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Toward Physics TDR. Barrel Muon week, Bologna, 9-12 April 2003. CCS (Computing&Core Software) schedule 2003-2005 - Computing TDR (due 2004) - Physics TDR (2005) - Post-DAQ TDR activity ‘Data challenges’ - Analysis groups and Physics TDR. CCS schedule.
Toward Physics TDR Barrel Muon week, Bologna, 9-12 April 2003 • CCS (Computing&Core Software) schedule 2003-2005 • - Computing TDR (due 2004) • - Physics TDR (2005) • - Post-DAQ TDR activity • ‘Data challenges’ • - Analysis groups and Physics TDR 10/04/03
CCS schedule • 2003 • June Switch from CMSIM to OSCAR • July Start full-scale 5 month production of GEANT4 events • Sept Baseline software for DC04 / C-TDR / Physics TDR • 2004 • April DC04 complete • April First Draft C-TDR • Oct Computing-TDR Submission • 2005 • April DC05 complete (LCG-3 validation) • Dec Physics-TDR Submission • 2006 • April DC06 complete (ready for real data) “data challenges” 10/04/03
CCS schedule (detailed 2003-2004) CMSIM OSCAR development of first “full off-line” analyses (i.e. beyond HLT) on predefined benchmark channels 10/04/03
Post DAQ TDR activity • After completion of DAQ TDR (Dec.2002), main emphasis this year will be on: • switch to GEANT4 simulation, reproducing/improving in OSCAR+ORCA • (full C++) chain the known HLT results from CMSIM + ORCA • - by- products: • - new Detector Description Database (DDD) system • - refine sub-detectors geometries (when needed) • [ e.g. for BMU: • - insert proper staging between f-SL • - insert chimneys • - include “+ve” “-ve” chamber • readout ] • have consistent ORCA code between • MC and TestBeam data analysis environment MB2.2.4 (courtesy of M.Benettoni) 10/04/03
Post DAQ TDR activity • develop first full off-line analyses down to O(10-5-10-7) Hz rate on • few relevant benchmark signals HLT outpupt, di-mu stream ( 3 Hz) Low lumi (DAQ TDR, ch.15) H WW 2m2n (see M.Zanetti’s talk) - significant training/test of the software + computing system 10/04/03
Post DAQ TDR activity • Current choises for full analyses within PRS/mu: • - H ZZ* 4m • 2-mu topologies: • - H WW 2m2n (=> - challenging for background rejection; • - hot channel in the early days of LHC ) • - Z ’ 2m in the 1-2 TeV region (=> - challenging for pT resolution; • - impact of alignment; • - showering muons ....) • These will likely to go in the “Volume 1” of thePhysics TDR • (=> devoted to detector response, reconstruction of physics objects, • calibrations, detector parameterization), under responsability of PRS groups • => benchmark for any “fast/parametrized” simulation/reconstruction • “Volume 2”: High-level analyses, like Higgs, Supersymmetry, Exotic physics, etc. • => “physics reach”of CMS , scan of models’ parameters space.... • (responsability of new analyses groups) next slide...
SM Higgs searches H WW 2l2n H ZZ* 4l Compare Tevatron: 140 GeV Run II A Luminosity They are here 10/04/03
“Data challenge” preparation • In Febr.’04, CMS will perform its first significant “Data Challenge” (DC04) • i.e. large scale test of computing and analysis model: • Inject into the system a “sustained data-taking rate of 25 Hz at luminosity 2 1033 • for 1 month” ( =>50 107 events), filter and analize them down to “physics plots” • (+ calibration/alignment activity...) • prepare 50 M ev datasample (=> pre-data challange phase, MC production 10 times larger than for DAQ TDR; huge effort, GEANT4 training on big MC simulation (timing, crashes,...), Grid training, ect...): it will last 6 months, 2nd half of 2003 • finalize HLT code for “Tier0” operations (50 M ev will be at HLT output) • use the 50 M ev for preliminary Physics TDR analysis (this will last presumably all 2004, after the DC04 itself) see Silvia’s talk for PRS/mu details 10/04/03
Analisys groups New “analysis groups”: Convenor 1. Heavy Ions Bolek Wyslouch (MIT) 2. Higgs Sasha Nikitenko (IC) 3. Standard Model Joachim Mnich (Aachen) 4. SUSY/other Beyond the SM Luc Pape (CERN) First meetings during next CPT week (5-9 May) New CPT week layout to allocate time for the new groups 10/04/03
New CPT layout: (see: http: //cmsdoc.cern.ch/cms/PRS/www/CPTweek_PRS_schedule.html ) Start Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8.30 Tracker Muons b/tau CPT Plenary CPT Plenary Break Break Session 1 Session 3 10.30 Higgs SUSY and Beyond SM 14:00 ECAL HCAL PRS Steering e/gamma JetMET Committee CPT Plenary CPT Plenary Break Break Break Session 2 Session 4 16:30 Standard Heavy Ions CPT JTB Model (Joint Technical Board) This time (5-8 May): Physics Workshop on Thursday 8th May (whole day) 10/04/03
CMS Physics workshop CERN, 8th May 2003 Higgs Physics/Symmetry breaking Overview of CMS results and current work (15') Sasha Nikitenko 10:15Higgs to sparticles and Higgs in cascade decays (25') Filip Moortgat 10:45 Higgs in SM and MSSM (I) (30') Michael Spira 11:15Higgs in SM and MSSM (II) (30') Abdelhak Djouadi 11:45 WW scattering (30') Ezio Maina SUSY and other beyond SM Overview of CMS results and current work on SUSY (25')Alessia Tricomi 14:25SUSY benchmarks (25') John Ellis 14:50 Comparison of SUSY generators (25') Sabine Kraml 15:15Extra Dimensions and black holes (25') Gian Giudice 15:40Radions (20') Daniele Dominici Standard Model Overview of CMS results and current work (25') Michael Dittmar 16:55Top quark, electroweak physics etc (TBC) (30') Michelangelo Mangano 17:25QCD (TBC) (30')James Stirling Heavy Ions High-Pt probes in Heavy-Ion Collisions (30')Urs Wiedemann