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September's CTF Recap - Challenges, Hurdles, and Solutions

Dive into September's online Capture the Flag event, exploring various security challenges and the strategies used to overcome them. Discover the excitement, teamwork, and problem-solving skills showcased by participants. Join the cybersecurity adventure now!

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September's CTF Recap - Challenges, Hurdles, and Solutions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. September’s CTF recap The challenges, the hurdles and the solutions Presenter: Dolev Farhi | dolev@dc416.com

  2. September’s online CTF overview Capture the Flag is a type of a game where security professionals compete, either individually or in a team, to try and solve different security challenges. Common ones are in domains such as: Web, Forensics, Reverse Engineering and more.

  3. DC416 Online CTF Overview • Time Limit: 8 hours • Participants: up to 3 per team • Number of challenges: 11 • Number of teams registered: 10 • Level of excitement: Over 9000 • Players write ups: VulnHub Team (Harold Rodriguez @superkojiman) • https://github.com/VulnHub/ctf-writeups/blob/master/2016/defcon416/solution.md Ckannada Team (Zack Mullaly @zsck_) • http://zsck.co/2016/09/11/defcon-toronto-ctf-1/

  4. Just before kick off - nerd party on Slack (Contact us for a Slack invitation)

  5. Let’s go! Teams receive an email with a URL

  6. Let’s go! Server has ports 22, 80 and 5000 open

  7. Webserver index greets with this message:

  8. Binary to text

  9. The web page sources an obfuscated javascript file named ‘ob.js’ When deobfuscated, reveals the string: synt1{z00ap4xr} Running this string against a ROT13 decoder, gives the correct flag form: flag1{m00nc4ke}

  10. Enumeration is the key

  11. Challenge 2 http://galahad.dc416.com/staff

  12. Challenge 2 html source reveals a hidden href: “s.txt” with a list of base64 strings

  13. Challenge 2 Decoding the base64 file

  14. Challenge 2 passphrase:edward ? hmm... remember the NSA picture? Using steghide we can extract steganography data which reveals flag2{M00nface} and an interesting link

  15. Challenge 3 galahad.dc416.com/cgi-bin/vault.py?arg=message

  16. Challenge 3 The HTTP request must include a ‘Referer’ header of the nsa website in order to proceed

  17. Challenge 3

  18. Challenge 3 galahad.dc416.com/cgi-bin/vault.py?arg=

  19. Challenge 4 Back to nikto Browsing to /admin downloads a compiled .pyc file using uncompyle2 we can decompile the file back

  20. Challenge 4 enc.py contents

  21. Challenge 4 solution

  22. Challenge 5 Remember we also had port 5000 opened?

  23. Challenge 5 SECURITY THROUGH OBSCURITY 34343434 UDP

  24. Challenge 5 Port knock! Ports 20/21 opened!

  25. Challenge 5 FTP allows anonymous access and exposes 2 pcap files First pcap leads to a pastebin GET request

  26. Challenge 6 second pcap is a GET request to a link that resulted in 404 ...the jpg must be reconstructed from the packet

  27. Challenge 6 A nuclear plant with 3 coordinates and a hint: uid=500(nitro)

  28. Challenge 6 Let’s SSH! USER: nitro PASS: zeus

  29. TIC TAC TOE???

  30. Challenge 6 We capture the 6th flag s1xfl4gs and a hint.

  31. Challenge 7

  32. Challenge 7

  33. Challenge 7

  34. Challenge 7

  35. Challenge 7

  36. Challenge 7

  37. Challenge 8 Back to nikto

  38. Challenge 8 Basic authentication

  39. Challenge 8 img is an ext3 filesystem

  40. Challenge 8 lost+found is full of directories But one is interesting in particular

  41. Challenge 9 - The SQL injection that went wrong http://lancelot.dc416.com/webmail

  42. Challenge 9 - The SQL injection that went wrong http://lancelot.dc416.com/webmail

  43. Challenge 10 – The missing link

  44. Challenge 10 – The forgotten hint Getting a list of all instantiated classes classes=().__class__.__bases__[0].__subclasses__()

  45. Challenge 10 – The forgotten hint Anarchy mode

  46. Challenge 11 – Let’s pentest

  47. Challenge 11 – Let’s pentest

  48. Challenge 11 – Let’s pentest

  49. Challenge 11 – Let’s pentest

  50. Challenge 11 – Let’s pentest

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