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Training on Eaglesoft for a Paperless Charting. Maritza Trevino August 2, 2009 EDTC 3332- Instructional Technology Practicum. Needs Assessment:. Recently, the Dental Hygiene Clinic acquired computers and a dental software program named, Eaglesoft.
Training on Eaglesoft for a Paperless Charting Maritza Trevino August 2, 2009 EDTC 3332- Instructional Technology Practicum
Needs Assessment: • Recently, the Dental Hygiene Clinic acquired computers and a dental software program named, Eaglesoft. • Eaglesoft has many functions used to perform dental office procedures. Eaglesoft will be used in the dental hygiene clinic for digital radiography, paperless charting, and scheduling appointments. • The clinic is to begin paperless charting in the Fall 2009 semester. Unfortunately, two-thirds of the faculty has insufficient training.
Needs Assessment: • The initial group training the faculty received was insufficient in covering each function available for charting; therefore, a more thorough training is needed. • Lack of training is due to schedule conflicts in the Spring and faculty out during the Summer. • It would be ideal to have everyone trained before Fall semester begins. This training is possible using a web-based training module, so each instructor views the training module from any computer at anytime.
Instructional Goal: • After completing the training, each instructor will be able to create another’s chart and review medical history using Eaglesoft. • After successful training, the instructor will be confident to teach the dental hygiene students how to create a chart in Eaglesoft.
Performance Objectives: • Using the dental software, Eaglesoft, the faculty member will be able to input patient information into the system with 100% accuracy. • Using the medical history template, the learner will review medical history with ease. • Using the special features, alerts and notes, the instructor will provide more detailed information.
Learner Characteristics: • Eaglesoft is new to most of the dental hygiene faculty members. Fortunately, it is user friendly due to all the functions available. • Their will be two to three learners participating in the training module range from age 40 to 63, and education levels from bachelors to masters. • Only one to two of the faculty members have utilized some type of dental software before, but everyone has advanced computer knowledge. • In the creation of the training module, I have to consider that the faculty has some knowledge. I should be informative, but to much details may overwhelm or distract the learner. Each individual learns at a different pace, so individual tutoring may be necessary.
Learning Context: • The training module will include step by step instructions from logging in, imputing patient personal information, reviewing medical history, adding alerts and notes, to logging off. • This training module will be available online, but the assessment will take place in the dental hygiene department. Each instructor has Eaglesoft installed in their office, so I will meet one on one to discuss the module and their performance. • I have selected this method of training due to conflicts in schedule. Half of the faculty members are out for the summer, and can only meet at a certain times. This will greatly benefit everyone.
Instructional Strategies: • Introduction • Converting from paper charting to paperless has not been an easy transition due to conflicting schedules. Now, I have a great solution that will be convenient for every instructor to get the training necessary. I have created a training module viewable online, so each instructor can access any time and place. • The training module will include step by step instructions from logging in, imputing patient’s personal information, reviewing medical history, adding alerts and notes, to logging off. After viewing the training module, the learner will gather another instructor’s chart and perform the duties described in the module. Each learner will contact me via email and I will met with them to discuss the training module and performance. • After completing Eaglesoft training, each instructor will be able to create a fellow instructor’s chart and review medical history with 100% accuracy.
Instructional Strategies: • Patient Information • Log into Patterson. • Create new chart with patient information. • Confirm signatures on Consent and HIPPA forms. • Medical History • Use the medical history template to complete medical history and medications. • Input any allergies or health problems in the “Alerts” tab. • Clarification of medications in the “Notes” tab. Do the medications have any dental implications? • Logging Off • Save all information. • Use the “Exit” tab on the operatory wall. • Use the “Picture frame” tab on the operatory wall to access help.
Instructional Resources: • Computer will be necessary to view training module and create the patient chart. • Internet access is required to access the online web-based training module. • Eaglesoft software installed in computer that the patient chart will be created on. The software has all the necessary functions need to create the chart.
Formative Evaluation: • After successful completion of training, I will use a subject matter and my peer to evaluate my training module. One of my co-workers, whom has the most experience charting in Eaglesoft, will be my subject matter. My other peers will evaluate the ease of the training module, and if they would be interested in continuing training using this method. • The subject matter will evaluate me using her own feedback. The peer evaluation will be conducted using a survey.
Summary • This design is a map for creating my training module and will be of great benefit. • The training module will be a wonderful tool to train faculty now and students in the future. The web-based module is a more attractive and interesting way of learning. • It had been difficult to train everyone in the department due to conflicting schedules. Now, the faculty can receive training to get one step closer in achieving our goal of going paperless in the Fall semester.