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ORANGE COUNTY DOMESTIC VIOLENCE COMMISSION. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. COMMISSION MEMBERS. Elected officials Community organizations involved in domestic violence services Law enforcement Orange County Corrections University of Central Florida and Orange County Public Schools

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  2. COMMISSION MEMBERS Elected officials Community organizations involved in domestic violence services Law enforcement Orange County Corrections University of Central Florida and Orange County Public Schools Department of Children and Families Community members with expertise
  3. COMMISSION WORKGROUPS 9-1-1 to Arrest Chair, Major Mike McKinley – Orange County Sheriff’s Office Arrest to First Appearance Chair, Carol Wick – Harbor House First Appearance to Charging Chair, Jeff Ashton – State Attorney Office Charging Through Sentencing Chair, Judge Alice Blackwell – Ninth Judicial Circuit Court Post Sentencing Chair, Dr. Jill Hobbs - Orange County Corrections Juvenile Chair, Gerard Glynn - Andreas School of Law
  4. COMMISSION PROCESS Created workgroups to analyze processes in criminal cases of DV Workgroups reached out to the community for additional participants Held a public hearing to solicit input from survivors and others Agreed on extensive and in depth recommendations Suggested agency responsibility for each recommendation
  5. RECOMMENDATIONS Sharing of Information Process Improvement Data Systems Improvement Education Other
  6. SHARING OF INFORMATION No contact orders to be available to law enforcement Ensure victim access to pretrial release information Judges in criminal and civil DV cases to coordinate orders Create a victim information line Ensure Defendants have access to all court orders
  7. PROCESS IMPROVEMENT Review and/or develop call taking guidelines for DV Allow filing of DV injunction and probation violations with Harbor House advocates Provide victims advocates for every survivor in the criminal process/expand Invest Program Improve pretrial diversion program for DV DV programs for jail inmates Juvenile programs for parents or custodians
  8. DATA SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENT Track data on DV in multiple agency systems Develop information line for victims to have access to various agencies Create a clearinghouse for victim information to help engage victims in the criminal process
  9. EDUCATION Regular training for agency personnel who handle DV calls Frequent training for law enforcement Ongoing training for judges, assistant state attorneys, public defenders, and DCF lawyers Information for offenders to be provided in a direct and consumable manner Community education to include the nature of DV and resources available for assistance
  10. ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Separate holding cell for offenders before First Appearance with no telephones Create or retain specialized units in law enforcement, court and State Attorney Develop a Family Justice Center with one-stop resources for domestic violence victims Develop a Batterers’ Intervention Program for children accused of DV and dating violence Integrate schools into juvenile domestic violence assessments and interventions
  11. CHALLENGES Implementation of the recommendations Leadership must continue to bring awareness to issues of Domestic Violence Continue the dialogue among elected officials, agencies, schools and community leaders We must stand united against Domestic Violence in our community
  12. "Any society is judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members; the last, the least, the littlest." Cardinal Roger Mahony (1998)
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