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高等学校英语应用能力考试. 考试时间: 17 分钟. 考试内容: loud reading questions & answers Chinese – English interpretation presentation . http://fld.zjvcc.edu.cn. Loud reading 120 个字, 1 分钟准备时间, 1.5 分钟朗读 . Questions & answers
高等学校英语应用能力考试 考试时间: 17分钟 考试内容:loud reading questions & answers Chinese – English interpretation presentation http://fld.zjvcc.edu.cn
Loud reading 120个字,1分钟准备时间,1.5分钟朗读 Questions & answers 1分钟准备时间,10秒/题,总计1分钟 Chinese- English interpretation 30秒准备时间,2.5分翻译 Presentation 1分钟准备时间,2.5分钟陈述
朗读: 注意发音准确清楚、语调节奏自然、朗读流利、重音和语气处理得当。 • 提问/回答问题:系统给考生提供一个假设的身份以及所需要完成的交际任务。学生根据文字材料所涉及的主要内容和所扮演的角色提出若干问题。然后进入第二个任务,学生转换角色。系统将播放一段内容不完整的对话。考生根据文字材料补全对话。 • 翻译:段落 显示30秒,学生阅读内容,提示音提醒考生翻译。 • 看图讲话:一幅或几幅图片、照片或一个图表,内容涉及广告、产品介绍/公司介绍、信息发布、业务交流等。
Ladies and gentlemen: It’s a great pleasure to have you visit us today. I’m very happy to have the opportunity to introduce our company to you. Our company was established in 1950. We mainly manufacture electronic goods and export them all over the world. We grossed about US $100 million last year., and our business is growing steadily. We have offices in Asia, North America and Europe, with about 1000 employees, and we are working gladly to serve the needs of our customers. In order to further develop our overseas market, we need reliable agents to promote our products. I hope you will consider doing business with us. Thank you.
New Year’s Recreation Evening The Students’ Union of the Computer Department takes pleasure in announcing that the annual Recreation Evening is to be held. Place: the West Arts Building Time: 7:00 p.m., Saturday, December 29 Activities: card-playing, chess-playing, riddle guessing, ping-pong, shooting, dancing, karaoke, etc. All students of the college are warmly welcome.
Suppose you are going to take part in the Recreation Evening. • You’ll have 1 minute to read through the poster SILENTLY. • Then, you are required to ask 3 questions based on the Recreation Evening, such as the time, place and program. • You’ll have 10 seconds to finish each question.
New Year’s Recreation Evening The Students’ Union of the Computer Department takes pleasure in announcing that the annual Recreation Evening is to be held. Place: the West Arts Building Time: 7:00 p.m., Saturday, December 29 Activities: card-playing, chess-playing, riddle guessing, ping-pong, shooting, dancing, karaoke, etc. All students of the college are warmly welcome.
Task One Question 1: Where is the Recreation Evening going to be held? Question 2: When will it be held'? / When is it going to be held? Question 3: What activities can we enjoy there?
Questions • What is the poster about? • Who is going to give it? • I am not a student of the department. May I attend it?
Task Two Answer 1: About a New Year's Recreation Evening. Answer 2: The Students' Union of the Computer Department. Answer 3: Sure, all students of tile college are welcome.
You’ll have 30 seconds to prepare. You’ll have 2.5 minutes to finish your translation. 你必须勤奋和有责任感。你需要安排各种会议以及负责办公室工作。你还要与国际大公司保持联系。对于有资格竞聘的人来说,这是个难得的好机会。自然,我们会付给您高额的工资和奖金。
Translation • You need to be hard-working and highly responsible. • You‘ll be arranging meetings and take charge of office work. • You'd also keep in contact with major international companies. • This is a good opportunity for the qualified applicants. • Of course, we'll pay you a good salary with bonuses.
图形种类及概述法 泛指一份数据图表:a chart/diagram/table/graph 饼图:pie chart 直方图或柱形图:bar chart 趋势曲线图:line chart 表格图:table 流程图或过程图:flow chart / sequence diagram 程序图:processing/procedures diagram
Introductory Sentence • The graph shows population growth …. • The pie chart shows the market shares for competing computer brands in 2005. • The chart shows there were great changes of …. between 1998 and 2002. • The bar chart given above describes the ….
More Examples • The table compares the C & C company’s sales of four major products of … in … and …. • The chart shows a survey result about …. • From the chart of …, we can see…… • The chart clearly shows that …… • The graph illustrates the growth of …. • The chart provides information about the growth rate in the ownership of mobile phones in …. • There are two pie charts here presenting the …. • As the pie graph shows, … remained steady in …. • As we can see from the chart, ….
Describing an Increase • (Verbs) increased, rose, climbed, went up • (Nouns) increase, rise • (Adverbs used to modify a small increase) • gradually, slowly, slightly • (Adverbs used to modify a big increase) • sharply, rapidly, dramatically • (Verbs specifically used for a big or rapid increase) • shot up, rocketed
Describing a Decrease • When describing a graph that illustrates past event, • We use: • (Verbs) decreased, dropped, fell, declined • (Nouns) decrease, decline, drop • (Adverbs used to modify a small increase) • gradually, slowly, slightly • (Adverbs used to modify a big increase) • sharply, rapidly, dramatically • (Verbs specifically used for a big or rapid decrease) • slumped, dived, crashed
Describing No Change remained constant/ steady/ unchanged/ stable was/ were constant, was/were steady…
Classifying Information (Types) (Nouns) sorts, varieties, kinds, types (Verbs) divide into, classify as, fall into, split into, sort into
Classifying Information (Parts) (Nouns) parts, elements, stages, steps (Verbs) be comprised of, contain, involve, be divided into, be made up of, be broken down into) ACTIVE: Advertising contains 6 divisions. Our operation involves promotion and distribution. PASSIVE: The company is comprised of … Our company is divided into 6 dept. Marketing is made up of 12 employees. The process can be broken down into 8 steps.
Useful Expressions • significant changes • 图中一些较大变化 • noticeable trend • 明显趋势 • during the same period • 在同一时期 • grow/grew • 增长 • distribute • 分布,区别 • unequally • 不相等地
Useful Expressions • in the case of adv. • 在……的情况下 • in terms of / in respect of / regarding • 在……方面 • in contrast • 相反,大不相同 • government policy • 政府政策 • market forces • 市场规率 • measure • n.尺寸,方法,措施v.估量,调节 • forecast • n.先见,预见v.预测
Useful Expressions • the number sharply went up to…… • 数字急剧上升至…… • the percentage of……stayed the same between……and…… • ……至……期间……的比率维持不变。 • as can be seen from the diagram,great changes have taken place in…… • 从图中可以看出,……发生了巨大变化。 • from the table/chart/diagram/figure,we can see clearly that…… • 从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到……
Useful Expressions • in the year between……and…… • 在……年到……期间…… • in the 3 years spanning from 1995 through 1998…… • 1995年至1998三年里…… • there is an upward trend in the number of…… • ……数字呈上升趋势。 • from this year on,there was a gradual decline/reduction in the……,reaching a figure of…… • 从这年起,……逐渐下降至……
What How Why What
The graph shows the changes in the number of employees at the two companies, CMA and SF from 1999 to 2002. • Roughly speaking, there was an upward movement in the number of employees at SF. On the other hand, the number of employees at CMA fell significantly in the first three years, and then it went up slightly in 2002. In 1999, SF employed 175 000 people. This number rose to 210 000 in 2002, The number of employees at CMA, however, dropped sharply during these years, from 230 000 to 185 000. • These figures may mean that SF was much more successful than CMA in its business during these years. p14
As the graph shows above, the average price of eggs was on the rise from 1990 to 1995. But it began to decline after 1995 and reached the lowest point in 2000. • How shall we explain this phenomenon? The rise between 1990 and 1995 might be due to the increasing demand of our market. Then farmers tended to raise more chickens and supplied more eggs to the market. That naturally would lead to the lowering of the price. • So we can clearly see that the market always seeks a balance between price and supply. p92
In the past five years, there have been remarkable changes in Chinese people's diet. • According to the figure given, grain used to be the main food of the Chinese people, but it isn't now. By contrast, the consumption of milk and meat has considerably increased. In the same way, the demand for fruit and vegetables has been on the rise. • There are probably two main reasons for the changes. First, the living standard of the people in China has been greatly raised. People tend to take mote healthy food. Second, they pay more attention to a balanced diet which is necessary for health. As a result, big changes have been found in people's diet in China. p34
The two charts show a strange phenomenon in people’s spending. • From the first one, we can see that the trend of real hourly wages was unhappy from 1995 to 2002. although there was a little rise from 1996 to 1997, the hourly wages never stopped falling between 1997 and 2002. But strangely, the credit development was not affected. Except for two years, that is from 1999 to 2000, the credit development was generally on the rise. • Why did people spend more and more money while their wages became less and less? I think the only reason was that they believed things would turn for the better soon, so they were not worried about overspending with their credit card. p154
The table compares the C & C company's sales of four major products of office furniture in 2001 and 2002. • They are desks, filing cabinets, tables and chairs. The sales of chairs in 2002 showed the greatest increase of all. It reached $144 000. That was an 80% increase over the figure in 2001. Desks showed an encouraging 25% increase in sales, from $40 000 to $50 000 in 2002. Sales of riling cabinets jumped 50% up from $220 000 in 2001 to $330 000 in 2002. Tables also sold well. • The overall increase in office furniture in 2002 was very exciting. p24
The chart shows a survey result about the hour the teenagers spend per week on the different media such as Internet, TV, radio telephone and books or magazines in their spare time. • Clearly, the teenagers like surfing the net very much and they usually spend 16.7 hours per week on-line. Next to this, they would prefer to watch TV, 13.6 hours per week being spent on that. Interestingly, in a week, they only spend about 6 hours reading books or magazines. And the amount of time they spend in listening to radio or using telephone is just in between. p40
The chart clearly shows that American employers are most concerned with the candidate's working experience, communication skills and enthusiasm. • 85 percent of the employers are seeking qualifications of working experience. Qualifications of communication skills and enthusiasm are close behind with a high evaluation of above 70 percent. In the view of a lot of company employers in America, educational background and intelligence account for about 50 percent. • Only 28 percent employers consider that the academic performance is important for candidates, which is quite different from what we expect. P57
As we can see from the chart, New Era Venture Capital Co. Ltd. is engaged in the business of investment in the high-technology industry. The company is divided into four work units. • Unit one is responsible for biotechnology, medicine and modernization of traditional Chinese medicine. Unit two concentrates its work on the IT industry and deals with IT-related projects. Unit three is actively engaged in the fields of new materials, new energy, environmental protection and internet technology. Unit four is in charge of capital operation projects. • With clearly-assigned responsibilities, each unit can operate efficiently. P174
The public transport system in Beijing can be divided into three categories, namely the bus, taxi and subway services. • The largest number of buses is urban buses. They offer traffic service within the city. Suburban buses, also large in number, are running around the city. The long distance buses serve as the link between Beijing and the surrounding cities. Taxis now are increasing day after day. Some are privately owned, some are collectively or state owned. Beijing has built and is still building its subways, forming the third system of transport in this big city. • In one word, transportation in Beijing is very convenient. P184
The pie graph shows the breakdown of the market share of MEX Company products in the world. • As you can see, the USA is still our largest customer. It has the largest percentage of the market share of our products, at 40%. The second is Europe, at 30%. Next is Japan, which makes up 15% of our market share. And Australia accounts for 10%. Finally, the smallest part of our market is taken up by Africa, with only 5%. • Recently the world economy is not booming very fast, so we should improve our management system and try our best to produce better products and explore potential markets in the future. P133
This pie chart shows the advertising expenditure of Starcom Cell Phone Company. • According to the chart, it advertised in 5 different media in 2002. It spent nearly half of the total advertising budget on television advertising. Newspapers advertising came second – about 30% of the total budget. It spent 15 percent of budget on posters and 7 % on magazines. It spent the least amount of money on radio advertising, which took only 3% percent. That may show radio is less advantageous than the other media in advertising today. P148
Nokia 3650 phone is your wise choice when you are looking for a moblie phone. It is small, light and fashionable. Its bluetooth wireless technology helps you establish a wireless connection with another device. And WAP technology makes you surf freely on the net. Take pictures with the digital VGA camera to catch your excellent moment in your life. And Video recorder allows you to capture short video clips. With Nokia 3650, there is no limit to what you can do. P62
Tomorrow's TV from Sony has a wide screen to let you watch TV the way you see the world. It's cinema-like, having true surround SRS 3D audio effect. The new cabinet design and the wideband video amplifier closely approximate your natural field of vision for an experience so intense you feel you're part of it. And, with four different wide screen mode and flexible twin views, you personally select the way you want to enjoy broadcasts prerecorded software or video games in the wider, brighter and more dramatic Sony way. p67