…Altar, Adromeda, Archer, Arrow, Berenice’s hair, big dog, Bird of Paradise, Bull, Cassiopeia, Cephews, Chameleon, Charioteer, Chisel, Clock, Crab, Crane, Crow, cup, Diuiders, Dove, Dragon, Eagle, Easel, Eridanus, Fishes, Fly, Flying Fish, Furnace, Giraffe…
Goat, Great Bear, Hare, Hercules, Herdsman, Hunting Dogs, Hydra, Hydrus, Indian, Lion, Lizard, Lynx, Microscope, Net, Northern Crown, octant, Orion, Peacock, Pegasus, Perseus, Phoenix, Pump, Ram, Scale, Scorpion, Sculptor, Serpent Holder, Serpent’s head, e
Serpent’s Tail, Sextant, Shield, Ship’s compass, Ship’s keel, Ship’s sail, Ship’s Stern, Southern Cross, Southern Triangle, Square, Swan, Swordfish, Table mountian, Telescope, Toucan, Triangle, Twin, Unicorn, Virgin, Water, Camier, Whale and Wolf.
About White Dwarfs A spoonful of White dwarf material would weigh as much as a fully grown elephant! A white dwarf star is approximately the size of the Earth.
Star Birth In places between the stars there are clouds of gas and dust. This is called nebulae. When gravity pulls the densest parts of a nebulae into balls of gas, stars are born. As the gas ball grows it gets very hot at its center, and nuclear reactions start. Those reactions give out light and heat, which is what makes the gas ball a true star.
There are about 2000 stars visible to the naked eye on a clear night. In a a city you’ll only be able to see a few dozen because of all the street lights. Those are the brighter stars.
I really enjoyed doing this project, and I hope you like it too. I hope that you learned at least a little bit about the stars, and all the other projects. I want to thank you for reading my project!! ~Colleen~
Dictionary Family of stars-Stars that are really close to another star or more. Alpha Centauri- Closest star to the Sun. Sirius-The brightest star. White Dwarf- A type of star Nebulae- Clouds of gas and dust between stars.