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Asendusloeng 6. märts 2008. Avo LOENG 4 M. 1970. 1980. 1990. 2000. Public Switched Telecommunication Network (PSTN). Intelligent Network Internet (IN). NGNs. Commercial Mobile Radio Systems. Open Systems Interconnection Internet (OSI). private. quasi-public. IP Internet (IP).
Asendusloeng 6. märts 2008 AvoLOENG 4 M
1970 1980 1990 2000 Public Switched Telecommunication Network (PSTN) Intelligent Network Internet (IN) NGNs Commercial Mobile Radio Systems Open Systems Interconnection Internet (OSI) private quasi-public IP Internet (IP) Was never designed as public infrastructure N G N
Intelligent Infrastructure for IP-enabled NGNs is much more critical than for legacy networks – especially for protection and security Ülesehitus ja seosed
Charging Function Application Server(SIP, OSA, IN) Rf/Ro Ut Ut Sh ISC Dh Rf/Ro UserData PDBF UPSF SLF Charging Information Iw IWF Dx CNGCF Cx Ib Gq‘ Mx I/S-CSCF Ic IBCF e3 Legacy Terminals e2 AGCF Mi Mx Mw BGCF Mx Mw Gq‘ Gq‘ P-CSCF SGF Other IP Networks Mj Mg e2 e2 Mr User Equipment(Home Network) CLF Gq Gq‘ MGCF MRFC e4 A-RACF SPDF PSTN / ISDN Rq a3 a4 UAAF NACF e1 3GPP IP-CAN e5 a1 a2 Re Ia Mp Mn ARF AMF Ra e1 RCEF MRPF BGF T-MGF I-BGF Transport Layer Access Node L2TP Architecture
NGN Industry Standards GSC ITU-T GlobalNGNFramework IETF Routing Applications GSC9 WTSA GSC10 General Security O&M SG11 Internet Transport SG04 NGNMFG ATIS SG13 SG03 NGN Focus Group SG19 NGNFramework CableLabs SG02 NGN Focus Group SG17 WAE FG MWS FG SG09 SG15 SG16 VoIP FG W3C OPTXS(T1X1) WTSCT1P1 PTSC(T1S1) TMOC(T1M1) 3GPP DSL Forum DMTF OBF NIIF INC ECMA TeleManagementForum PGC SA5 SA1 JWG SA4 SA2 SA3 ETSI OMA NGNOSS IPDR 3GPP2 TIA MESA OSS/J STF NGN TSG-X TSG-S TISPAN TR-8.8 CPWG TR-41 OASIS WG8 TSG-A TSG-C TR-45 3GPP2 OP TR-45.6 WG7 TR-34.1.7 WG1 TR-45.2 WG6 Parlay RosettaNet WG2 PM WG3 WG5 AT-D PAM WG4 LI NGN@home CCUI CBC EPCglobal
Germany France RegTP BfV ART Justice UK Netherlands Parliament HomeOffice EZ Justice OFCOM CIOT Legal-Regulatory USA Canada NSTAC FCC IndustryCanada PSECP ITU ConventionInt’l Telecom Regs Commission of the European Community DHS NANC DOJ DOC DOS Infso JHA PP2006 [WCIT] i2010 CybercrimeConventionSignatories &Justice Ministers APEC-TEL NGN reg NGN WG eSecTG Other multilateral and bilateral agreements CITEL Australia Many Others PCC.I ACA Parliament WGSC WGANTS
TISPAN koostegutsemine • Existing close co-operations TISPAN wishes to strengthen (alphabetical order) • 3GPP • ATIS • DECT • DSL Forum • DVB • Ecma International • FMCA • HGI • IETF • ITU-T • OMA • Telemanagement Forum • TTC
Extended content distribution Broadcast services DVB HNED (renderer) Content DVB, internet, mobile formats Metadata and applications The Home DVB HN Phase II Inc. CPCM Internet Internet content, Gaming, etc DVB HNED (PVR) DVB HNED (renderer)
Next steps for DVB / TISPAN • Improve understanding of TISPAN work areas within DVB (and vice versa), particularly related to IPTV (interchange of documents expected) • Discuss and agree within DVB and TISPAN, potential mutual benefits from collaboration • Agree objectives and priorities within DVB and TISPAN • Agree common DVB / TISPAN objectives
PSTN/ISDN Emulation to support legacy terminals Access (SIP - based) Network Attachment IP Multimedia Subsystem Subsystem ( Core IMS ) PSTN/ISDN emulationSubsystem TISPAN NGN Architecture IMS TISPAN xDSL Connectivity Network P S Resource Control Subsystem T N Access Transport Core Transport Network Network IP Source: ASTAP05-WP.IP&NGN-08_ETSI
DTV Tuner Eth. Notebook Home Shopping PDA NGN Consumer Access Games Console Cable Live Content Ethernet Video on Demand 802.11b/g Router xDSL Broadband Access Ethernet Set-top Box Residential Gateway Fiber Home Security Second Line VoIP