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How you can help a street child in having a better life

How many a times do you look back at the street child while traveling? How many a times do you feel you should have helped the child? Not many a times, people take initiative in helping street urchins.

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How you can help a street child in having a better life

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  1. What are you looking for? Blogs Blogs SIGN UP LOG IN LEARN MORE How you can help a street child in having a better life Posted: July 19, 2017 @ 10:06 am Members Portfolio • Follow • Friend • Share • Tweet • Facebook • QR • • Like 0 Videos How many a times do you look back at the street child while traveling? How many a times do you feel you should have helped the child? Not many a times, people take initiative in helping street urchins. Do you wish to been planning to contribute to the street children’s education and development then Salaam Baalak Trust is here at your service. Read this blog to understand how you can be of some help. donate for street children ? If you have Blogs Images It was after the film ‘Salaam Bombay’, a film based on street children when filmmakers gave a thought to the actual street children. They realized that many were forced to go into begging and homelessness and a lot of other children took this step on their own. With a base of ‘empowerment to each child’, the organization decided to give shelter, food and clothing to children. Basically, the aim was to give a comfortable life to every child who has struggled to live a normal life. Behind SBT, there are eminent people who are engaged. To name a few, Sanjoy Roy, Praveen Nair, Gagan Singh, Geetan Batra and a good number of coordinators and volunteers are associated as well. Assisted by multi-skilled and multidisciplinary teams, the organization seriously aims at rescuing street children and reshaping their lives. Products Audios What you can do to help the children? Coupons Donate - You can either donate certain amount by giving cash or by online transfer. If you visit the ‘donate’ section in the website, you will realize that you can donate as per certain parameters. Some of the parameters are sponsoring medical check up of a child, feeding a child, paying for the basic needs of a child etc. Deals Networks Shop - You can shop several things like coffee table book, calenders, T-shirts, postcards etc. Available at cost effective prices, you can either use these or give away as a gift to someone. Groups Volunteer - Money is not everything and thus, there are several other ways you can help a child. You can volunteer in different activities, for instance, you can teach yoga, computer science, etc. This will be not only appreciated but also it will be helpful to the children in their personality development. Directory As a donor, always aim at donating with a mindset to help a child in growing better and in healthier circumstances. SBT is the one of the key associations that doesn't leave any stone un-turned in giving a beautiful life to children. There is no harm in joining hands for such a noble cause. In the end, always pray for the street children. Classifieds Forums Author: Ramesh Sanapala Channels Viewed: Locations 23 Views Board Share Share: Convert webpages or entire websites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!

  2. Premium Check Out All Of Salaam Baalak Trust's Blogs ! Comments: You Must Log In To Post A Comment. Sign Up - It's Free! Posted By: Salaam Baalak Trust Location: Delhi, New Delhi Storeboard City: New Delhi, India Phone: 91-11-23586416 Salaam Baalak Trust Description: Salaam Baalak Trust is an Indian non-profit and non-governmental organization which provides a sensitive and caring environment to street and working children in Delhi, India. Website: http://www.salaambaalaktrust.com/ Add As A Friend Post A Rave Language: Country: Select Language Worldwide ▼ COMPANY | About | Press | Advertising | Guiding Principles | Investors | Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | Contact Us Copyright © 2016-2017 Storeboard - All Rights Reserved Convert webpages or entire websites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!

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