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Carthage. Dido and Aeneas. Death of Dido. Aeneas leaves Troy 1184 B.C Lands in Latium meets Lavinia, daughter of Latinus Lavinia falls for Aeneas . Aeneas landing in Italy. Aeneas and Turnus fighting over Lavinia. Aeneas wins the Fates demand it.
Aeneas leaves Troy 1184 B.C Lands in Latium meets Lavinia, daughter of Latinus Lavinia falls for Aeneas Aeneas landing in Italy
Aeneas sets up a new town in the area of Latium-Alba Longa- but renames it Lavinium for his wife.
Aeneas dies Requiescat in pace = let him rest in peace
Ascanius was the son of Aeneas and Creusa, and the grandson of Venus; he was also called Iulus. He now becomes the ruler of Alba Longa
Ascanius dies 13 kings in succession at Alba Longa before Proca
Numitor had a daughter, Rhea Silva or Rhea Silvia Aemulius made her a Vestal Virgin
Romulus and Remus are born. The king feared the twins would rob him of his throne, so he tossed them into the frigid Tiber River. Luckily they were found by a she-wolf named Lupa
Remus captured Numitor and Romulus stage a take over Numitor restored to the citadel and as ruler
Remus saw six birds in the sky first, Romulus saw 12 birds second. Is it the first or the most?
Can’t decide who gets to take over the kingdom after Numitor Should it be the first born? Hmmm….. They pick their hills Romulus and Remus Palatine Aventine
Palatine Aventine
Neither could decide who was victor. Went to the their respective hills and set up their own camps. Romulus built a wall, Remus jumped the wall.
Timeline of Events Before the Founding of Rome c. 1184 - Fall of Troy c. 1176 - Aeneas founds Lavinium c. 1152 - Ascanius founds Alba Longa C 1152- 753 kings of Alba Longa Troy