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Cardiovascular System

Cardiovascular System. Anatomy and Physiology Flash Cards. Directions. The first slide asks a question. The second slide answers the question. Use these slides like flash cards to test your core knowledge. Question. What is the location of the heart?. Answer.

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Cardiovascular System

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  1. Cardiovascular System Anatomy and Physiology Flash Cards Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals

  2. Directions • The first slide asks a question. • The second slide answers the question. • Use these slides like flash cards to test your core knowledge. Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals

  3. Question What is the location of the heart? Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals

  4. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals In the mediastinum of the thoracic cavity between the lungs.

  5. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals What is the position of the heart?

  6. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals The heart lies left of the midline; 2/3 on the left,1/3 on the right

  7. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Describe the size of the heart.

  8. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals It weighs approximately one pound and is about the size of a closed fist.

  9. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals What is the lower blunt point of the heart called?

  10. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Apex

  11. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals The heart is contained in a two-layer sac. Please name and describe each layer.

  12. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 1.Pericardium—the inside layer is called visceral pericardium (aka epicardium) and covers the heart like an apple skin. 2.The outside layer is the parietal pericardium and is a loose fitting sac. 3.There is a thin layer of pericardial fluid in between the two, allowing free movement.

  13. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Name the four (4) valves in the heart that prevent the backflow of blood.

  14. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Two AV or atrioventricular valves located between the atria and the ventricles. The right is called the tricuspid valve; the left is called the bicuspid or mitral valve. Two SL or semilunar valves located between the two ventricular chambers and the large arteries that carry the blood away from the heart. The right is the pulmonary semilunar valve; the left is the aortic semilunar valve.

  15. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals The two upper chambers of the heart are called ______.

  16. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Atria

  17. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals What is the heart’s average beats per minute?

  18. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 72 beats per minute

  19. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals There are two distinct sounds in every heart beat—lub-dup. What is happening during the first sound, lub?

  20. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Closing of the AV valves during contraction of the ventricles.

  21. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals When measuring blood pressure, we hear sounds for diastole and systole. Please indicate which is the top number and which is the bottom number.

  22. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Systole is the top number. Diastole is the bottom number.

  23. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals The second sound heard, the dup, is when the SL valves close and the ventricles are in ______.

  24. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Diastole

  25. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals In systemic circulation, describe the route of the blood to the body from the left ventricle of the heart.

  26. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals LV > AORTA > ARTERIES >ARTERIOLES >CAPILLARIES > VENULES > VEINS > S & I VENA CAVA >RA

  27. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals In what direction do veins and arteries carry blood?

  28. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Veins toward the heart. Arteries away from the heart.

  29. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals How many layers does a capillary have?

  30. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals One

  31. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Name the three layers of the artery and vein from innermost to outermost.

  32. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Tunica intima Tunica media Tunica aventitia

  33. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Which layer is the capillary?

  34. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Tunica intima

  35. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals What happens during pulmonary circulation?

  36. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Gas Exchange. Discharging CO2 and receiving O2.

  37. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals What is the instrument used to read blood pressure?

  38. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Sphygmomanometer

  39. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Blood pressure is read on what artery?

  40. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Brachial

  41. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals List the nine major pulse points.

  42. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals • Temporal • Facial • Carotid • Axillary • Brachial • Radial • Femoral • Popliteal • Dorsalis pedis

  43. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals What is tachycardia?

  44. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Faster than normal heart rate.

  45. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals What is stroke volume?

  46. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals The volume of blood ejected from the ventricles during each beat.

  47. Question What is the cardiac cycle? Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals

  48. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Bone forming cells found on the periosteum.

  49. Question Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Define osteoclasts.

  50. Answer Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals A group of cells that reabsorb bone.

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