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Cuba Libre!

Cuba Libre!. First fruits of American “Imperialism”. Spanish Concentration Camps in Cuba. Causes behind the Spanish-American War. A. Humanitarianism – Cubans desire independence from Spain Compared to US war for independence Spanish atrocities particularly heinous

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Cuba Libre!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cuba Libre! First fruits of American “Imperialism”

  2. Spanish Concentration Camps in Cuba

  3. Causes behind the Spanish-American War A. Humanitarianism – Cubans desire independence from Spain • Compared to US war for independence • Spanish atrocities particularly heinous B. Economic Interests – unresolved status of Cuba hurt American business 1. American-owned sugar industry stalled and few new investors C. Nationalistic Interests – desire to stay competitive with other imperialists 1. Many Americans excited about any opportunity for conquest 2. Darwinistic thought D. Sinking of the USS Maine – American naval ship in Cuba 1. Feb. 1898 – Unknown cause (assumed Spanish sabotage) 2. Image and event become rallying point (“Remember the Maine!”) E. “Yellow” journalism – newspapers trumpeting war 1. Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst own competing newspapers 2. Enraged citizens = higher newspaper sales

  4. Hearst and Pulitzer

  5. “You supply the pictures, I’ll supply the war!”– William R. Hearst

  6. “Remember the Maine!”

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