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General Surgeon In Pune Laparoscopy Surgeon In Pune

Dr. Sanjay Kolte, a general surgeon based in India who specializes in laparoscopic,Thoracoscopic,gastrointestinal, Emergency and General surgery.

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General Surgeon In Pune Laparoscopy Surgeon In Pune

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  1. Reports indicate that the first endoscope was devised in 1805. It consisted of a large tube and a candle. Because it was cumbersome and large it had very limited uses. Fiber optics, which appeared in the 1960s, was a major factor in the endoscopy revolution. With fiber optics it really became possible for the doctor to see and record the inside of the patient's body with a small and relatively painless device. Short history of endoscopy • http://www.drsanjaykolte.in/

  2. Endoscopic surgery uses scopes going through small incisions or natural body openings in order to diagnose and treat disease. Endoscopic surgery uses scopes going through small incisions or natural body openings in order to diagnose and treat disease. Another popular term is minimally invasive surgery (MIS), which emphasizes that diagnosis and treatments can be done with reduced body cavity invasion. What is Endoscopic Surgery? • http://www.drsanjaykolte.in/

  3. Here is a list of some types of endoscopies and their meanings: Amnioscopy- examination of the amniotic cavity and fetus. Arthroscopy - examination of the joints. Bronchoscopy - examination of the air passages and the lungs. Colonoscopy - examination of the colon. Colposcopy - examination of the cervix and the tissues of the vagina and vulva. Cystoscopy - examination of the urinary bladder. EGD(Esophageal Gastroduodenoscopy), also known as panendoscopy - examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. Types of endoscopies • http://www.drsanjaykolte.in/

  4. ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography) - examination of the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, and pancreas. Fetoscopy- examination of the fetus. Laparoscopy - a small incision to examine the abdominal cavity. Laryngoscopy - examination of the back of the throat, including the voice box (larynx) and vocal cords. Proctoscopy- examination of the rectum and the end of the colon. Rhinoscopy - examination of the inside of the nose. Thoracoscopy - examination of the lungs or other structures in the chest cavity. • http://www.drsanjaykolte.in/

  5. Endoscopic surgery requires specialized equipment to illuminate and view the surgical site. Endoscopic surgery routinely uses rigid scopes, whereas flexible scopes tend to be reserved for diagnostic examinations and biopsies of tubular structures, e.g. the upper intestinal tract being examined with a gastroscope. Depending on the site of surgery, specialized trocar and sheaths are used to protect the scope and provide a conduit for terminal instrumentation. equipment is needed? • http://www.drsanjaykolte.in/

  6. According to the National Health Service (NHS), UK, less than 1% of endoscopies have complications. When they do occur, they may include: An infection, possibly somewhere along the path of the endoscope. Piercing or tearing of an organ. This may require subsequent surgery. This article explains how tears and perforations caused by endoscopy can be fixed without invasive surgery. Bleeding more than normally expected. This may require subsequent surgery. An allergy to the anesthetic. Antihistamines may be used to treat this. The following signs may indicate an infection has developed after the endoscopy: Redness Swelling Fluid or pus discharge Pain Temperature (fever) What are the complications of an endoscopy? • http://www.drsanjaykolte.in/

  7. MBBS - OCTOBER 1995-BHARATI VIDYAPEETH'S MEDICAL COLLEGE, PUNE, INDIA FCPS (General Surgery) - SEPTEMBER 2000, MUMBAI, INDIA  (FELLOW OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS) DNB (General Surgery) - MAY 2001-KING EDWARD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, PUNE, INDIA (DIPLOMATE OF NATIONAL BOARD, NEW DELHI) MNAMS - MEMBER OF NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, NEW DELHI Dr. Sanjay Kolte Contact Details: Laparoscopic Surgery Clinic, PariharChowk, Aundh, Pune, M maharashtra 411007Mobile : 91+98 22 00 94 90Email : doctorsanjaykolte@gmail.com http://www.drsanjaykolte.in/

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