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Dive deep into various data types including primitive, string, and array types. Learn their implementations, operations, and solutions to common problems in C++ and Java languages.
ASSOCIATIVE ARRAYS • RECORD TYPES • UNION TYPES • POINTER/REFERENCE TYPES • Fundamental Operations • Problems • Memory Leak • Dangling Pointer • C++ • Java • Solutions to Pointer Problems • Tombstone • Heap Management • Reference Counter • Garbage Collection • PRIMITIVE DATA TYPES • Integer • Floating Point • Decimal • Boolean • Character • STRINGS • Character Array • Class • String Length • Static • Limited Dynamic • Dynamic • ENUMERATION TYPES • - C++ • - Fortran • - Java • SUBRANGE TYPES • ARRAYS • Indexing • Flavors • Static • Fixed Stack Dynamic • Stack Dynamic • Fixed Heap-Dynamic • Heap Dynamic • Initalization • Operations (APL) • Rectangular/Jagged • Implementation • Single Dimensional • Multi Dimensional LECTURE OUTLINE FOR: CHAPTER 6 DATA TYPES
C++ Weak Typing to Display Integer int main(void) { int theInt = 42; char* theBytes = &theInt; cout << “int is: “ << theInt << endl; cout << “byte values: “ << ((int) (unsigned char)) theBytes[0] << “ “ << ((int) (unsigned char)) theBytes[1] << “ “ << ((int) (unsigned char)) theBytes[2] << “ “ << ((int) (unsigned char)) theBytes[3] << “ “ << endl; }
C++ Weak Typing to Display Integer Hexadecimal int main(void) { int theInt = 42; char* theBytes = &theInt; cout << “int is: “ << theInt << endl; cout << “byte values: “ << hex << ((int) (unsigned char)) theBytes[0] << “ “ << hex << ((int) (unsigned char)) theBytes[1] << “ “ << hex << ((int) (unsigned char)) theBytes[2] << “ “ << hex << ((int) (unsigned char)) theBytes[3] << “ “ << endl; }
C++ Program to Write/Read IntegerUsing Text Files int main(void) { int theInt = 12345678; ofstream out; out.open(“temp.txt”); out << theInt << endl; out.close(); } int main(void) { int theInt; ifstream in; in.open(“temp.txt”); in >> theInt; in.close(); . . . }
C++ Program to Write/Read IntegerUsing Binary Files int main(void) { int theInt = 12345678; ofstream out; out.open(“temp.bin”, ios::binary); out << theInt << endl; out.close(); } int main(void) { int theInt; ifstream in; in.open(“temp.bin”, ios::binary); in >> theInt; in.close(); . . . }
Interest Calculation Using Floating Point Data Type #include <iostream> usingnamespace std; int main(void) { // Credit card balance double balance = 10.10; double interest = 0.1; // Formatting cout.precision(30); cout << showpoint; // Output cout << "Balance is:\t " << balance << endl; cout << "Interest is:\t " << interest << endl; cout << "New balance is:\t " << (balance * (1 + interest)) << endl; }
Interest Calculation Using Decimal Data TypeVC++ .NET #include "stdafx.h" #using <mscorlib.dll> usingnamespace System; int _tmain() { // Credit card balance Decimal balance = 10.10; Decimal interest = 0.1; // Output Console::WriteLine("Balance is:\t {0}",balance.ToString("F30")); Console::WriteLine("Interest is:\t {0}",interest.ToString("F30")); Console::WriteLine("New Balance is:\t {0}",(balance * (1 + interest)).ToString("F30")); return 0; }
String Concatenation Problem String* s = new String(); s = s.Concat(s,new String( “<html>”)); s = s.Concat(s,new String( “<body>”)); s = s.Concat(s,new String( “<ul>”)); s = s.Concat(s,new String( “<li> Item One”)); s = s.Concat(s,new String( “<li> Item Two”)); ... s = s.Concat(s,new String( “</ul>”)); s = s.Concat(s,new String( “</body>”)); s = s.Concat(s,new String( “</html>”));
UNICODE LAYOUT Basic Plane Figure 1: Figure 1: Unicode encoding layout for the BMP (Plane 0)
Enumeration Types (C++ Example enum day {Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun}; // Set day of week day d = Mon; switch (d) { case Mon: cout << “More sleep!” << endl; break; case Tue: cout << “Close to the hump!” << endl; break; case Wed: cout << “Hump day!” << endl; break; case Thu: cout << “Over the hump!” << endl; break; case Fri: cout << “Yipee! “ << endl; break; case Sat: cout << “Sweet weekend.” << endl; break; case Sun: cout << “Rats, almost Monday.” << endl; break; } // Set day of week int d = 0; switch (d) { case 0: cout << “More sleep!” << endl; break; case 1: cout << “Close to the hump!” << endl; break; case 2: cout << “Hump day!” << endl; break; case 3: cout << “Over the hump!” << endl; break; case 4: cout << “Yipee! “ << endl; break; case 5: cout << “Sweet weekend.” << endl; break; case 6: cout << “Rats, almost Monday.” << endl; break; }
Program in Disk Virtual Memory
Computing Address of Element In Multidimensional Array
#!/usr/bin/env perl## Welcome to Perl!## To run this program type: ## perl AssociativeArrayExample.pl## If the program works... then you've installed# perl correctly!#print "Initializing associative array...\n";%salaries = ("Gary" => 75000, "Perry" => 57000, "Mary" => 55750, "Cedric" => 47850);print "Perry's salary is: $salaries{'Perry'}\n";# Iterate and print the key - value pairsprint "Dumping the associative array: \n";foreach my $key (keys %salaries) { print " value of $key is $salaries{$key}\n";}print "Deleting Gary from associative array: \n";delete $salaries{"Gary"};print "Checking for the existance of Gary in array: ";if (exists $salaries{"Gary"}){ print "EXISTS!\n";}else { print "DOES NOT EXIST!\n";}print "Dumping the associative array again: \n";foreach my $key (keys %salaries) { print " value of $key is $salaries{$key}\n";}print "Emptying array: \n";%salaries = ();print "Dumping the associative array again: \n";foreach my $key (keys %salaries) { print " value of $key is $salaries{$key}\n";} Perl Program Demonstrating Associative Arrays
C++ UNION TYPES #include <iostream> usingnamespace std; //introduces namespace std int main( void ) { typedefunion _GenericInput { bool theBool; char theChar; int theInt; double theDouble; } GenericInput; GenericInput input0; GenericInput input1; cout << "Enter a character: "; cin >> input0.theChar; cout << "Enter a double: "; cin >> input1.theDouble; // You should not be able to assign these two variables // because they hold different types (char and double) // but the “free union” capability in C,C++ allows this // DANGEROUS!!! input0 = input1; char *byteArray = (char *) &input1; cout << hex << ((int) ((unsignedchar) byteArray[0])) << " " << ((int) ((unsignedchar) byteArray[1])) << " " << ((int) ((unsignedchar) byteArray[2])) << " " << ((int) ((unsignedchar) byteArray[3])) << " " << ((int) ((unsignedchar) byteArray[4])) << " " << ((int) ((unsignedchar) byteArray[5])) << " " << ((int) ((unsignedchar) byteArray[6])) << " " << ((int) ((unsignedchar) byteArray[7])) << endl; cout << "As boolean x[" << input0.theBool << "]" << endl; cout << "As character [" << input0.theChar << "]" << endl; cout << "As integer x[" << input0.theInt << "]" << endl; cout << "As double [" << input0.theDouble << "]" << endl; return 0; } OUTPUT: Enter a character: a Enter a double: 10.2 66 66 66 66 66 66 24 40 As boolean x[66] As character [f] As integer x[66666666] As double [10.2] Press any key to continue