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Jeopardy. Types. Selecting. Freshness. Preparing. Everything. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $500. Q $500. Q $500. Q $500. Q $500.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Types Selecting Freshness Preparing Everything Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Question from Types Which fruit group type does the water melon fit under?

  3. $100 Answer from Types Melon

  4. $200 Question from Types Which fruit type group has a thick, firm flesh with tender, edible skin?

  5. $200 Answer from Type Pomes

  6. $300 Question from Types Which fruit type group do strawberries fit under?

  7. $300 Answer from Types Berries

  8. $400 Question from Types Which fruit type group consists of fruit that has a thick rind and thin membrane?

  9. $400 Answer from Type Citrus Fruit

  10. $500 Question from Types Which fruit type group does a plum fit under?

  11. $500 Answer from Types Drupes

  12. $100 Question from Selecting How can a fruit’s ripeness be determined?

  13. $100 Answer from Selecting Gently press the skin, ripe fruits will give slightly

  14. $200 Question from Selecting Name a fruit that may experience “regreening”.

  15. $200 Answer from Selecting Orange

  16. $300 Question from Selecting What is it called when a fruit is at it’s fullest size and color?

  17. $300 Answer from Selecting Mature

  18. $400 Question from Selecting A fruit that is at it’s best flavoring is said to be what?

  19. $400 Answer from Selecting Ripe

  20. $500 Question from Selecting What causes regreening?

  21. $500 Answer from Selecting Chlorophyll returning to the skin

  22. $100 Question from Freshness At what stage should fruits be picked?

  23. $100 Answer from Freshness Mature

  24. $200 Question from Freshness Where should a person keep underripe fruit to help it ripen?

  25. $200 Answer from Freshness Keep at room temperature

  26. $300 Question from Freshness Where should bananas be put after they have ripened to stop further ripening?

  27. $300 Answer from Freshness Refrigerator

  28. $400 Question from Freshness What may cause bacteria to grow on fruit?

  29. $400 Answer from Freshness Remaining moisture on washed fruits during storage

  30. $500 Question from Freshness How can a person keep flavors from invading other foods in the refrigerator?

  31. $500 Answer from Freshness Keep fruits and other foods in a covered container in the refrigerator

  32. $100 Question from Preparing What should always be done before eating or using fruits?

  33. $100 Answer from Preparing Wash the fruit first

  34. $200 Question from Preparing How can the waxy coating on fruits be removed?

  35. $200 Answer from Preparing Pare it off

  36. $300 Question from Preparing Why should fruits not be soaked?

  37. $300 Answer from Preparing Causes nutrient loss

  38. $400 Question from Prepating Why should detergents not be used on fruits?

  39. $400 Answer from Preparing It may form harmful compound with the waxy coatings

  40. $500 Question from Preparing What should be put on top of some fruits to reduce the amount of enzymatic browning?

  41. $500 Answer from Preparing Ascorbic Acid

  42. $100 Question from Everything Fruits that are picked too small and have a poor color are said to be what?

  43. $100 Answer from Everything Immature

  44. $200 Question from Everything What is enzymatic browning?

  45. $200 Answer from Everything Darkening of some fruits that occurs when the fruit is exposed to oxygen

  46. $300 Question from Everything When cooking fruit, what 3 things change about the fruit?

  47. $300 Answer from Everything Color, Flavor, and Texture

  48. $400 Question from Everything Name 3 fruits that experience enzymatic browning.

  49. $400 Answer from Everything Apples, Bananas, and Peaches

  50. $500 Question from Everything Where can ascorbic acid be found? 2 sources

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