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Report about MEXART and plans its use as a dedicated IPS system

Report about MEXART and plans its use as a dedicated IPS system. Esmeralda Romero- Hernandez ; Julio Mejia-Ambriz ; J. Americo Gonzalez -Esparza. Institute of Geophysics UNAM. MEXART.

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Report about MEXART and plans its use as a dedicated IPS system

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reportabout MEXART and plansits use as a dedicated IPS system Esmeralda Romero-Hernandez; Julio Mejia-Ambriz; J. AmericoGonzalez-Esparza Institute of Geophysics UNAM

  2. MEXART MEXART islocated in Michoacan, Mexico (19°48’ N 101°41’ W). Itis a radio telescope dedicated to carry out observations of distant radio sources at 140 MHz. The aim is to perform solar wind studies using the Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) technique. ANTENNA. The antenna is a plane array of 64 rows of 64 dipoles (4096 dipoles) aligned in E-W direction, covering 9600 m2. Technical Characteristics Operation frequency: 139.65 MHz Basic element : dipole (λ= 2.15 m) Band width : 2 MHz Time constant: 47 ms Sampling rate: 20 ms Efective area (1/4 of array): 1650 m2. Effective area (full array): 6600 m2. FWHM in E-W direction of beams: 1°

  3. Thisis a transit of somestrongest radio sourcesdetectedby MEXART In thewebsiteyou can see real time transits:

  4. Currentconfiguration of MEXART • Thetechnicalteam moved thehalfantenna (G1 and G2) totheotherhalf (to G3 and G4). Thisprocessgavetheopportunitytocheckand fixtechnicaldetails. • Thetechnicalteambought new amplifierswich are goingtoincreasethesignal-to-noise ratio in a 30 %. • At thismoment, MEXART isoperatingwithonly a quater of the total array, butwe are expectingthat MEXART startsitsoperationwith a half of thearrayonAugust.

  5. A preliminar analysisshowedthatsignal-to-noise ratio has beenincreasesignificantlywiththis new configuration.

  6. In conclusion … • MEXART is in thebeststeptomakeinterplanetaryscintillationobservations. • I willpresentthefirstanalysiswiththis new configuration in AGU.

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