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Cost to Develop an App like Coursera

People who live in towns or in rural areas are particularly susceptible to the concept of online learning. They can now study from home and acquire official degrees or certifications from accredited universities by using an e-learning app such as Cost of Developing a Coursera-like App<br>

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Cost to Develop an App like Coursera

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  1. What is Coursera? Founded by Stanford University computer science professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller, Coursera is a global e-learning platform that began in 2012 to offer free online courses, specialization certificates, and degrees and promote internships. People who live in towns or in rural areas are particularly susceptible to the concept of online learning. They can now study from home and acquire official degrees or certifications from accredited universities by using an e-learning app such as Cost of Developing a Coursera-like App Online learning is the latest trend and future demand. eLearning programs are becoming increasingly popular among students in schools and colleges. It offers a lot more functions, thus people are willing to spend on e-learning app creation. What makes an app like Coursera so unique? we will learn about the Coursera app, including its features, development process, and cost. But, as a quick overview, we'd like to highlight some of the features that distinguish the Coursera app from other e-learning apps. When the Coursera app launched, Stanford was the first university to offer the course content. Later, Coursera began to offer more specialized content that helped attract more students around the world. Since then, the Coursera app is getting more and more recognition and there is no going back. The points that differentiate apps like Coursera from other e-learning apps are as follows: Users have a world-class learning experience thanks to the advanced technology used in the Coursera app. Coursera offers dynamic and competitive prices for its courses to users. It also offers options for free learning depending on the course. It allows users to rate their educators so you can help others rate the educator's experience and the quality of the content. Coursera offers educational content in different languages so students can learn from experts around the world. They have a course creation kit that helps formulate free and premium courses quickly. A good network of educators and instructors who can share their knowledge and experience with users. Features to incorporate into an eLearning program such as Coursera Various features can be added to the eLearning application. But below we have mentioned some of the most relevant features that are the best for any e-learning app.

  2. To make your app like Coursera and easier to use, take a close look at these features: User register The user must register before starting to use the eLearning application. This process should be quick and easy. Many applications have adopted different forms of user registration. Some allow you to sign in with social media handles like Facebook, and Gmail. Seeing this rise in the popularity of e-learning applications, entrepreneurs want to enter this sector. And this data sheet is dedicated to all those market leaders who want to create an app like Coursera. So, if you are thinking of hiring a mobile app development companies , it is great that you read this data sheet and then make your decision. For quick and easy registration, most apps also allow users to register using their phone number or email ID. Profile Management Individual areas for students and teachers on the eLearning platform are required so that they can maintain their profiles independently. For the management of the student profile it is necessary to mention the following information: user information Wish list Profile Settings History of purchases and transactions. registrations A list of active and completed courses Information about obtained certificates, credits, and points. For the profile of teachers and educators Updated course list Information page (information about the title or establishment they represent) Search Filters If you are developing an app like Coursera, you need to integrate this feature into the app. Applications that have multiple programs should provide search filters to their users to better find the information they are looking for. Categories and Subcategories If your app has multiple courses, you need to separate them into categories and subcategories. This is possible with the use of unique algorithms that can better structure the program. recommendations

  3. Course recommendations are a great feature to add to your eLearning app like Coursera. It allows students/users to find new courses that they had not thought of before. The algorithm will evaluate key information about the user and, based on their interest, recommend the course. course page The course page will have complete information about the program. It will contain all of the pertinent information regarding the course that the user wishes to pursue. Information about the creator of the course will also be mentioned there. Read Also: hrms service management Course Enrollment With the help of this feature, a user can enroll in the course or program he wants to opt for. The user needs to enter details like their name, age, highest grade, etc., just like we fill out the offline form for colleges or schools. Similarly, online users can register for the course or program using this "Course Registration" feature. Payment methods Now, if users of advanced or premium services need to pay any amount, they can do so through this feature. Provide different online payment methods to the user for easy payment. Board Every eLearning platform needs to have this feature. With this feature, both the educator and the student can track their progress throughout the course. Students can see how many courses the eLearning app offers, how many hours are spent on the program, etc. administrator panel Now comes the admin panel, this is again a very important feature of an e-learning app. This single dashboard allows you to manage content, users, educators, students, courses, and other important things. Even marketing activities can be managed from this admin panel. The cost required to develop an eLearning app like Coursera Now, let's talk about the cost of developing an app like Coursera. The app development cost differs according to different app development companies. Each company has its standards and conditions for the application development process. The cost of app development depends on the number of hours the developers, testers, and designers have worked. If the application design is basic, the cost can be minimized. But if you want to develop an app like Coursera, you have to invest a little more.

  4. The aforementioned sum is applicable when creating an app from scratch, such as Coursera. The concept of white-label app development was recently introduced, you can also take advantage of this. With the help of white-label app development solutions, you can build apps like Coursera on a tight budget. If you want to know about this white-label app development process, you can contact us and take our free trial today. Conclusion If you're planning to build an e-learning app, you might think of an app like Coursera. It is a complete application that offers a first-class e-learning experience to users. The development cost of this e-learning app is a bit high, but you can trust our e-learning app development solutions. Our application development companies in Dubai are registered and offer services at affordable prices.

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