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A Window on Cosmic Birth:. Exploring our Origins with the SIRTF and NGST Space Missions Judith L. Pipher University of Rochester. Searching for Origins. How did galaxies form in the early universe? How were galaxies different at early times? When did galaxies first appear?
A Window on Cosmic Birth: Exploring our Origins with the SIRTF and NGST Space Missions Judith L. Pipher University of Rochester
Searching for Origins • How did galaxies form in the early universe? • How were galaxies different at early times? • When did galaxies first appear? • How do galaxies evolve? • Do galaxy collisions play a role? • What are galaxy luminosity sources? As evolve? • How and when do stars (and planets) form? AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
Big Themes Big Space Experiments - IR • SIRTF - Space InfraRed Telescope Facility • cold, 0.85-m telescope; 7/02 launch • cameras 3 - 8 mm; spectrometers 5 - 40 mm; photometers 24, 70, 160 mm; lo-res spectrometer 52-99 mm • NGST - Next Generation Space Telescope • cold, 8-m telescope, planned for /08 launch • successor to the Hubble Space Telescope AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
Why Infrared - IR? • Cool objects radiate in the infrared • lmax T-1 Wien’s blackbody law(e.g. T=100K, lmax =30 mm = 30,000 nm) • Dusty clouds (= stellar nurseries) redden & extinguish light from forming objects • extinction factor e-tl, where tl l-n where n =12 • Distant galaxies recede from us • recession speed dependent on the distance • red-shift z = Dl/l shifts galaxy emission to red, IR (e.g. Ha 656.3 nm 4.6mm at z=6) AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
Why Space? • Earth and its atmosphere bright in the IR • T ~280K blackbody peaks at l~10 mm = 10000 nm • Atmosphere blocks out much of the IR • from l = 0.8 mm - 1000 mm = 1 mm • Atmosphere makes point-like objects fuzzy • “seeing” - atmospheric motion distorts image • space experiments can be diffraction limited (q ~ l/D where D = telescope diameter) AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
SIRTF and NGST Detector Array Development • SIRTF’s Infrared Array Camera using InSb arrays developed at UR • 256 x 256 pixels; 5’ field of view • NGST - detector array selection in 2002 • 8Kx8K focal plane, diffraction limited at 2 mm • UR working on NGST detector technologies • SIRTF and NGST Scientific Requirement • all instruments to be background limited - this requirement means ultra-low dark current, ultra-low noise IR detector arrays AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
SIRTF Background(# of detected photons/s-pix vs ) • Fluctuations in background radiation are noise source • for l = 1-5mm, read noise < 10 e- and dark current < 1 e-/s • for NGST - noise < 3 e- and dark current < 0.005 e-/s AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
SIRTF - A Window onCosmic Birth SIRTF will be considerably more sensitive at wavelengths between 3 and 200 m than previous IR missions, primary science goals Origins themes • The Early Universe • Ultra-luminous IR galaxies - ULIRG • Proto-planetary disks • Brown Dwarf stars AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
The Early Universe • All objects in HDF - Hubble Deep Field - are galaxies • Small, faint red objects the most distant (z 3.4) • SIRTF, NGST will study in IR to higher z (earlier times in the universe) AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
The Early Universe (HST)Composite Visible and IR View • Blue = visible • Green = 1.1 mm (1100 nm) • Red = 1600 nm • Red objects could be distant, or dusty, or contain old stars • need spectroscopy or other method to identify redshift z = l/Dl AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
NGST - Visiting a Time When Galaxies Were Young NGST primary science goals (large, diffraction limited IR telescope - q ~ 0.05”) A Search for Galaxy Origins • HST - Hubble Deep Field (galaxies that formed a few by after Big Bang) • NGST - will probe the era between that probed by COBE (300,000 - 106 yr after Big Bang and the era probed by HST • to identify when galaxies form, state of universe AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
Faint, Red Distant Galaxies • Investigators have produced UV-NIR images of a faint galaxy. NIR signature identifies it as distant, red-shifted galaxy: expands upon “Lyman drop-out galaxy” technique exploited on HST AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
Nearby Dwarf Galaxies • Nature of objects contributing to the faint blue galaxy counts unknown • Irregular, peculiar galaxies in composite colors (HST) formed at similar rates at higher z - but faint • Bright blue = episode of star formation AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
Galaxies asCosmological Tools • Studies of galaxies probe cosmology in several ways • galaxies at z 1 have significant ‘look-back time’ - or early age (0.4 current age) • quasars & luminous galaxies observed to redshifts z ~ 6 • space density as function of z • star formation rates as function of z, morphological galaxy type • important to study distribution of average and dwarf galaxies to higher z • need contributions to extragalactic background AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
Mapping Dark Matter at High z with Gravitational Lensing • HST image of massive galaxy cluster A2218: can deduce Mgal+halo • NGST simulations of lensed features for broad distribution of galaxies to z ~ 10, with evolution applied, and size-dependence with z deduce core size of cluster mass dist’n AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
Starburst Galaxies • luminous nearby galaxies have bursts of massive star formation taking place - NGC 4214 • during starburst epoch(s) galaxy luminosity can be 100-1000 x Milky Way luminosity • starburst triggers? AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
Starburst Activity Quantified • Star formation rate a function of z (age) normalized to the present epoch • HST observations suggest steep rise in starburst soon after the Big Bang; ground-based observations show decline • HST, SIRTF, NGST probe the peak and early times AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
Ultraluminous Galaxies • Some galaxies are ULIRG - ultraluminous infrared galaxies - 1000 x luminosity of Milky Way galaxy • Many of these are examples of multiple colliding systems • Relation to starbursts? AGNs? AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
The Early UniverseVisible and Deep X-Ray View • 6 galaxies in the HDF N are X-ray emitters • one, an extremely red edge-on spiral, hosts AGN (Active Galactic Nucleus with accretion disk, 109 M black hole) • AGN • 3 ellipticals • 1 spiral • X-ray sources: AGN; hot gas emission; X-ray binary AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
Formation of Stars • Well established that stars form in GMCs (giant molecular clouds), and that formation of a disk and high velocity outflows a signature • yields important information on cloud support; how angular momentum conserved as protostars shrink • Stars blow away disk as evolve to main sequence • If star forms planetary system, onset of debris disk AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
Disks and Jets • HH111 shows pair of 12 ly jets blasted from system of 3 stars located near a tilted edge-on dusty torus, episodic ejections • NGST will image in close to the central YSO - both SIRTF and NGST can extend sample to nearby galaxies AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
Debris and Proto-planetary Disks • IRAS discovered that ordinary stars had disks emitting in the far IR • Many examples studied with a coronograph from the ground - most famous example, Pictoris • Early solar system had disk (proto-planetary disks) • New studies (HST, ground) show resonant gaps • SIRTF will FIR images and spectroscopy of debris disks (structure, mass, composition); NGST can exploit superior sensitivity and spatial resolution AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
Debris Disk b Pictoris Note resonant cleared gap - major planet Debris andProtoplanetary Disks AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
Brown Dwarfs • Importance of low mass “failed stars” as halo constituents in our own Milky Way Galaxy, and in clusters within our Galaxy unknown • Gliese 229B best known methane dwarf example - few dozen now known • L dwarfs - objects T <2000K; few hundred known • Spectra dominated by molecular bands • SIRTF surveys & spectroscopy; NGST surveys - contribution to mass budget AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
Brown Dwarfs in Orion • Swarm of Newborn Brown Dwarfs found in Orion stellar nursery AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting
Conclusion • SIRTF and then NGST will take us back to the early times when galaxies formed, and will address • range in z that formation took place; AGN, starburst phases in galaxy evolution; pin down cosmological parameters • bottom-up or top-down scenario for star formation in galaxies; mass function of galaxies • SIRTF and NGST will define the history of planetary systems around other stars AAPT/APS Joint Fall Meeting