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Mantar ( Fungi ). Figure 31.1. 100000 tür tanımlanmış 1.5 milyon olduğu düşünülüyor Tek veya çok hücreli Hetetrof Ekosistem için önemli neden?. Reproductive structure. The mushroom produces tiny cells called spores.
Figure 31.1 • 100000 tür tanımlanmış 1.5 milyon olduğu düşünülüyor • Tek veya çok hücreli • Hetetrof • Ekosistem için önemli neden?
Reproductive structure.The mushroom produces tiny cells called spores. Hyphae. The mushroom and its subterranean mycelium are a continuous network of hyphae. Spore-producing structures 20 m Mycelium Figure 31.2 Beslenme, yaşam şekli ve vücüt yapısı • Hetetrof ama hayvanlardan farkı nedir? • Eksoenzim • Parazit, mutualist ve ayrıştırıcı (decomposer) • Hif, miselyum, ve kitin ?
Bazı funguslar • Hif yapısı septa ile bölünmüş hücrelerden oluşur, por yapısı var (hücre-hücre hareket) • Sönositik funguslar • Septa yok, çok Nükleus Cell wall Cell wall Nuclei Pore Septum Nuclei (a) Septate hypha (b) Coenocytic hypha Figure 31.3a, b
Mikorizal Mantar • Hosterium • Karşılıklı alışveriş (fungus-plant mutualistik ilişki) Nematode Hyphae 25 m
Key Heterokaryotic stage Haploid (n) Heterokaryotic (unfused nuclei from different parents) PLASMOGAMY (fusion of cytoplasm) Diploid (2n) KARYOGAMY (fusion of nuclei) Spore-producing structures Zygote SEXUAL REPRODUCTION Spores ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION Mycelium MEIOSIS GERMINATION GERMINATION Spore-producing structures Spores Figure 31.5 Funguslarda Üreme • Eşeyli yada eşeysiz yaşam döngüsünde spor üretirler
Eşeyli üreme • Hücre birleşmesi (fusion), plazmogami • Nuclear fusion, karyogami • Heterokaryon • Plazmogami ile karyogami arasındaki evre; hücrede farklı iki bireyden (ebevyn) gelen haploid nukleus var • Karyogamiden sonra kısa süre diploid faz • Mayoz; n spor
2.5 m Figure 31.6 Eşeysiz üreme • Yaygın üreme şekli • Küf şeklinde çoğu yerde
10 m Parent cell Bud Figure 31.7 • Maya (eşeysiz üreme) • Nemli ortam • Basit hücre bölünmesi (spor yok) • Küf ve mayada eşeyli üreme yok
Fungusun atası sucul, tek hücreli kamçılı protist • Fungus ve Hayvanlar kardeş grup • Mol. çalışmalar hayvan ve mantarların tek hücreli flagellalı ortak atadan geldiğini destekler • Fungusun evrimi cok hucreli organizmaların karaya kolonize olmasından önce olmuştur • Erken karasal bitkilerle simbiyotik ilişki
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Zygote fungi Club fungi Sac fungi Chytrids Zygomycota Ascomycota Basidiomycota Glomeromycota Chytridiomycota Figure 31.9 • Filogeni
25 m Hyphae Flagellum 4 m Figure 31.10 Chytridler • Habitat; su ve nemli toprak (1000 tür) • Ayrıştırıcı yada parazidik • Flagellallı spor olmasıyla eşşiz (zoospor) • Tek yada koloni (hif)
Zygomiset • phylum Zygomycota • Diversity çok fazla • küf, parazit ve kommensal • Seksüel üremede zygosporangium • çevre şartlarına çok dayanıklı • uygun koşullarda mayoz • Rhizopus
Mycelia have various mating types (here designated +, with red nuclei, and , with blue nuclei). 1 Neighboring mycelia of different mating types form hyphal extensions called gametangia, each walled off around several haploid nuclei by a septum. 2 Key Haploid (n) Heterokaryotic (n + n) Diploid 3 A heterokaryoticzygosporangiumforms, containingmultiple haploidnuclei from the twoparents. PLASMOGAMY Rhizopusgrowing on bread Mating type (+) Gametangia with haploid nuclei Mating type () 100 m The spores germinate and grow into new mycelia. 8 Young zygosporangium (heterokaryotic) Mycelia can also reproduce asexually by forming sporangia that produce genetically identical haploid spores. 9 SEXUAL REPRODUCTION Dispersal and germination Sporangia 7 The sporangium disperses genetically diverse, haploid spores. Zygosporangium (heterokaryotic) KARYOGAMY Diploid nuclei 4 Sporangium This cell develops a rough, thick-walled coating that can resist dry environments and other harsh conditions for months. ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION MEIOSIS Dispersal and germination 50 m Mycelium 5 When conditions are favourable, karyogamy occurs, followed by meiosis. The zygosporangium then breaks dormancy, germinating into a short sporangium. 6 Rhizopus Figure 31.12
Figure 31.13 0.5 mm
2.5 m Figure 31.15 Glomeromiset • phylum Glomeromycota • İlk olarak zygomiset olarak düşünüldü • Monofiletik grup • Arbüsküler mikoriza
Askomiset • phylum Ascomycota • Deniz, tatlı su ve toprak • Askuslarda spor(ascocarp) • Spor: Konidiyum • Tek hücreli, çok hücreli • Parazit, mutualist
(a)The cup-shaped ascocarps (fruiting bodies) of Aleuria aurantia give this species its common name: orange peel fungus. (b) The edible ascocarp of Morchella esculenta, the succulent morel, is often found under trees in orchards. 10 m (c)Tuber melanosporum is a truffle, an ascocarp that grows underground and emits strong odors. These ascocarps have been dug up and the middle one sliced open. (d)Neurospora crassa feeds asa mold on bread and other food (SEM). Figure 31.16a–d
Key Neurospora can reproduce sexually by producing specialized hyphae. Conidia of the opposite mating type fuse to these hyphae. Ascomycete mycelia can also reproduce asexually by producing haploid conidia. Conidia;mating type () 1 7 Haploid (n) Dikaryotic (n n) Diploid (2n) Dispersal Germination Matingtype () ASEXUALREPRODUCTION Mycelium PLASMOGAMY A dikaryotic ascus develops. 2 Ascogonium Ascus(dikaryotic) Mycelia Conidiophore Dikaryotichyphae SEXUALREPRODUCTION KARYOGAMY Germination Dispersal Karyogamy occurs within theascus, producing adiploid nucleus. 3 Diploid nucleus(zygote) Eightascospores The developing asci are contained in an ascocarp. The ascospores are discharged forciblyfrom the asci through anopening in the ascocarp. Germinating ascosporesgive rise to new mycelia. Asci 6 Fourhaploidnuclei MEIOSIS Ascocarp The diploid nucleusdivides by meiosis, yieldingfour haploid nuclei. Each haploid nucleus dividesonce by mitosis, yielding eightnuclei. Cell walls develop aroundthe nuclei, forming ascospores (LM). 4 5 • Neurospora Figure 31.17
(b) Maiden veil fungus (Dictyphora), a fungus with an odor like rotting meat (a) Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria), acommon species in conifer forests in the northern hemisphere (d) Puffballs emitting spores Figure 31.18a–d (c) Shelf fungi, important decomposers of wood Basidiomiset • phylum Basidiomycota • Şapkalı mantar, pas mantarı • basidium; mayoz ile spor üreten hücre • Uzun Dikaryotik miselyum faz
A dikaryotic mycelium forms, growing faster then, and ultimately crowding out, the haploid parental mycelia. 2 Two haploid mycelia of different mating typesundergo plasmogamy. 1 Environmental cues such as rain ortemperature changes induce the dikaryoticmycelium to formcompact masses thatdevelop intobasidiocarps(mushrooms, in thiscase). Dikaryoticmycelium 3 PLASMOGAMY In a suitableenvironment, thebasidiospores germinate andgrow intoshort-livedhaploid mycelia. Matingtype () 8 Matingtype () Haploidmycelia Gills linedwith basidia SEXUALREPRODUCTION Basidiocarp(dikaryotic) Dispersalandgermination When mature,the basidiosporesare ejected, fallfrom the cap, andare dispersed bythe wind. 7 Basidiospores Basidia(dikaryotic) Basidium withfour appendages Basidium containingfour haploid nuclei Basidium The basidiocarpgills are lined withterminal dikaryoticcells called basidia. 4 KARYOGAMY MEIOSIS Each diploid nucleus yields four haploid nuclei. Each basidiumgrows four appendages, and one haploid nucleusenters each appendage and develops into a basidiospore (SEM). 6 Key Diploidnuclei Karyogamy in the basidia produces diploidnuclei, which thenundergo meiosis. Haploid (n) 5 Dikaryotic (n n) 1 m Basidiospore Diploid (2n) Figure 31.20
Fungusun ekosistem ve insanlığa etkisi • Ayrıştırıcı (Decomposer) • Simbiont • Fungus-Bitki (mikoriza) • Fungus-Hayvan • Fungus-Alg • Patojen • Yiyecek, ilaç sanayisi • Genetic research
Ayrıştırıcı (Decomposer) • Organik maddeleri parçalar • Selüloz, lignin • C, N döngüsü • İnorganik maddelerin bitkilere sağlanması
EXPERIMENT Researchers grew soybean plants in soil treated with fungicide (poison that kills fungi) to prevent the formation of mycorrhizae in the experimental group. A control group was exposed to fungi that formed mycorrhizae in the soybean plants’ roots. The soybean plant on the left is typical of the experimental group. Its stunted growth is probably due to a phosphorus deficiency. The taller, healthier plant on the right is typical of the control group and has mycorrhizae. CONCLUSION These results indicate that the presence of mycorrhizae benefits a soybean plant and support the hypothesis that mycorrhizae enhance the plant’s ability to take up phosphate and other needed minerals. Figure 31.21 Symbiont (Plant, alg, hayvan) • Mikoriza • ekosistem ve tarım için çok önemli • Bitkide üretimi artırır RESULTS RESULTS
Figure 31.22 Fungus-Hayvan Simbiosis • İnek ve diğer otlanan hayvanlarda sindirime yardımcı • Karınca ve termitler diğer en iyi örnek????
(a) A fruticose (shrub-like) lichen Figure 31.23a–c (b) A foliose (leaf-like) lichen (c) Crustose (crust-like) lichens Likenler • Milyonlarca fotosentetik mikroorganizma veya alg funguslarla yaşar
Ascocarp of fungus Soredia Fungal hyphae Algal layer Algal cell Fungal hyphae Figure 31.24 10 m Liken • Fungus (askomiset) + Alg veya Cyanobacteria
(b) Tar spot fungus on maple leaves (a) Corn smut on corn (c) Ergots on rye Figure 31.25a–c Patojen • 30% genelde parazit (bitkilerde) • Yiyeceklerde insan için toksik olabilir
Staphylococcus Penicillium Zone of inhibited growth Figure 31.26 Diğer kullanımlar • Peynir, alkollu içecek ve ekmek yapımında • Antibiyotik üretiminde • Genetik araştırma