All of these resources are just to get you started. No site is perfect in terms of giving you a program idea, telling you exactly what you need, how much it will cost, and the time it takes to execute it. Each one of you is unique and brings something different to the table in terms of programming. Your background and your interests shape what you think will be a good program. What we ask is that you program to your floor and not to your interests; though hopefully the two will overlap in many cases! Floor surveys are an excellent way to ascertain what subjects interest your residents. The key to getting students involved is piquing their interest! • http://www.unk.edu/uploadedFiles/offices/reslife/Programming%20Ideas(2).pdf • http://www.rahelper.com/Programs/Programs_Home.php (there are also door dec and bulletin board ideas) • http://www.reslife.net/html/pwithp.html (look around this site for other good resources) • http://www.residentassistant.com/one/index.php?option=com_jreviews&Itemid=43 (also had additional helpful resources) Programming
Bulletin Boards • Both of these resources are broken up by subject area. Make sure you and your fellow RAs will have unique bulletin boards! For example many people choose to highlight Black History in February; consult with your peers to make sure you don’t have carbon copy bulletin boards. However, you could all work together to highlight different eras in Black History and make it a building theme for the month. Communication and Collaboration are key! • http://wellness.ucsd.edu/RABulletinBoards-NewsletterTips.shtml • http://www.resnet.umd.edu/programs/programresources/bulletinboard/
Ice Breakers • Over 50 ideas for icebreakers. Some of these will work for first floor meetings and others won’t. I’d suggest asking your AC if they have any thoughts on the one you’ve chosen. I’d also ask peers if they would feel silly, uncomfortable, or some other way doing the ones you’re thinking of so you can gauge how your residents may react. • http://www.stcloudstate.edu/reslife/staff/documents/IceBreakers.pdf
Recognition • Sometimes when morale on a floor or in the building is low it is good to recognize residents who are being role models. Also, at times certain students start to feel left out or that their efforts academically or otherwise are being overlooked. These ideas can help! Many of these can also be turned into successful programs. • http://macurh.nacurh.org/documents/NRHH/101_ways.pdf
Tips • Remember many of these are borrowed from different colleges and universities. More than likely something created specifically for the college this idea came from can be adapted for Holy Family. You just need a little creativity! • Many bulletin boards can be turned into successful programs. You just have to think about ways to incorporate the knowledge from the bulletin board into a program residents would want to attend! • I encourage all of you to look over these materials and to use them as guidelines but to not copy them completely. Find new graphics that fit Holy Family and tailor your programming, bulletin boards, and icebreakers to the community in which you are living. • http://www.lothlorien.net/collections/hrl/program/index.html This link has a little bit of all of the above mentioned topics if you are still looking for more!