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Cleantech Market in Egypt

Cleantech Market in Egypt. The Cleantech Market in Egypt is Led by Declining Price of Solar PV Modules and Government’s Commitment to Improve the Renewable Energy Proportion in its Total Energy Mix: Ken Research.

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Cleantech Market in Egypt

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cleantech Market in Egypt The Cleantech Market in Egypt is Led by Declining Price of Solar PV Modules and Government’s Commitment to Improve the Renewable Energy Proportion in its Total Energy Mix: Ken Research

  2. Stability of Government, Improving Economic Conditions and Reduction in Electricity Subsidy will lead the Growth in Cleantech Energy Segment.

  3. Egypt has setup an ambitious target to generate 20.0% of its energy from renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and others by the end of 2022. From 2011-2013 the development of cleantech energy was halted in Egypt due to political instability in the country. Energy output and consumption has continued to grow at remarkable rates for much of the country. Post recovery from political and economic turmoil in country, the cleantech energy segment received a boost with an addition of large wing farm to improve the contribution of renewable energy in the country. First phase of feed-in-tariff was launched with very attractive price slabs to attract foreign investors.

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