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SiO2 Ultra-Thin Liquid Glass Coatings for Health Care Environments

Explore the cutting-edge SiO2 ultra-thin layering technology by Nanopool GmbH for health care and associated environments. These liquid glass coatings are highly durable, easy to apply, and offer super-phobicity for stain protection. With antimicrobial characteristics, the coatings actively reduce microbial levels and inhibit growth, contributing to hygiene and cost savings. Discover the innovative application areas and test data associated with this technology.

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SiO2 Ultra-Thin Liquid Glass Coatings for Health Care Environments

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  1. IOM3 9.11. 2009 Ultra thin ,prophylactic, “Liquid Glass” coatings (SiO2) for use in Health Care and associated environments. Neil McClelland UK Project Manager Nanopool GmbH

  2. Key areas covered in this presentation • Description of the technology • Test data associated with the technology • Areas of application

  3. Nanopool are currently regarded as world leaders in the field of Si02 ultra thin layering technology. • We supply our multi award winning technology to a very wide range of markets, including the retail sector.

  4. Introduction • NP coatings are nano scale ( 80-100nm +/-) but do not contain discrete or engineered nano particles. • A nanometre is equivalent to a millionth part of a millimetre = 10-9 m • A human hair is approximately 50,000 nm thick, therefore our coatings are approximately 500 times thinner than a human hair.

  5. So what is in the bottle? Molecules of SiO2 and water Molecules of SiO2 and ethanol • SiO2 is a well understood in the macro world . It consumed daily by humans and whales!

  6. NP-Nano Layers • By applying a modified SolGel-process we generate ultra thin SiO2-coatings • SiO2 is pristine glass. One of its really exciting characteristics is an extremely low surface tension • It is very hydrophobic and simultaneously oleophobic. (We use the term super-phobic.)

  7. Organized, web-structured SiO2-molecules Substrate np-nano coating

  8. Some further characteristics of nanopool’s easy to clean protective coatings • The coatings are easy to apply via -wiping, spraying or dipping. • Re application is very simple. • The coatings can be applied to almost any surface, including skin. All coatings are breathable (allow diffusion). • Super-phobicity ensures stain protection. Soiling agents are unable to adhere to the surface. • The coatings are highly durable, lasting years in many instances. Our coatings will withstand tens of thousands of wiping actions • All coated surfaces can, in most instances, be cleaned with water alone. (This observation is supported by a range of test data.)

  9. NP-Nano Layers • The SiO2 skin is enormously flexible, acid and alkaline resistant and withstands extreme temperature changes -150 to +450C • Resistant to Acid and Alkali • ph-Value 0.5 – 12 (14 depending on type of substrate)

  10. All of Nanopool’s coatings are “cationic” and therefore provide biostatic characteristics. • We also offer an Anti Bacterial range of coatings which contain triclosan within the matrix. These products conform to ASTMs e 2180

  11. Fabric Treatment • This image shows the coating on a micro fibre. (The fissure was induced.)The corrugated appearance indicates the flexibility of the coating

  12. AFM Images showing topography of coated surface Uncoated surface scale 2.0µm Coated surface . Scale 1 µm Glass substrate

  13. NP-Nano Layers Ultra thin Layer on a metal substrate

  14. Flexibility • coated polypropylene . 90 degree bend indicating flexibility • Our coatings are flexible ( 200%)

  15. Antimicrobial Characteristics • The hydrophobic and oleophobic function of the SiO2-coating impedes the colonization of surfaces • The strongly cationic characteristic of the SiO2-Triclosan (or Chitosan underdevelopment )-Matrix results in enormous weakening of the cell walls through ion exchange reactions.

  16. Antimicrobial Characteristics • The cytoplasm and its membrane are encapsulated in an inflexible cell wall. • Bacteria are classified into two different categories – gram-positive and gram-negative. • Gram-positive bacteria have a thick, simple cell wall structure (20-80 nm), consisting of peptidoglycan; opposed to this ,gram-negative bacteria have a thin but complex cell wall structure consisting of an outer membrane (7,5-10 nm) and underneath a thin layer of peptidoglycan (5-10 nm).

  17. Antimicrobial Characteristics • The cationic ( pos. charged) “donating-agent” is absorbed on the negative charged surface of the bacteria. • Then it diffuses through the cell wall • It bonds to the cytoplasm membrane. • This causes the decomposition of the cytoplasm membrane. • This leads to the disintegration of the cytoplasm components. • The cell dies. Ref ASTM e2180

  18. Antimicrobial Characteristics • Contributes to Hygiene and Cost Savings • Easy-to-Clean-characteristic = easier and faster cleaning (audited figures suggest an overall saving of 35%) • Actively and constantly reduces the microbial level • Prevents or inhibits microbial growth • Has a bactericidal, fungicidal and algaecide function

  19. Certificates and Expertises

  20. anti bacterial effect -fabric coated in SIO2 Hemmhof protocol - conducted by the IBFE organisation This image shows the effect on Staphylococcus aureus bacteria around a sample fabric coated with NP Fabric Protect anti-bac (right) and a sample coated with NP 12 anti-bac variant(left), after a 24 hour incubation at 36°C. “As a result it can be stated that there is a diffusion of antibacterially effective compounds on the coated samples” PD Dr. Thomas Jahns /Dr.Heiko Ewen

  21. Certificates and Expertises EU VO 1935/2004 Food safety. • Ultra thin layers generated with nanopool products are according to EU 1935/2004 applicable in food and beverage production processes

  22. ASTM s E 2180 • Quantitative definition of the antimicrobial effects • according to ASTM Standard E2180 • Institut Fresenius • Product: np liquid glass antibac • Sample denomination: ceramic disc covered with np liquid glass antibac • Incubation tempertaure: bacteria 36°C ± 2°C • Expert assessment: • “The product has significant, strong bactericide effects on the implemented testing germ( after 5 days residence time) Escherichia Coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella aeruginosa.”

  23. EN 1040 The results show living organism number after 60 minutes 0/0 “ Reduction of living germ number > 105””

  24. Anti microbial effect of “standard” coatings Nanopool GmbH provided two cooking pot samples (one untreated, one treated with “Die Nanoexperten – pot and oven protect”). The pots were tested for antimicrobial effectiveness by being contaminated artificially with a suspension of Staphylococcus aureus , residual bacteria were recovered from the surfaces by adhesive film tests Cooking pot treated with “Die Nanoexperten – Cooking pot and oven protect” Bacteria re-extracted by adhesive film tests ( each in parallel) of a treated and untreated cooking pot • coated uncoated • T0 260/244 284/302 • T1 154/140 225/222 The tests for the antimicrobial effectiveness have been carried out at room temperature (23°C). 100 ml of the bacteria suspension was placed in each cooking pot (germ density about 2,8 x 106/ml) and was incubated for 5 min. with gentle shaking. Afterwards the pots were cleared and after drying of the surface at 36°C two adhesive film tests on yeast extract-peptone-media (YEP) - taken (point of time T0). Then the pots have been rinsed out each one time with 100ml de-ionised water (5 min. with gentle shaking) and again cleared. After drying of the surfaces two adhesive film tests were taken once more on the yeast extract-peptone-media (point of time T1). Table 1 shows the values gained at the respective points of time for the re-extracted germs of the treated resp. untreated pot.

  25. Issues • Preparation • Applying in a busy working environment • Cleaning regimes.

  26. Preparation • Almost all surfaces can be coated with great ease but… • the surface to which the coating is applied has to be completely clean. A fingerprint can be 100 times thicker than the coating. • Application to surgical devices and stand alone equipment is straight forward.

  27. Uses within Healthcare • The potential uses within Health Care are almost endless. The following images are from Health care environments

  28. Cleaning equipment with water The left hand side of this equipment is coated with SiO2 and it is cleaned daily with water. The right hand side is not coated ; it is also cleaned daily with water.

  29. On going trials Stents General medical instruments Clothing and special fabrics Endoscopes -SiO2 coatings inhibit the adhesion of prions Suture materials coated to inhibit infection

  30. Application within “Live” working environments • Coating surfaces within a busy hospital presents issues re cleaning and post application drying times for thicker coatings. EG flooring/fabrics. • Thinner coatings can be handled in 2-3 minutes.

  31. Cleaning Regimes • The SiO2 coatings can be cleaned efficiently with warm water. Test data available • Many cleaning products deposit surfactants and residues on the coating and thus limit the efficacy of the coating. • Coated surfaces can be rejuvenated after prolonged use by wiping with alcohol. • We suggest that NP coatings are used as part of a cleaning and disinfection regime. We do not suggest that disinfection is no longer required in Healthcare environments after surfaces have been coated with SiO2.

  32. Summary • There are only a few companies world-wide which are involved in developing this form of technology . Of these few only nanopool offers a full range of finished products • Our products are certified as being environmentally friendly , and physiologically harmless. • This is a “low cost high benefit” technology.

  33. Thank you very much for your attention!

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