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Best Luxury resorts near Pawna Lake near meAntheiaPPT

Are you Looking for the best luxury resort near Pawna Lake? Look no further than Antheia! Enjoy a luxurious stay amidst serene surroundings. Book now!

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Best Luxury resorts near Pawna Lake near meAntheiaPPT

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  2. ABOUTUS WHERENA TUREGROWS,Y OUWILLASWELL. Greek words that translate to "flower" or "blossom" are the origin of the word "Antheia." The Greek Goddess of gardens and vegetation is known by this name. T ake this retreat as our tributetothesplendourof natureatits best. The villa is now available for reservations while theproperty isbeingprepared in phases.Come hence and sample the Antheia wayof life. Y ou'll learn about the benefits of being in nature for yourmind,body,and soul.

  3. THE VILLA The villa at Antheia is a reflection of our love for the outdoors and our deep respect for nature. Situated along the banks of the Pavana lake, it is built around a huge mango tree that bears delicious fruit in the summer. By choosing to celebrate the tree at its heart and designing around it, we’ve created an abode that’s as unique as it is beautiful. Made of shipping containers, it is an architectural and designmarvel.

  4. ACTIVITY Trekking: On treks and paths ranging in difficulty from easy to tough, take in the unadulterated beauty of nature. Watchingbirdsallowsyoutoseethemintheirnaturalhabitat. Stargazing: Under a starry night sky , allow the size of the universe to take your breath away . Cycling: Ride your bike through beautiful, green scenery to work up asweat. Watching fireflies: The property will brighten your summer vacation with thousands of shimmering fireflies.

  5. THE AMENITIES Outdoor SpaTub (Jacuzzi) Elaborate,deliciousmeals Rollaway/extrabeds Internet access (as per availability) 43-inch interactive LED T V Workstations Minibar Tea/Coffee available on call In-roomsafe


  7. CO N NE CT WI TH US Survey number 55/2, Chavsar Village, Pavana Lake, Maval, Pune, Maharashtra 410406 reservations@antheiaresorts.co m +91 9619999499


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