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The Greatest Male Stars of All Time. Clark Gable 克拉克蓋博 Humphrey Bogart 亨佛利鮑嘉 Cary Grant 卡萊葛倫 Gary Cooper 賈利古柏 Robert Taylor 勞勃泰勒 Gregory Peck 葛雷哥萊畢克 Charlton Heston 卻爾登希斯頓 Henry Fonda 亨利方達. Montgomery Clift 蒙哥馬利克里夫特 Richard Burton 李察波頓 James Stewart 詹姆斯史都華
The Greatest Male Stars of All Time Clark Gable 克拉克蓋博 Humphrey Bogart 亨佛利鮑嘉 Cary Grant 卡萊葛倫 Gary Cooper 賈利古柏 Robert Taylor 勞勃泰勒 Gregory Peck葛雷哥萊畢克 Charlton Heston 卻爾登希斯頓 Henry Fonda亨利方達 Montgomery Clift蒙哥馬利克里夫特 Richard Burton 李察波頓 James Stewart 詹姆斯史都華 Burt Lancaster 畢蘭卡斯特 John Wayne 約翰韋恩 Kirk Douglas 寇克道格拉斯 William Holden 威廉荷頓 James Dean 詹姆斯狄恩 ------------------
克拉克蓋博 Clark Gable 1901—1960 Cadiz, Ohio, USA William Clark Gable (February 1, 1901 – November 16, 1960) was an Academy Award-winning American film actor and the biggest box office star of the early sound film era. In 1999, the American Film Institute named Gable among the Greatest Male Stars of All Time, ranking at No. 7.-----------------
克拉克.蓋博是好萊塢第一個獲得來自全美洲影迷自由票選出的正式的電影皇帝,選票高達二百萬之多。他能稱霸影壇,主要得力於千萬女影迷的支持,他充滿性感魅力的鬍子和帶著邪氣大男人味的微笑,幾乎是讓全天下女性無法抗拒的利器。而他的銀幕戲劇生涯也和他的5段婚姻和數不清的情婦脫離不了關係。克拉克.蓋博的演藝生涯初期並不順遂,常在一些二流影片中跑龍套,但他總是能把握每次演出機會,盡力做出最佳表現。真正讓他大紅大紫的影片是一部低成本的浪漫喜劇《一夜風流》(It Happened One Night),之後在《亂世佳人》(Gone with the Wind)中演出白瑞德讓他獲得真正的成功和掌聲。一生風流倜儻的他還在拍攝《亂世佳人》的空檔和他最後的真愛女演員卡洛琳.白((Carole Lombard)開車到好萊塢300哩外的小鎮註冊結婚。正當他沉醉在真正的愛情歸宿中,珍珠港事變爆發,他愛國的妻子回到故鄉印第安那州參加愛國公債推銷、演說和演講,卻在搭機趕回家和蓋博相聚時,飛機失事。自此之後他性情大變,蓋博決定從軍報國,完成愛妻遺志。他於1960年因心臟病發去世,遺作為與瑪麗蓮夢露合演的(Marilyn Monroe)《亂點鴛鴦譜》(The Misfits)。 主要作品: 《一夜風流》 (IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT)(1934),第七屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳男主角。 《叛艦喋血記》 (MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY)(1935),第八屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳男主角提名。 《亂世佳人》 (GONE WITH THE WINE)(1939) 第十二屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳男主角提名。 《紅色的塵土》 (RED DUST)(1932) 《亂點鴛鴦譜》 《不合時宜的人》 (THE MISFITS)(1961)------------
A Free Soul (1931) - Clark Gable, Norma Shearer Gone with the Wind (1939) - Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh The Misfits (1961) - Clark Gable
亨佛利鮑嘉 Humphrey DeForest Bogart (December 25, 1899 – January 14, 1957) was an iconic American actor of legendary fame who retained his legacy after death. In 1999, the American Film Institute named Bogart the Greatest Male Star of All Time. Playing primarily smart, playful and reckless characters anchored by an inner moral code while surrounded by a corrupt world, Bogart's most notable films include Angels with Dirty Faces (1938), The Maltese Falcon (1941), Casablanca (1942), To Have and Have Not (1944), The Big Sleep (1946), The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948), Key Largo (1948), In a Lonely Place (1950), The African Queen (1951) (for which he won an Academy Award for Best Actor), The Caine Mutiny (1954), and We're No Angels (1955). Altogether, he appeared in 75 feature motion pictures. --------------
Sabrina (1954) - Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart, Billy Wilder
卡萊葛倫 Cary Grant (January 18, 1904 – November 29, 1986 Cary Grant, was an British film actor. With his distinctive Mid-Atlantic accent, he was noted as perhaps the foremost exemplar of the debonair leading man, handsome, witty and charming. He was named the second Greatest Male Star of All Time of American cinema by the American Film Institute. THE PRIDE AND THE PASSION/氣壯山河 TO CATCH A THIFE/捉賊記 CHARADE/謎中謎 ---------
Holiday (1938) – Katharine Hepburn An Affair to Remember (1957) - Deborah Kerr, Cary Grant The Philadelphia Story (1940) - James Stewart, Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant Notorious (1946) - Ingrid Bergman
Gary Cooper 賈利古柏May 7, 1901 – May 13, 1961) two-time Academy Award-winning American film actor of English heritage. His career spanned from the 1920s until the year of his death, and saw him make one hundred films. He was renowned for his quiet, understated acting style and his stoic, individualistic, emotionally restrained, but at times intense screen persona, which was particularly well suited for the many Westerns he made. Cooper received five Oscar nominations for Best Actor, winning twice. He also received an Honorary Award from the Academy in 1961. In 1999, the American Film Institute named Cooper among the Greatest Male Stars of All Time, ranking at No. 11.-------------------------
Love in the afternoon Audrey Hepburn, Gary Cooper
Highmoon with Grace Kelly For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943) - Ingrid Bergman, Gary Cooper "Academy Awards: 30th Annual," Gary Cooper. 1958.
Robert Taylor勞勃泰勒 (August 5, 1911, Filley, Nebraska - June 8, 1969, Santa Monica, California), was an American actor. Born Spangler Arlington Brough (homonym of "brew") he made his first film appearance in 1934. Early in his career, he was known as "the man with the perfect profile." One of his first major films was Camille (1936), playing opposite Greta Garbo. Clean cut and strikingly handsome with wavy dark hair and blue eyes he was an instant heart-throb from his first film appearance. In later life, he made many television appearances, notably in the 1959 series, The Detectives Starring Robert Taylor.----------------
葛雷哥萊畢克Gregory Peck (April 5, 1916 – June 12, 2003) was an Oscar-winning American film actor. He was one of 20th Century Pictures most popular film stars, from the 1940s to the 1960s, and played important roles well into the 1990s. He is most well-known for his portrayal of Atticus Finch in the film version of To Kill a Mockingbird, for which he won an Academy Award. He was honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his lifetime humanitarian efforts.[1] In 1999, the American Film Institute named Peck among the Greatest Male Stars of All Time, ranking at No. 12. ROMAN HOLIDAY/羅馬假期 THE SNOWS OF KILIMANJARO/雪山盟 THE BIG COUNTRY/錦繡大地 ---------------------
ROMAN HOLIDAY with Audrey Hepburn
卻爾登希斯頓 Charlton Heston Charlton Heston (born John Charles Carter on October 4, 1923) is an iconic Academy Award-winning American film actor, best known for playing larger-than-life heroic roles such as Moses in The Ten Commandments and Judah Ben-Hur in Ben-Hur. He has been long involved in political issues and was president of the National Rifle Association in the years 1998 to 2003. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS/十誡 DIAMOND HEAD/春夢了無痕 Ben Hur/賓漢 Midway/中途島 =
BEN-HUR Charlton Heston, Charlton Heston,
Planet of the Apes (1968) - Charlton Heston, Linda Harrison Midway (1976) - Charlton Heston, Edward Albert Charlton Heston, Robert Wagner, Henry Fonda, James Coburn
Henry Fonda亨利方達 Henry Jaynes Fonda (May 16, 1905 – August 12, 1982) was a highly acclaimed Academy Award-winning American film actor, best known for his roles as plain-speaking idealists. Fonda's subtle, naturalistic acting style preceded by many years the popularization of method acting. Fonda's career gained momentum after his Academy Award-nominated performance in 1940's The Grapes of Wrath, an adaptation of John Steinbeck's novel about an Oklahoma family who moved west during the Dust Bowl. He was the patriarch of a family of famous actors, including daughter Jane Fonda, son Peter Fonda, granddaughter Bridget Fonda, and grandson Troy Garity. In 1999, he was named the sixth Greatest Male Star of All Time by the American Film Institute.------------------ The Grapes of Wrath 12 Angry Men Once Upon a Time in the West ON GOLDEN POND
THE WRONG MAN Midway (1976 WAR AND PEACE 12angrymen
Montgomery Clift 蒙哥馬利克里夫特 Edward Montgomery Clift (October 17, 1920 - July 23, 1966) was an American actor known by the stage name of Montgomery Clift. During the 1940s through the 1950s, he was often cited as being the equal of Marlon Brando and would have achieved greater iconic status were it not for his personal problems and selectivity with roles. From Here to Eternity/亂世忠魂 Judgment at Nuremberg/紐倫堡大審 Raintree County/戰國佳人 The Young Lions/百戰雄獅
A place in the sum, Elizabeth Taylor I Confess (1953) - Montgomery Clift Raintree County (1957), Elizabeth Taylor
Richard Burton 李察波頓 Richard Burton CBE (November 10, 1925 – August 5, 1984) was a Welsh actor. He is often considered to be one of the greatest actors of all time and at one time was the highest-paid actor in Hollywood. Known for his immaculate vocal style, he was nominated 7 times for Best Actor Oscars. ----------------------
Cleopatra (1963) Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton
James Stewart 詹姆斯史都華 (May 20, 1908 – July 2, 1997) was an iconic, demy Award-winning American film and stage actor, best known for his self-effacing screen persona. Over the course of his career, he starred in many films widely considered classics and was nominated for five Oscars, winning one in competition and one life achievement. Stewart's career gained momentum after his well-received Frank Capra films, including his Academy Award nominated role in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Stewart left his mark on a wide range of film genres. He won many of the industry's highest honors and earned Lifetime Achievement awards from every major film organization. He died in 1997, leaving behind a legacy of classic performance, and is considered one of the finest actors of the "Golden Age of Hollywood." He was named the third Greatest Male Star of All Time by the American Film Institute. -- The Philadelphia Story Anatomy of a Murder Harvey It's a Wonderful Life Mr. Smith Goes to Washington VERTIGO/迷魂記 REAR WINDOW/後窗
Vertigo (1958) - James Stewart, Kim Novak Rear Window (1954) - Grace Kelly, James Stewart
Burt Lancaster畢蘭卡斯特(November 2, 1913 – October 20, 1994) was an Oscar-winning American film actor. He was born Burton Stephen Lancaster in New York City to James Henry Lancaster (a postman) and Elizabeth Roberts, both of whom were the children of Irish Protestant immigrants. -------
John Wayne約翰韋恩(May 26, 1907 – June 11, 1979), born Marion Robert Morrison, popularly known as "Blackula," was an iconic, Academy Award winning, American film actor whose career began in silent movies in the 1920s. He was a major star from the 1940s to the 1970s. He is famous for his distinctive voice and walk. He featured heavily in Westerns and World War II epics, but he also made a wide range of films from various genres, biographies, romantic comedies, police dramas, and more. He epitomized a rugged individualistic masculinity, and has become an enduring American icon. In 1999, the American Film Institute named Wayne among the Greatest Male Stars of All Time, ranking at No. 13. A Harris Poll released in 2007 placed Wayne at No. 3 among America's favorite film stars, the only deceased star on the list and the only one who had appeared on every year's version of the poll. ------
寇克道格拉斯Kirk Douglas (December 9, 1916) is an American actor and film producer known for his gravelly voice and his recurring roles as the kinds of characters Douglas himself once described as "sons of bitches". He is also father to Hollywood actor and producer Michael Douglas. He came in at #17 on AFI's list of the greatest male American screen legends of all time and is one of two living actors on the list (Sidney Poitier being the other). Douglas played an important role in breaking the Hollywood blacklist by publicly opposing Stanley Kubrick's intention to take credit for the screenplay of Spartacus, which had been adapted from Howard Fast's novel by the blacklisted Dalton Trumbo. ----
William Holden威廉荷頓 (April 17, 1918 – ca. November 12, 1981) was an Academy Award-winning American film actor. He was named one of the "Top 10 stars of the year" six times (1954-1958, 1961) and appeared on the American Film Institute's AFI's 100 Years... 100 Stars list as #25. ----
James Dean詹姆斯狄恩 James Byron Dean (February 8, 1931 – September 30, 1955) was an American film actor. Dean's mainstream status as a cultural icon is best embodied in the title of his most cited role in Rebel Without a Cause. His enduring fame and popularity rests on only three films, his entire starring output. He was the first person to receive a posthumous Academy Award nomination for Best Actor and remains the only person to have two such nominations posthumously