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2012 Annual Enrollment . March 19-30, 2012. Main Message for Employees.
2012 Annual Enrollment March 19-30, 2012
Main Message for Employees • Employees do NOT need to do anything during Annual Enrollment if they are satisfied with the plan in which they are currently enrolled. If they take no action, they will remain on their current plan, along with any covered dependents. • Employees should have received a mailer at the end of February regarding Annual Enrollment. • Annual Enrollment materials are also located on the SHP website • www.shpnc.org
Extended Customer Service Hours • If employees have additional questions about Annual Enrollment or their benefits, they can visit the State Health Plan’s website, or call Customer Service at 888-234-2416. • Customer Service hours for BCBSNC and Benefitfocus have been extended from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. throughout Annual Enrollment, March 19-30, 2012.
What Can Employees do During Annual Enrollment? • During Annual Enrollment, you can: • Enroll in the State Health Plan • Switch between plans • Add or remove dependents without a qualifying life event • Pre-existing condition waiting period may apply to new dependents age 19 and older.
Eligible Dependents • Employees may be asked to provide documentation of their dependent’s eligibility under the State Health Plan. • An eligible dependent of a covered employee includes: • Legal spouse; • Children up to age 26*, including natural, legally adopted, foster children, children for which the employee has legal guardianship and stepchildren of the employee; • Children who are physically or mentally incapacitated, to the extent that they are incapable of earning a living, and such handicap developed or began to develop before the dependent's 26th birthday while they were enrolled on the Plan. *Dependent children must not be eligible for their own or their spouse's employer sponsored health coverage.
2012 Annual Enrollment • Any plan changes made during Annual Enrollment will become effective July 1, 2012. • Once employees choose a benefit plan, they may not elect to switch plans until the next Annual Enrollment period. • The coverage type they select, (for example, employee only), will remain in effect until the next benefit plan year, unless they experience a qualifying life event. • Qualifying life events include changes such as marriage, birth, death and retirement. • For a complete list of qualifying events refer employees to their Benefits Booklet on the Plan’s website at www.shpnc.org
2012 Annual Enrollment • Please remind employees that March 30 is the LAST DAY to make changes unless they experience a qualifying life event. • Employees that make a change during Annual Enrollment can expect to receive new ID cards in June. • ONLY employees who MAKE a CHANGE will receive a new card.
Premium Rate Increase • Effective July 1, 2012, there has been a 5.3% premium rate increase. • There has been no change to copays, deductibles and coinsurance maximums. Please refer employees to the Plan’s website for detailed rate information.
Pharmacy Benefit ChangeMember Pay the Difference • The Plan's Board of Trustees approved a cap on the maximum amount members must pay to cover the difference between brand and generic medications when a generic equivalent is available. • For brand name drugs with a generic equivalent, if the brand name drug is chosen, members must pay the generic copayment plus the difference between the Plan's cost of the brand name drug and the Plan's cost of the generic drug not to exceed $100 per a 30-day supply of the brand medication.
Employees Preparing for Retirement? • Please remind employees preparing for retirement: • Employees that plan to retire effective April 1, 2012, through July 1, 2012, must select a plan for retirement separate and apart from their Annual Enrollment selection. • This must be done electronically through ORBIT, accessible at www.myncretirement.com.
Retired Employees • If retired employees contact you regarding Annual Enrollment, this year we’re offering RETIREES ONLY an enroll by phone option. • If they need assistance with navigating through eBenefitsNow they can call 800-266-9119 for assistance and a customer service representative will walk them through their enrollment selection. • If they do not have access to a computer they may call 800-266-9119 and a customer service representative can complete their election for them over the phone. They will then receive a confirmation letter with their Annual Enrollment election.
Paperless Enrollment • The State Health Plan no longer accepts paper applications. • All paper applications sent to BCBS will be sent back to the HBR • An enrollment form is no longer available on our website.
Questions? • HBR Hotline • 1-800-422-5249 • Visit SHP Website for Information • www.shpnc.org