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Explore the history and evolution of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), a cutting-edge research facility dedicated to advancing our understanding of rare nuclear isotopes and the cosmos. Discover the current status, future plans, and estimated timeline for when FRIB will be operational.
FRIB(Facility for Rare Isotope Beams) Some history – Evolution of an idea Current status What is it and what can it do? What are the next steps? When will it be running? R. F. Casten July, 2009
US Facilities Research Facilities Acronyms:
FRIB Site Selection AnnouncementDecember 11, 2008, ~ 10:47 • December 11, 2008 ::Press Release: The Department of Energy announced that Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan has been selected to design and establish the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), a cutting-edge research facility to advance understanding of rare nuclear isotopes and the evolution of the cosmos. The new facility—expected to take about a decade to design and build, and to cost an estimated $550 million—will provide research opportunities for an international community of approximately 1000 university and laboratory scientists, postdoctoral associates, and graduate students.
History of a next generation US exotic beam facilityI) The ISL era • 1989 – Formation of the IsoSpin Laboratory (ISL), a virtual facility, and the ISL Steering group. 9 people including, for example, Brad Sherrill, me, John D’Auria. The ISL was considered then to be a 1 GeV proton accelerator using the ISOL technique. • 1989 – 1989 Long Range Plan (LRP) in which a list of possible future construction projects was given that included the ISL. www.sc.doe.gov/henp/np/nsac/docs/LRP_1989.pdf • 1990 – First ISL White Paper (WP) outlining the scientific case for a next generation exotic beam facility in the US. • Early 1990’s to 2000 – other ISL WPs, then RIA WPs. • 1996 – 1996 LRP where the highest priority for new construction (after RHIC is completed) was the ISL but limited to a budget of ~ $110M. www.sc.doe.gov/henp/np/nsac/docs/LRP1996.pdf
1989 LRP (2) (3)
History of a next generation US exotic beam facilityI) The ISL era • 1989 – Formation of the IsoSpin Laboratory (ISL), a virtual facility, and the ISL Steering group. 9 people including, for example, Brad Sherrill, me, John D’Auria. The ISL was considered then to be a 1 GeV proton accelerator using the ISOL technique. • 1989 – 1989 Long Range Plan (LRP) in which a list of possible future construction projects was given that included the ISL. www.sc.doe.gov/henp/np/nsac/docs/LRP_1989.pdf • 1990 – First ISL White Paper (WP) outlining the scientific case for a next generation exotic beam facility in the US. • Early 1990’s to 2000 – other ISL WPs, then RIA WPs. • 1996 – 1996 LRP where the highest priority for new construction (after RHIC is completed) was the ISL but limited to a budget of ~ $110M. www.sc.doe.gov/henp/np/nsac/docs/LRP1996.pdf
1990 ISL White Paper – Started an Industry Nuclear Fruits White Paper: • Few-body quantal systems – “Near stability our view is restricted.” T=0 pairing, new orbits, new understanding of old models • Exotic orbits – Y31 bananas • Exotic matter distributions (halos) • Exotic states • New features in reactions – halos, enhanced fusion, +Q values • Astrophysics – explosive events; “understand nature and time evolution” • Atomic physics/ Material Science
White Papers – White Papers • 1990 Isospin Lab White Paper • 1995 Isospin Lab White Paper Update • 1995 Argonne Yellow Book • 1997 Columbus White Paper • 1999 Opportunities with Fast Beams • 2000 RIA Physics White Paper
1995 Isospin Lab Update Overview of Research Opportunities with Radioactive Nuclear Beams An Update – 1995 Prepared by the ISL Steering Committee February 1995 “A central thrust of nuclear physics is the study of the interactions of nucleons in the nuclear many-body quantal environment. Until Recently, manifestations of these interactions have largely been limited to nuclei near the valley of stability and to some proton rich nuclei. Access to unexplored extremes of N/Z promises to reveal qualitatively new phenomena likely to be radically different from anything we have observed to date. Even new forms of nuclear matter, and new nuclear topologies, can be expected. Shell structure as we know it near stability is likely to be altered substantially. Cherished ideas of nuclear structure and dynamics and of how they evolve are unlikely to survive intact in this expanded horizon.” Dedicated to Mike Nitschke
History of a next generation US exotic beam facilityI) The ISL era • 1989 – Formation of the IsoSpin Laboratory (ISL), a virtual facility, and the ISL Steering group. 9 people including, for example, Brad Sherrill, me, John D’Auria. The ISL was considered then to be a 1 GeV proton accelerator using the ISOL technique. • 1989 – 1989 Long Range Plan (LRP) in which a list of possible future construction projects was given that included the ISL. www.sc.doe.gov/henp/np/nsac/docs/LRP_1989.pdf • 1990 – First ISL White Paper (WP) outlining the scientific case for a next generation exotic beam facility in the US. • Early 1990’s to 2000 – other ISL WPs, then RIA WPs. • 1996 – 1996 LRP where the highest priority for new construction (after RHIC is completed) was the ISL but limited to a budget of ~ $110M. www.sc.doe.gov/henp/np/nsac/docs/LRP1996.pdf
1996 LRP Recommendations 1) The highest priority for U.S. nuclear science is vigorous pursuit of the scientific opportunities provided by the nation’s recent investments in forefront instrumentation and facilities. 2) RHIC remains our highest construction priority. 3) The scientific opportunities made available by world-class radioactive beams are extremely compelling and merit very high priority. The U.S. is well-positioned for a leadership role in this important area; accordingly We strongly recommend the immediate upgrade of the MSU facility to provide intense beams of radioactive nuclei via fragmentation. We strongly recommend development of a cost-effective plan for a next generation ISOL-type facility and its construction when RHIC construction is substantially complete. 4) - 9)
1997 Columbus White Paper Scientific Opportunities with an Advanced ISOL Facility Edda Reviol November 1997
History of a next generation US exotic beam facilityII) The RIA era • 1999 – Grunder ISOL Task Force Report to NSAC www.sc.doe.gov/henp/np/nsac/docs/ISOLTaskForceReport.pdf • 2002 – 2002 LRP where RIA was the highest priority for new construction. www.sc.doe.gov/henp/np/nsac/docs/LRP_5547_FINAL.pdf • 2004 – Comparison of the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) and the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) Future Facility www.sc.doe.gov/henp/np/nsac/docs/RIA-GSI-nsac-022604.pdf
1999 Grunder NSAC Task Force We have unanimously concluded that the coming decade presents an important opportunity to construct a world-leading facility for the study of short-lived isotopes, which we call the Rare-Isotope Accelerator (RIA) facility. This RIA facility’s projected cost is about $500 million. RIA will be driven by a highly flexible superconducting linear accelerator (linac), which will provide a high-power, 400 MeV/nucleon beam of any stable isotope from hydrogen to uranium onto production targets. After separation, the selected rare isotopes will, in many instances, be accelerated and directed to fixed-target experiments. Experiments with stopped and trapped isotopes will also make up a major component of the scientific program. An attractive opportunity open for addition to this facility will be to use the projectile fragment beams directly while in flight.
2000 RIA White Paper • Three themes of RIB Science: • Structure • Nuclear Astrophysics • Fundamental Interactions
History of a next generation US exotic beam facilityII) The RIA era • 1999 – Grunder ISOL Task Force Report to NSAC www.sc.doe.gov/henp/np/nsac/docs/ISOLTaskForceReport.pdf • 2002 – 2002 LRP where RIA was the highest priority for new construction. www.sc.doe.gov/henp/np/nsac/docs/LRP_5547_FINAL.pdf • 2004 – Comparison of the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) and the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) Future Facility www.sc.doe.gov/henp/np/nsac/docs/RIA-GSI-nsac-022604.pdf
2002 LRP • The highest priority of the nuclear science community is to exploit the extraordinary opportunities for scientific discoveries made possible by these [existing facility] investments. • The Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) is our highest priority for major new construction.[RIA will require significant funding above the nuclear physics base. This is essential so that our international leadership positions at CEBAF and at RHIC be maintained.] • We strongly recommend immediate construction of the world’s deepest underground science laboratory. • We strongly recommend the upgrade of CEBAF at Jefferson Laboratory to 12 GeV as soon as possible.
History of a next generation US exotic beam facilityIII) The FRIB era • 2007 -- Nat. Academy – National Research Council Report: Scientific Opportunities with a RARE-ISOTOPE FACILITY in the United States http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=11796&page=R1 • 2007 -- Report to NSAC of the Rare-Isotope Beam Task Force www.sc.doe.gov/henp/np/nsac/docs/NSACRIB_FinalReport082007_DJ.pdf • 2007 – 2007 LRP, where FRIB was the highest priority for new contruction, limited to ~ $500M www.sc.doe.gov/henp/np/nsac/docs/Nuclear-Science.Low-Res.pdf
The essence of FRIB • Driver linac with 400 kW and > 200 MeV/u for all ions. • Ions of all elements from protons to uranium accelerated. • The key point relative to RIA is to keep the power the same. Then, the cut by a factor of two in energy to 200 MeV/u has minimal effect. • Intensities ~ 20-100 times GSI-FAIR and Re-acceleration to Coulomb Barrier energies and beyond. • The main loss in going from RIA ( ~$1000M) to FRIB (~$550M) is the loss of multi-user capability and ISOL. • Upgrade possibilities built in from the beginning. • However, final design (e.g., status of ISOL) not yet finalized.
NRC RISAC Report “The committee concludes that the science addressed by a rare-isotope facility, most likely based on a heavy ion linac driver, should be a high priority for the United States.”
Report to NSAC of the Rare-Isotope Beam Task Force Aug 20, 2007 Report to NSAC of the2007 Rare-Isotope Beam Task Force • We recommend that DOE and NSF proceed with solicitation of proposals for a FRIB based on the 200 MeV, 400 kW superconducting heavy-ion driver linac
History of a next generation US exotic beam facilityIII) The FRIB era • 2007 -- Nat. Academy – National Research Council Report: Scientific Opportunities with a RARE-ISOTOPE FACILITY in the United States http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=11796&page=R1 • 2007 -- Report to NSAC of the Rare-Isotope Beam Task Force www.sc.doe.gov/henp/np/nsac/docs/NSACRIB_FinalReport082007_DJ.pdf • 2007 – 2007 LRP, where FRIB was the highest priority for new contruction, limited to ~ $500M www.sc.doe.gov/henp/np/nsac/docs/Nuclear-Science.Low-Res.pdf
2007 LRP • We recommend completion of the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade at Jefferson Lab. • We recommend construction of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), a world-leading facility for the study of nuclear structure, reactions, and astrophysics.[To launch the field into this new era requires the immediate construction of FRIB] • We recommend a targeted program of experiments to investigate neutrino properties and fundamental symmetries. • We recommend implementation of the RHIC II luminosity upgrade
2007 LRP -- Key questions in Nuclear structure and Astrophysics Nuclei and Nuclear Astrophysics • What is the nature of the nuclear force that binds protons and neutrons into stable nuclei and rare isotopes? • What is the origin of simple patterns in complex nuclei? • What is the nature of neutron stars and dense nuclear matter? • What is the origin of the elements in the cosmos? • What are the nuclear reactions that drive stars and stellar explosions?
2007 LRP Achievements, last 7 years(out of 9 listed altogether for the entire field) • Measurements of nuclei in shape transitional regions, near N = 90 and elsewhere, led to an interpretation in terms of quantum phase transitional behavior between different symmetries. A new class of many-body symmetries describing nuclei at the phase transitional point was developed. • Nuclear density functional theory provided a global description of empirical proton-neutron interactions
2007 LRP Nuclear Structure/Astrophysics YAAAAAAAAAAAAY !!!!!! (one of only 4 figures on nuclear structure science)
Building Blocks of a Rare Isotope Beam Facility A heavy-ion driver can also accelerate light ions needed for an ISOL facility
What will FRIB Produce? Rates available at http://groups.nscl.msu.edu/frib/rates/
Scientific Goals of FRIB Drive Specifications • FRIB with 400 kW for all beams and minimum energy of 200 MeV/u will have beam rates for some isotopes up to 100 times higher than other facilities • For example: FRIB intensity will allow the key benchmark nuclei 54Ca (reaccelerated beams) and 60Ca (fast beams) to be studied
The Science of FRIB Overarching Goal: A predictive model of nuclei and their reactions. SCIENCE OF THE SMALL: The atomic nucleus is a unique laboratory of interdisciplinary sciences related to quantum, many-body, open systems UNDERSTANDING THE UNIVERSE: Nuclei determine the chemical history of the Universe and drive stellar explosions. Connection of models of novae, supernovae, X-ray bursts etc. to observations require rare isotopes. TESTING SYMMETRIES IN NATURE: Rare isotopes provide complementary information to high-energy experiments at, e.g., LHC NUCLEI MATTER: Nuclei have applications to medicine, energy, industry, other sciences, and national security
RISAC Science Drivers • Nuclear Structure • Explore the limits of existence and study new phenomena • Possibility of a broadly applicable model of nuclei • Probing neutron skins • Synthesis of Superheavy elements • Nuclear Astrophysics • The origin of the heavy elements • Explosive nucleosynthesis • Composition of neutron star crusts • Fundamental Symmetries • Tests of fundamental symmetries • Other Scientific Applications • Stockpile stewardship, materials, medical, reactors
FRIB General Features • Driver linac with 400 kW and greater than 200 MeV/u for all ions • Ions of all elements from protons to uranium accelerated • Space included for upgrade to 400 MeV/u, ISOL and multiple production targets
ReA12 and Experimental Areas • A full suite of experimental equipment will be available for fast, stopped and reaccelerated beams • New equipment • Stopped beam area (LASERS) • ISLA Recoil Separator • Solenoid spectrometer • Active Target TPC
ISOL and Multi-user Capability • Harvesting for off-line use of isotopes in focal plane chambers • Catcher/ion source system in focal plane • Low-energy ISOL-type beams • Stopped and reacceleratedbeams simultaneous to fast beams for experiments • Additional production stations • 2 ISOL stations or 2nd fragment separator • Single-beam and multiple-beam option for primary beams
Notional Timeline for FRIB Development • The timeline for FRIB is dependant on funding by congress and approval by DOE • A possible schedule is: MSU is committed to completing FRIB on cost and schedule