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Luxury Apartments In Gurgaon

Luxury Apartments In Gurgaon

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Luxury Apartments In Gurgaon

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  1. Luxury apartments in Gurgaon

  2. Location Amongst the first things that you should consider while buying any property, more so if it’s a luxurious home is the location. If your home is not centrally located or is in a congested location you might have to face many inconveniences like hiring workers, commuting difficulties everyday, noise, pollution or lack of lifestyle services and facilities.

  3. Location All Unitech luxury apartments in Gurgaon are well located with large green areas which offer a clean green environment. That is the reason why they are so much in demand. A great example is Unitech Nirvana Country township. Located in the heart of Gurgaon with easy connectivity, it offers luxury apartments and ultra luxurious villas.

  4. Location • Great homes along with the parks, shops, schools and clubs in the neighborhood makes it a great place to stay.

  5. Large Floor Plans A pre-requisite for luxury apartment is that it should offer the best of materials, enough space for comfortable living and be modern in design and utility.

  6. Large Floor Plans The essence of good living begins with space, it allows you to decorate your home to your own taste and build the nooks and  corners into a little window of your own personality.

  7. Large Floor Plans • The apartments should be airy with good ventilation, have outdoor spaces like large balconies which can also be decorated with choice of planters & creepers and rooms that have large windows and floors crafted with imported marble or wood.

  8. Architecture & Planning Another aspect of luxury apartments is the architecture & planning. It not only allows great interiors but distinctive exteriors which give a great feel good factor

  9. Architecture & Planning Renowned architects bring expertise of new materials, structures and ideas to provide edgy contemporary look to the entire apartment complex

  10. Architecture & Planning • Good planning of the complex ensures proper infrastructure for maintenance & upkeep of services besides providing ease of movement and breathing space. After all what good is a grand apartment on the 14th floor, if the elevator is either small or ill equipped to handle the demands of the rush hour or breaks down frequently?

  11. Sufficient space between homes As discussed earlier its very important for luxury apartments to have large space to fulfill ones dreams. But what about the space outside? Larger the space between the towers the more there will be free flow of fresh air & sunshine into your room. It will also allow sweeping views from your windows & balconies of the greenery outside.

  12. Sufficient space between homes • But most importantly sufficient space between homes will save you from peeking into your neighbors house, therefore providing more privacy and quietness which one so desperately seeks. Reason why you will find that Unitech luxury apartments in Gurgaon like Harmony and Exquisite in Gurgaon are highly valued for their space in between towers.

  13. Truly luxurious amenities Basic amenities like a small pool or gym or power back –up etc no longer entice people. For a premium apartment complex it is equally important to have many more lifestyle features that are truly reflective of the aspirations of the modern elite. These could include features like large landscaped green areas, sculptures, gazebos with hidden lighting, walking trails, large swimming pool and well equipped gym with a variety of outdoor & indoor sports facilities.

  14. Truly luxurious amenities • It’s important for people to relieve their days stress by engaging in sports or just socializing. That is why a good clubhouse is very important like the one found in Unitech Close in Nirvana Country.

  15. Safe & Secure With rising crime in many posh areas people these days are never too sure about danger from known and unknown personnel. Which is why every luxury condominium should have many layers of security.

  16. Safe & Secure • Gate passes, trained security personnel, boom barriers, CCTV’s are a must with many now opting for home video and security automation features. These features inside a well lit and gated apartment complex are gaining popularity by the day, so that residents can have a complete peace of mind without any undue alarms.

  17. Luxury apartments in Gurgaon Unitech luxury apartments in Gurgaon have been designed by award winning international architects, town planners and landscape designers. A group of highly versatile and experienced team ensures that every apartment lives up to the exacting standards and the best materials are used. The resultant homes are not only great in space utilization but also offer plenty of open space outside

  18. Please check out our range of luxury apartments in Gurgaon offering the best in lifestyle features for true luxury living. Call 1800 102 0277 or mail us at digisales@unitechgroup.com http://www.unitechgroup.com/apartments/gurgaon.asp

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