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The Web Wizard’s Guide to HTML

The Web Wizard’s Guide to HTML. Chapter Two Basic Text Formatting. Chapter Objectives. Show how to create heading and paragraphs for Web pages Explain how to control a variety of features associated with text Learn how to add three types of lists to a Web page

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The Web Wizard’s Guide to HTML

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Web Wizard’s Guide to HTML Chapter Two Basic Text Formatting

  2. Chapter Objectives • Show how to create heading and paragraphs for Web pages • Explain how to control a variety of features associated with text • Learn how to add three types of lists to a Web page • Explore the layout and white-space controls for blocks of text

  3. Heading Elements • Headings come in six sizes • <h1> </h1> is the largest heading • <h6> </h6> is the smallest heading • Headings break up text with titles and subtitles

  4. Tag Attributes • Most HTML tags support their own set of tag attributes • Each attribute contains an attribute name and an attribute value • E.g. you can center a heading with an alignment attribute: <h1 align=“center”>

  5. Breaking Up Text • The paragraph element <p> begins a block of text after an empty line • The break element <br> begins a block of text on a new line • The horizontal rule element <hr> inserts a horizontal line to emphasize a break in the text

  6. Standard Type Face Options • <font face=“Arial”> </font> • It is best to specify type faces in groups since different computers use different type fonts: face=“Arial, Geneva, Helvetica” face=“Times New Roman, Times” face=“Courier New, Courier” • Other useful font attributes include color and size

  7. Three Types of Lists Ordered list <ol> <li> </li> </ol> Unordered list <ul> <li> </li> </ul> Definition list <dl> <dt> </dt> <dd> </dd> </dl>

  8. White Space Management • Browsers are programmed to ignore extraneous blank spaces and empty lines • Controlling white space on a Web page requires special HTML elements: &nbsp; <br> <pre></pre> <blockquote></blockquote>

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