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Explore the Reception Curriculum, Transition Days, a typical Reception Day, and how we support learning through building essential skills and character development. Get ready to join an enriching learning environment!
Programme: • A look at the Reception Curriculum. • Arrangements for transition days in June and start in September • A look at a typical Reception Day • How we will support you and your child as they start school and how we would like you to help us
In Reception, we deliver ‘The Early Years curriculum’. This consists 7 areas of learning. • Personal, Social and Emotional Development • Physical Development • Communication and Language • Literacy • Mathematics • Understanding the World • Expressive Arts and Design Through these your child will learn new skills, acquire new knowledge and learn to demonstrate their understanding.
Building Learning Power In Reception we focus a lot on our readiness to learn. In order to learn new things we need to have a foundation of skills. These learning skills, keep us motivated and help us to over come any challenges that we face. We help the children understand these skills by linking them to our 4 Building Learning Characters. Tortoise – Teaches us to be resilient and persevere, he never gives up! Octopus – Teaches us to be resourceful with where to find help for our learning. Bee – Teaches us about reciprocity, working together as a team. Owl – Teaches us to reflect on our learning,
We send home these topic webs at the start of each term. These are displayed at the annexe, sent home and uploaded onto the website too.
Literacy and Maths We will hold a meeting about Reception English and Maths in the Autumn Term. This will provide you with information about what we cover, how we cover it and how you can best support your child. We will inform you of when this meeting will be held in the first few weeks of the Autumn Term.
Reception Booklet Welcome to Reception Wellesbourne CE Primary and Nursery School Please share this book with your child. It introduces some of the routines, the learning environment and grown-ups they will see in preparation for when they join us in September.
Classroom visits Your child has been invited to come and visit us in the classroom later this month (Tuesday 18th June or Thursday 20th June). Please check your pack for this letter, it tells you which day your child has been allocated to visit. During their 1:30-2:30pm visit - they will have the opportunity to: • interact with other children and make new friends • become familiar with the school environment • meet some of the grown-ups who work in Reception • share a story
Class Organisation Following classroom visits, children will be divided into two classes. ROW RP Mrs Owen (Monday –Wednesday) Miss Perry Mrs Wigglesworth (Wednesday-Friday)
Class Organisation Children will be based in their own classes for some teaching, such as phonics, maths and literacy. They will also spend some time learning and playing together as a whole group inside and outside. You will be notified of your child’s class, teacher and date/time for their first day in mid-July.
School Dates Please find enclosed in your packs a copy of the school term dates for 2019-2020. The days highlighted in yellow, are inset days set by Warwickshire County Council, where the school is closed to children. There will be a further 3 inset days set by the school and you will be notified of these early in the new term.
Starting in September We operate a 3 day intake system, where we stagger the children starting school. On Wednesday 4th September the first group of about 10 children will be invited into school at 9.15am. On Thursday 5th September the first group of 10 children arrive at school for 8.50am and then at 9.15am the second group of children will be invited into school. On Friday 6th September the first and second groups of children arrive at school for 8.50am and then at 9.15am the third and last group of children will be invited into school. On Monday 9th September doors open at 8.50am for all children.
Settling In Hopefully your child will come in happily! Some children may be tearful at first, however they are soon happily immersed in activities. Please phone the office for reassurance if you need to. There is a daily diary put up outside each class, that tells you what the children have been learning that day as well as any notices.
Holiday Tasks . Please find the above sheet and ‘holiday treasures’ task included in your packs. These are for you to help your child complete during the summer. They can then share these with us when they start in September and we will put them up so your child has something familiar in their new classroom.
Daily Routines Morning The school bell is at 8:50 a.m. and children are welcomed at their classroom door by their teacher. Please provide a water bottle and a book bagEVERY DAYas children are encouraged to drink water throughout the day. The children do not need backpacks (and we are limited on space!) A fruit snack is provided every morning along with a carton of milk. You can continue to buy into the milk scheme once your child is 5 years old. HOT LUNCH is in the hall. Afternoon School finishes at 3:10pm. Children will be released directly to their adult onto the playground – please smile and wave at us (and be patient) whilst we get to know your faces too! Please inform us of any changes for pick up by providing a WRITTEN NOTE in the book bag or hand a written note to the adult at the door.
A Typical Day in Reception This is the timetable of a typical day in Reception. When the children start in September we will build up to following this timetable in the first few weeks.
General practicalities • Lunchtime menus on the newsletter - please discuss at home and choose together (red, green or orange) • Sign up to Parentmail to receive bi-weekly newsletters and any updates. • Sign up for parent pay as all payments require this system • PLEASE REMEMBER TO NAME EVERYTHING(including hats, gloves, wellies, water bottles)
Uniform There is a range of uniform and equipment for you to look at this evening.Meet the ‘Friends of Wellesbourne’
Help Me Get The Best StartIn Reception. Can I do these things independently? • Dress and undress myself, including putting on my coat, shoes and school jumper. • Manage my own toileting needs. • Use a knife and fork at meal times. • Take turns and share. • Follow simple instructions. • Communicate my feelings. • Speak in sentences, pronouncing my speech sounds accurately. • Listen in a small group and take turns when talking. • Persevere if something is a bit tricky. • Be willing to try new things. • Ask questions and make links. • Enjoy sharing stories and rhymes and talk about what I see and hear. • Recognise my own name. • Count to 10 and recognise some numbers up to 10.
A Learning Partnership For children to have the best experience in Reception, it is so important for us to work together to build an accurate picture of each child and what their next steps in learning will be. Therefore throughout the year we really value your support, input and involvement. This will be in the form of: Hearing your child read Sending in a note or photo of any new achievements Answering questionnaires e.g. about their use of technology at home Commenting on how they get on with home learning tasks.
Please ensure you have completed the form with your child’s information on.We will be contacting all their pre-school settings soon.
New Reception Parent Meeting If you want to look back over all the information from this meeting, a copy of this power point is available on the school’s website. http://www.wellesbourneceprimary.co.uk/
Thanks for coming! We look forward to welcoming your child into Wellesbourne CE Primary and Nursery School for their exciting first year.