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Learn how ASU self-insured health plan keeps care affordable. Choose from Classic or Premier plans, manage costs efficiently, find network providers, and access wellness benefits.
2019 Health Plan • ASU is a self-insured health plan. Employees and ASU pay premiums into the plan, and those premiums are used to pay claims, administrative fees, and excess loss insurance for our very large claims. • Each year we analyze the costs to the health plan and adjust premiums or cost sharing to ensure we have enough funding in our plan to pay projected claims. >
Keeping Health Care Affordable • You can help keep our health plan affordable by: • Selecting a primary care physician. He or she will: • Provide preventive care and teach healthy lifestyle choices; • Identify and treat common medical conditions; • Assess the urgency of your medical problems and direct you to the best place for that care; and • Make referrals to medical specialists when necessary. >
Keeping Health Care Affordable • You can also help keep our health plan affordable by: • Visit www.blueadvantage.com to help manage your health care. You can: • Find doctors and compare costs and quality rates; • Track your claims, account balances, and deductibles; • Print a temporary ID card. • Seeking appropriate non-emergency care after-hours. You can: • Seek care at an urgent care center; • Call your physician’s office – they may have a nurse available by phone on nights and weekends; or • Call the toll-free number on the back of your card to speak to a nurse who can help you decide where and when you should get treatment. >
Health Plan Options • ASU offers 2 different health plan options. • The Classic Plan utilizes the Arkansas True-Blue PPO Network and is a good choice for employees who primarily use Arkansas providers or providers in Memphis who are part of the Baptist network. • The Premier Plan utilizes the National Blue Card Network and is generally the best choice for employees who utilize providers outside the state of Arkansas including Methodist in Memphis. >
Classic Lower Premiums Higher Deductible Higher Out-of-Pocket Maximum Primarily Arkansas Network but does include the Baptist Network in Memphis Premier Higher Premiums Lower Deductible Lower Out-of-Pocket Maximum National Blue Card Network including both Baptist and Methodist in Memphis Medical Plan Comparison Summary < >
Health Plan • A list of providers for the network is available on the Arkansas Blue Advantage website at: • https://secure.blueadvantagearkansas.com/healthcare-providers/#/ChooseNetwork • For Classic select • True Blue PPO • For Premier select • Nationwide Providers >
Routine Physical Exam One annual wellness exam In-Network paid at 100% Must be billed with a “routine diagnosis” or wellness visit Routine Gynecological Exam One In-Network per calendar year paid at 100% Mammography One In-Network screening per calendar year, paid at 100% Age 35-39 one exam; Age 40 and over annual exam Immunizations Covered adult and child immunizations are paid at 100%. Vaccines covered are subject to recommended age and population ASU Wellness Benefits < >
31-day supply Generic copay - $12 Preferred brand name copay - $50 Non-preferred brand name copay - $80 90-day supply Generic copay - $36 Preferred brand name copay -$150 Non-preferred brand name copay - $240 Pharmacy Plan <