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IDDEA Conference

IDDEA Conference. Donna Buchwald Deputy Director, Office of Local Systems Michael Ross ADA Design Coordinator, Office of Design. Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibilities Guidelines (ADAAG) (2010)

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IDDEA Conference

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Presentation Transcript

  1. IDDEA Conference Donna Buchwald Deputy Director, Office of Local Systems Michael Ross ADA Design Coordinator, Office of Design

  2. Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibilities Guidelines (ADAAG) (2010) • Proposed Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrians Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way” (July 2011) • Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) • “currently recommended best practices” • Chapter 12 of the Design Manuals based on PROWAG Setting the Stage: National Documents

  3. It’s a long-standing law • More awareness of aging population • ARRA projects shined a light • DOJ/USDOT are looking around • Dollars reversions • Easier to file and response to increasing complaints • A decision by Iowa DOT • The old way didn’t work • Standardization Setting the Stage: Why is this an issue now and why are we doing this?

  4. General Sidewalk Requirements (12A-1) • Accessible Sidewalk Requirements (12A-2) • Protruding Objects (12A-3) • Pedestrian Facilities During Construction (12A-4) • Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities (12B-1) • Trail and Shared Use Path Design (12B-2) • On-Street Bicycle Facilities (12B-3) www.iowadot.gov/design/dmanual/manual.html DesignManual Sections

  5. Iowa DOT Transition Plan at www.iowadot.gov/ADAtransition/ADA_Transition_Plan_Final.pdf • Cities and counties are required to have a Transition Plan, take a look at it before designing your road project. Transition Plans

  6. Break

  7. What we were doing was not being done correctly. DOT needed more guidance on how to design and build according to the LAW.

  8. The Design Manual is the Iowa DOT’s interpretation of PROWAG and is the standard for all governmental entities in the State. It will be the standard in which complaints will be judged.

  9. Introducing … Chapter 12 of the Design Manual

  10. Design ManualChapter 12A-1General Sidewalk Requirements

  11. Design ManualChapter 12A-2Accessible Sidewalk Requirements

  12. Design ManualChapter 12A-3Protruding objects

  13. Design ManualChapter 12A-4Pedestrian Facilities During Construction

  14. Chapter12B-1Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities • Chapter12B-2Shared Use Path Design Bicycle Facilities

  15. Register for Updates

  16. Materials IM 411

  17. Specifications 2511


  19. Accessibility Exceptions Certification Form 517118

  20. Situation Discussion

  21. Links Design Manual InformationSidewalkChapter 12A-1----- General Sidewalk Requirementshttp://www.iowadot.gov/design/dmanual/12A-01.pdfChapter 12A-2----- Accessible Sidewalk Requirementshttp://www.iowadot.gov/design/dmanual/12A-02.pdfChapter 12A-3----- Protruding Objectshttp://www.iowadot.gov/design/dmanual/12a-03.pdfChapter 12A-4----- Pedestrian Facilities During Constructionhttp://www.iowadot.gov/design/dmanual/12a-04.pdfBike PathsBicycle and Pedestrian Facilitieshttp://www.iowadot.gov/design/dmanual/12B-01.pdfShared Use Path Designhttp://www.iowadot.gov/design/dmanual/12B-02.pdf

  22. More Links Plan Sheet InformationS Sheets http://www.iowadot.gov/design/dmanual/01F-18.pdfDirections for Tab 113-10http://www.iowadot.gov/design/dmanual/01e-07/113-10.pdfLocation for 113 Tab Series at bottom of page (Tabs for Sidewalks, Sidewalk Closures, Pedestrian Channelizers, Sidewalk compliance) http://www.iowadot.gov/design/100s.htmlStandard Road Plans TC-601 and TC-602http://www.iowadot.gov/design/stdplne_tc.htmMaterials I.M.shttp://www.iowadot.gov/erl/current/IM/content/411.pdfSpecifications http://www.iowadot.gov/specifications/new_docs/GS-12001.pdfFormshttps://forms.iowadot.gov/FormsMgt/External/517118.pdf

  23. THE END

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