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School-Age Speech-Language-Social Skills Center

School-Age Speech-Language-Social Skills Center. Fall 2019. Supervisors: Frank Bender, Elycia Canovan , sara sarlin (Maple Elementary School), Katie mason, lori Hornfelt. Welcome. Introductions Name Do you have an initial idea of your interest area in speech-language pathology?

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School-Age Speech-Language-Social Skills Center

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Presentation Transcript

  1. School-Age Speech-Language-Social Skills Center Fall 2019 Supervisors: Frank Bender, ElyciaCanovan, sarasarlin (Maple Elementary School), Katie mason, loriHornfelt

  2. Welcome Introductions • Name • Do you have an initial idea of your interest area in speech-language pathology? • Note any prior experience with this age group • What are you looking forward to learning from this clinical experience? • What fears to you have about this clinical experience or graduate school in general?

  3. Client Assignments & Schedule • Amanda Brown: BAEL • M: 4-5pm • Supervisor: Frank • Client Primary Needs: Speech Sound Disorder • Hearing Screening Schedule: • Isabella Carino: COCO • F: 4-5pm • Supervisor: Frank • Client Primary Needs: Speech Sound Disorder • Hearing Screening Schedule • Lauren Hudgins: DOKI • TU: 2-3pm • Supervisor: Frank • Client Primary Needs: New Client: Evaluation: Concern – Speech Sound Production • Hearing Screening Schedule: • Zella Kourafas: EAJU • TH: 4-5pm • Supervisor: Alycia • Client Primary Needs: Speech Sound Disorder • Hearing Screening Schedule: • Caitlin Kuel: WOAL • W: 3-4pm • Supervisor: Lori H. • Client Primary Needs: Speech Sound Disorder & Monitor Language (i.e., grammatical morphemes) • Hearing Screening Schedule: • Jessica Johns: MEZA • W: 4-5pm • Supervisor: Alycia • Client Primary Needs: Speech Sound Disorder • Hearing Screening Schedule: • Brandon Zuel: KERY • M: 5-6pm • Supervisor: Frank • Client Primary Needs: Speech Sound Disorder & Review Reading Skills • Hearing Screening Schedule: Mandatory Hearing Screening Training on Thursday October 3rd & 4th between 10:30-12:30pm (Doodle Sign-Up)

  4. Anatomy of a File • Learning how to navigate a client file • Using your client file to complete your first CHARTR • Clinical rules regarding accessing and using client files

  5. Accessing and Using RDS • Practice accessing RDS and finding templates • Learn how to find and organize your work on RDS • Learn how to be efficient with your documentation • Learn some tricks with RDS (e.g. Not carrying over edits; using IPA symbols with superscripts) • Where does RDS Print?

  6. Reviewing Resources on infoCDS • Where to find resources for planning and implementing an evaluation. • Where to find resources associated with intervention planning and implementation. • Other resources to access • Client File (If Returning) • Independent Research • Your current text books • Online research • 2nd Year Graduate Students • Previous clinician who worked with your client • Current 2nd Years in our clinic • Your Supervisor

  7. What’s Next • You can take this extra time to become more familiar with your client file and begin working on your CHARTR. • Once you learn how to access previous client videos, you can watch previous lessons to gain insight and ideas. • Our mandatory group meeting will be on Wednesdays from 12:00 noon – 2pm* • First meeting will be on October 2nd, 2019 • The first meeting is scheduled for 4 hours (2 hours is designated for clinicians to work on client preparation with supervisors available for questions). • Location: HEDCO 244 • Mandatory Hearing Screening Training: Thursday & Friday (October 3rd & 4th from 10:30am-12:30pm) • You will learn pure-tone hearing screening procedures, tympanometry procedures, and otoacoustic emissions screening procedures. • A Doodle schedule will be sent out to 1st & 2nd year students to sign up for a specific day.


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