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Sunflowers represent different things to different people groups around the world. Though sunflowers have been assigned a variety of meanings, everything the sunflower represents is positive.

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  2. Gyoshu Hayami – Sunflower, 1922 ReiyukaiMyoichi Collection Alush Shima (Albanian, 1942) Sunflowers

  3. Anna Silivonchik - Sunflowers Cao Yi (Taiwan) Ink painting

  4. Ayaz Memon - Sunflower Elena Yermokhina - Sunflowers

  5. Biagio Chiesi Dance of sunflowers Tuscany landscape, 2023

  6. Charles Gore - Sunflowers Chris Polunin, United Kingdom, 2020

  7. David Burliuk- A bouquet with sunflowers and fruit near the shore David Davidovich Burliuk (1882-1967) Bouquet with sunflowers in a landscape

  8. David Burliuk (Ukrainian, 1882-1967) Winter Still Life

  9. David Davidovich Burliuk (Ukrainian, 1882-1967) Vase of flowers on the seashore David Burliuk– Vasewithflowers

  10. David Davidovich Burliuk (Ukrainian, 1882-1967) Farm girl with a cow and sunflowers Sunflowers, 1950

  11. David Burliuk– Sunflowers on the shore David Burliuk (Ukrainian, 1882-1967) Sunflowers by the sea

  12. David Burliuk– Flowers David Burliuk (Ukrainian, 1882-1967) Stilllife

  13. David Burliuk– Fall flowers in a watering can, 1949 David Burliuk (Ukrainian, 1882-1967) Stilllife

  14. Denis Sarazhin (Ukraine, 1982) Sunflowers Stilllife

  15. Denisa Mansfield (United Kingdom) Blooming sunflowers

  16. Huang Guanyu July

  17. Elena Katsyura (Russian, 1973) Sunflower in a jar September sunflower

  18. Elena Katsyura (Russian, 1973) Sunflowers in the morning Elena Katsyura- Sunflowers

  19. Elena Katsyura- Sunflowers

  20. Elena Katsyura (Russian, 1973) Sunflower and cornflower Sunflowers in copper

  21. Elena Katsyura (Russian, 1973) Sunflower Apple tea and sunflower

  22. Elena Katsyura- Sunflower tea Elena Katsyura (Russian, 1973) Sunflowers

  23. Elena Katsyura (Russian, 1973) Tea and lemons Sunflower in a jar II

  24. Heide E. Presse (Germany, 1958) Fresh linens

  25. Heide E. Presse (Germany, 1958) Calico with sunflowers

  26. Heide E. Presse (Germany, 1958) Last of the summer garden

  27. Heide E. Presse (Germany, 1958) Sunflowers & tomatoes Heide E. Presse (Germany, 1958) Summer bouquet

  28. Heide E. Presse (Germany, 1958)

  29. Heide E. Presse (Germany, 1958) The flower girl

  30. Heide E. Presse (Germany, 1958) Mason and Ball Felicity House (British)

  31. Aurum Arts (United Kingdom) Golden Blooms (Sunflowers) Nicole Bigar - Joy

  32. Feruza Alieva (Uzbekistan) Reaching for warmth

  33. Gene Brown (American) Alicia Saenz Sancho (United States) Sunflowers for you

  34. Gene Brown (American) Morning coffee

  35. Gene Brown (American) Sunflower faces

  36. Gene Brown (American) Sunflower, 2013

  37. Gertjan Scholte-Albers (Dutch, 1971) Sunflowers of the Convent (series)

  38. Gertjan Scholte-Albers (Dutch, 1971) Sunflowers of the Convent (series)

  39. Gertjan Scholte-Albers (Dutch, 1971) Sunflowers of the Convent (series)

  40. Gertjan Scholte-Albers (Dutch, 1971) Sunflowers of the Convent (series)

  41. Gertjan Scholte-Albers (Dutch, 1971) Tournesol chez beau frère

  42. IgnataVassileva - Sunflowers Gertjan Scholte-Albers (Dutch, 1971) Sunflowers of the Convent (series)

  43. Jan Teunissen (Deutch, 1949) Still Life with multi-coloured sunflowers

  44. Text & pictures: Internet Copyright: All the images belong to their authors Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2023 Sound: Michael Bublé & Laura Pausini ~ You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine

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