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STRATEGY 2007-2010. Where do we stand today? Þórunn Reykdal central NOVA coordinator Annual Seminar 6-7 May 2010. Background of NOVA. Established in 1995 A platform for cooperation within teaching and research between N ordic F o restry, V eterinary and A gricultural universities
STRATEGY 2007-2010 Where do we stand today? Þórunn Reykdal central NOVA coordinator Annual Seminar 6-7 May 2010
Background of NOVA • Established in 1995 • A platform for cooperation within teaching and research between Nordic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural universities • 2010: nine member institutions in the five Nordic countries Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
NOVA members Danmark • AU-DJF: University of Aarhus, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (full membership from 2009) • LIFE: University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Life Sciences Finland • HU-AF: University of Helsinki, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry • HU-V: University of Helsinki, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine • UEF-F: University of Eastern Finland, School of Forest Sciences (Former University of Joensuu, membership from 2008) Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
NOVA members Iceland • LBHI: Agricultural University of Iceland Norway • UMB: Norwegian University of Life Sciences • NVH: Norwegian School of Veterinary Science Sweden • SLU: The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
The main task of NOVA To initiate, administer and promote cooperation between the member institutions in education. Nova shall: • Enchance the quality and broaden the scope of teaching • Promote greater resource-efficiency and reduce teaching costs Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
The main task of NOVA cont. • Facilitate collaboration in scientific areas where the resources of member institutions are limited • Deal effectively with ongoing expansions within the field of scientific knowledge and the need for further specialization • Increase the international competitiveness of member institutions • Be a proficient partner for dialogue with relevant sectors Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
Challenges facing NOVA members Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
Strategy 2007 - 2010 External evaluation 2006: • NOVA PhD courses: success • NOVA recommended as an example for other European regions for implementing the Bologna system • Organisational changes • Reduced secretariat • Greater responsibility at institutional level Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
Main aim of NOVA • Create specialized PhD courses of high international standard • Increase course quality, diversity and student mobility within MSc education • MSc includes the professional veterinary degree (DVM, Cand.Med.Vet. and Leg.Vet) Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
Key strategic areas for NOVA Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
NOVA Strategy 2007-2010 • Key targets • Aims for the key strategic areas • Internal cooperation • External cooperation • Funding • Organisation and responsibilities • Action plans 2007-2010 Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
2. Aims for the key strategic areas 2.1. Professional Nordic networks 2007-2010 2.2. Quality PhD courses 2007-2010 2.3. Cooperation within MSc education 2.4. Establishment of policy forum 2.5. NOVA visibility 2.6. The NOVA Student Board (NSB) Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
2. Aims: Professional Nordic networks • NOVA will facilitate and stimulate the establishment and continuation of networks. Annual registrations will be made of NOVA networks with respect to their activities and funding Accomplishments on Networks • Registration in database • Revision of criteria Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
2. Aims: 2. Quality PhD courses • By 2010 institutions in each country (except Iceland) initiate and arrange at least 5 PhD courses per year. A total of 25 NOVA PhD courses should be arranged every year that together attract a total of at least 400 participating students Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
Accomplishment: PhD –courses 2003-2009 Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
2. Aims: 2.3. Cooperation within MSc education 2.3.1. MSc recognition • For the present strategic period each member institution will actively seek, facilitate and encourage mobility opportunities for Nordic MSc students Accomplishments: • On institutional level – local teams • Local Activity Plans • Student mobility Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
Accomplishments: Student mobility – academic years Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
2. Aims: 2.3. Cooperation within MSc education 2.3.2. Intensive MSc courses • Each institution organises two intensive MSc courses per year • At least 20 such courses will be offered annually between the NOVA members • The courses should be arranged during “summer and winter mobility windows” (2 weeks period in Jan & Aug) Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
Accomplishments: Intensive MSc courses - NIMC Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
2. Aims: 2.3. Cooperation within MSc education 2.3.3. Summer and winter mobility windows • Each NOVA member institute should make necessary adjustments so that each MSc student will have at least one opportunity, with no mandatory courses to use a mobility window and take a course at another NOVA institution Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
2. Aims: 2.3. Cooperation within MSc education Mobility windows continued: b) The aim for the strategic period of 2007-2010 is that by 2010 all member faculties/programmes offer two mobility windows to facilitate student exchange Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
Accomplishments on mobility windows • Not working as aimed for • Brought up by many for discussion at this seminar • January window • August window Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
2. Aims: 2.3. Cooperation within MSc education 2.3.4. MSc joint programs • The first three joint Masters Programs; in Aquaculture, Biosystems Engineeringand Urban Forestry & Urban Greening will be fully established and enhance the development of further joint programs. Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
2. Aims: 2.3. Cooperation within MSc education MSc joint programs continued • Initiate at least one more NOVA joint program and by 2010 each member institution should be participating in a new joint program with at least one other member institution Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
Accomplishments on joint MSc programs • Two joint Nordic MSc programs were already established: • Aquaculture and • Biosystems Engineering • Urban Forestry & Urban Greening (UFUG) • development of joint program cancelled 2008/09 Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
Accomplishments on joint MSc programs - Erasmus Mundus II 2008: Three planning grants awarded: • MSc in European Forestry • Food of Life • European Master in Sustainable Aquaculture Planning to start 2010: • Food of Life (LIFE – leading partner) • MSc European Forestry (UEF-F – leading partner) Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
2. Aims: 2.3. Cooperation within MSc education 2.3.5. Joint MSc education • During the strategic period 2007-2010 NOVA will also evaluate the possibilities and obstacles of establishing MSc joint degrees between NOVA members Accomplishments on joint education: Little effort Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
2. Aims: 2.4. Establishment of policy forums • An annual NOVA seminar shall be arranged and shall be used as a forum for discussion of relevant topics that concern member universities. • Specific forums outside of the annual seminar may be supported directly if topics come up that merit further discussion. Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
Accomplishments on policy forums • Annual seminar are held during the spring every year • 2007: Uppsala, Sweden • 2008: Helsinki, Finland • 2009: Oscarsborg, Norway • 2010: Selfoss, Iceland • NOVA Board forum suggested • Support to NSB annual meetings Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
2. Aims: 2.5.NOVA visibility • Responsibility at each institution / the local NOVA teams. • Annual local activity plans that shall include plans for promoting local NOVA visibility • All NOVA local teams make annual activity plans, which are introduced at NOVA Board and KUF. Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
Accomplishment on NOVA visibility • Local Activity Plans registered on NOVA web • Link to NOVA on members homepages: • On front page of five universities • Under “studies” at one university • Not easily found on 2 universities homepages Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
2. Aims: 2.6. NOVA student board (NSB) During the ongoing strategic period the name of the student NOVA organisation was changed from NOVA student forum (NSF) to NOVA student board (NSB): • During the strategic period 2007-2010 NOVA will continue to support NSB in their activities. Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
Accomplishments on NSB • NSB receives annually financial support from NOVA • Participation of students in NOVA administration unchanged • Representative in NOVA Board • Representatives in NOVA KUF • Representative in NOVA EC • Representatives at Annual Seminar Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
3. Internal cooperation 2007-2010 Well functioning internal NOVA networks are essential for the success of NOVA. Therefore, networks that show high quality cooperation shall get the highest priority Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
4. External cooperation 2007-2010 BOVA – The Baltic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural University Network a) During the strategic period 2007-2010 NOVA will prioritise BOVA as a partner for cooperation. NOVA member institutions will receive BOVA students to their courses and will encourage NOVA students to attend BOVA courses. Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
4. External cooperation continued b) During the strategic period of 2007-2010 the establishment of contact between NOVA and BOVA networks will be encouraged. NOVA may be used as extended platform in broader international context, but will not actively seek cooperation opportunities outside the network. Erasmus Mundus Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
Accomplishments on external cooperation • BOVA: partner of cooperation • BOVA students attend NOVA courses, NOVA students not as active to attend BOVA courses • Two Erasmus Mundus programmes 2010 Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
5. Funding 2007-2010 Membership fees Nordplus funding for mobility Maintain and increase support from Nordic Council of Ministers Course organisers encouraged to apply for additional funding Other external funding Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
5. Funding 2007-2010 continued • An aim for the strategic period is to develop and implement a new method for calculating NOVA membership fees. Accomplishment on membership fees Board meeting 46.6. New funding model for membership fees Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
6. Organisation and responsibilities 2007-2010 In appendices to the NOVA strategy are role and responsibilities for NOVA Board, KUF, secretariat and Executive Committee defined, also administrative tasks for member universities. Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
7. Action plans 2007-2010 • Annual action plans will be prepared that are based on the strategy Accomplishments on Action Plans Annual Activity Plans for NOVA have been made and registered on the NOVA web. Local Activity Plans based on the NOVA Activity Plan have also been made and published on the NOVA web. Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
Review on the 4 strategic areas • Aims for NOVA networks have been reached • Aims for Quality PhD courses almost reached • Number of students close to aim • Courses fewer than aimed for • Aims for Cooperation within MSc education • Need attention (windows, joint programs and education) • Aim for policy forums Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
Strategic areas Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010
The NOVA vision “NOVA will be an outstanding Nordic university network that is recognised for elevating standards and benefiting students and scientists of all member institutions. Staff and students shall feel integrated in the Nordic life science environment, and NOVA will be acknowledged internationally for its quality and competence” (NOVA Strategy 2007-2010, p.2) Þórunn Reykdal - Annual Seminar 6 May 2010