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Integrating Government-Funded & Ratepayer-Funded Fuel Assistance Programs

Integrating Government-Funded & Ratepayer-Funded Fuel Assistance Programs. Roger D. Colton Fisher, Sheehan & Colton Public Finance and General Economics June 2002. Purpose of Notebook. Intended audience : program administrators.

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Integrating Government-Funded & Ratepayer-Funded Fuel Assistance Programs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Integrating Government-Funded & Ratepayer-FundedFuel Assistance Programs Roger D. Colton Fisher, Sheehan & Colton Public Finance and General Economics June 2002

  2. Purpose of Notebook • Intended audience: program administrators. • Intended goal: facilitate integration of cross-cutting programs. • Intended use: active management tool.

  3. Most Asked Policy Questions (#1) • What is a system benefits charge? • Is a move to retail competition a necessary prerequisite to creation of a rate affordability program? • How do I decide how to split funds between rate affordability and weatherization?

  4. Most Asked Policy Questions (#2) • What are the pros and cons of using existing LIHEAP networks to deliver an SBC program? • Is it appropriate to combine LIHEAP with ratepayer funded dollars? • What program goals and objectives do I need to revisit to integrate programs?

  5. Most Asked Policy Questions (#3) • What can a state LIHEAP office contribute to implementing an SBC program? • How do I assess whether to integrate LIHEAP with an SBC program? • Does a LIHEAP office lose control of LIHEAP through integration?

  6. Most Asked Policy Questions (#4) • What can I do if I’m not in a position of strength? • What funding may I permissibly use to pay for participation in SBC discussions? • What materials and info should I present to utilities, regulators, legislators in support of an integrated program?

  7. Most Requested Pieces of Information (#1) • Where might I find local (rather than statewide) information on demographics and/or energy costs? • How do I determine the total number of LI customers in my state by fuel type? • How do I determine an average residential electric bill in my state?

  8. Most Requested Pieces of Information (#2) • How do I determine an average residential natural gas bill in my state? • How do I determine an average fuel oil bill in my state? • How do I determine an average LPG bill in my state? • How do I find current residential energy usage information for my state?

  9. Most Requested Pieces of Information (#3) • How do I find the number of households that live at each range of poverty in my state? • How do I find out what percentage of housing units use each fuel as a primary heating source? • How do I find out how much consumers spend on energy as part of their total household budget for my state?

  10. Most Requested Pieces of Information (#4) • How do I find company-specific information on electric company customers, usage and revenue? • How do I find company-specific information on natural gas company customers, usage and revenue? • How do I find company-specific information company costs such as bad debt, collection costs and arrears in my state?

  11. Most Requested Pieces of Information (#5) • How do I find state-specific information on arrearages and/or utility shutoffs in my state? • How do I find information on utility collection practices in my state? • How do I find information about hot and cold weather for my state? • Where do I find information about the working poor in my state?

  12. Most Requested Pieces of Information (#6) • How do I find out what specific towns or counties are served by specific utilities? • How do I find out what fuel oil and/or LPG dealers serve what specific geographic areas? • Where do I find out what other states have done with respect to SBC programs?

  13. Integration for Specific States (#1) • Funding: Direct dollars of benefit • Oversight: day-to-day program operation, program monitoring, impact and process evaluation, fiscal auditing. • Administration: design and operation.

  14. Integration for Specific States (#2) • Outreach: provision of info and solicitation of participation. • Delivery: interface between customer and program.

  15. Integration Workbook On-line http://www.ncat.org/liheap/colton

  16. For More Information kayj@ncat.org or roger@fsconline.com

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