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Read top multi-vendor marketplace solutions provider platform feature and decide which marketplace platform is perfect for your business.
M Mu ul lt ti i V Ve en nd do or r M Ma ar rk ke et tp pl la ac ce e P Pl la at tf fo or rm m P Pr ro ov vi id de er r C Co om mp pa ar ri is so on n Introductions
According to National Association of manufacturers, the manufacturing sector has seen a consistent growth and heralded as a major source of economic development, contributing $2.17 trillion to the US economy in 2016. But many B2B distributors and manufacturers are facing challenges to scrutinize the way, the customers buy. When done right, multi-vendor marketplaces can provide passive income to the store owner. But for entrepreneurs who can devise and execute their own secret sauce, choosing a scalable and trustworthy multi-vendor Ecommerce platform can be a daunting and time consuming process and may burn your fingers! There are unlimited opportunities to build up your own multi-seller store where ?ou ?a? sell e?er?thi?g o?li?e. But ar?hite?ti?g a perfe?t o?e is ?ot a ?hild’s pla? and its not going to be a 100% success even if you have an experienced ecommerce company working for you. It all boils down to making a good business and market research, doing things right and making right decisions at right time.
H Ho ow w t to o ch There are a number of ready-to-use Magento marketplace extensions available on the web, some targeting a certain industry while others that are built to meet any business need. Whatever is your vertical, it is crucial to choose the right platform. Before implementing a Magento 2 multivendor marketplace, business owners must consider the essential features of multi-vendor marketplaces. A quality marketplace needs the following features, at the minimum: cho oo os se e t th he e r rig igh ht t M Mu ult lti i- -V Ve en nd do or r m ma ar rk ke et tp pl la ac ce e p pla lat tf fo or rm m? ?
H Ho ow w t to o c ch ho oo os se e t th he e r rig igh ht t M Mu ult lti i- -V Ve en nd do or r m ma ar rk ke et tp pl la ac ce e p pla lat tf fo or rm m? ? Easy Listing for vendorsand Registration– Vendors need to be able to easil? register a?d ?reate their o?? produ?t listi?gs. If it’s diffi?ult for ?e?dors to list produ?ts, the?’ll go so?e?here else. The? also ?eed their own profile page to display their product listings. Quality search feature– A good Search feature is always essential for eCommerce, but for multi-?e?dor ?arketpla?es it’s ?ore i?porta?t. Customers need to be able to find what they need in the ocean of third-party products. Reviews– As there are multiple sellers with a huge number of products, customers need to be able to easily review sellers and products so that sellers can establish a reputation.
H Ho ow w t to o c ch ho oo os se e t th he e r rig igh ht t M Mu ult lti i- -V Ve en nd do or r m ma ar rk ke et tp pl la ac ce e p pla lat tf fo or rm m? ? Digital OR Physical– Some marketplaces are limited to digital or ph?si?al produ?ts. You’ll ?eed to pi?k the optio? that fits ?our ?usi?ess goals. Ability to charge commission– Being the owner of a marketplace, your source of revenue will be the commission you charge. Your ecommerce platform needs to not only allow this, but also make it simple for you to ha?dle pa??e?ts so ?ou do?’t get o?er?hel?ed. Price– There are some massive variations in price for multi-vendor ?arketpla?es, so ?ou’ll ?eed to ?arefull? ?eigh the platfor?’s pri?e ?s. the features it offers when choosing one for your business.
Top Marketplace Software Provider Comparison Features Rocket Bazaar CEDCommerce Apptha A feature-rich, scalable digital commerce solution with technically sound and purposeful multi-seller functionality. A leading global marketplace solutions provider, designed to help distributors and manufacturers create their own online marketplaces. A marketplace solution to accelerate the development of a multi- vendor store in Magento 2, improving user experience a?d store’s fle?i?ilit?. Overview Rocket Bazaar suite is a complete solution to operate a marketplace. Provides limited features in the basic package. Most multi-vendor features are available in Platinum package. A Magento extension which will further require to enhance every bit to fulfil marketplace requirements. Solution
Features Rocket Bazaar CEDCommerce Apptha Dedicated panel for vendors which comes with compelling features Dedicated panel for vendors which comes with compelling features Major Vendor management features like vendor commission, shipping, social login, etc. are needed Vendor Management Features Complete vendor registration flow with verified contact details and gathering business details to approve the vendor account. A decent Vendor registration process with social login features. No registration process for new vendors. Registration
Features Rocket Bazaar CEDCommerce Apptha Advanced search filters for best search results leading to higher conversion and improved user experience. There are limited search options and product filters, making it less user-friendly. The module offers various search addons at competitive prices. Advanced Search & Filtering Tiered commission structure – per SKU, per Category, per Vendor, global. Service tax and marketplace fees on commission. Various category-wise and vendor-wise commission options for vendors to generate profit. Commission structure at two levels – Vendor and global. Commission Structure Tiered commission structure – per SKU, per Category, per Vendor, global. Service tax and marketplace fees on commission. Various category-wise and vendor-wise commission options for vendors to generate profit. Commission structure at two levels – Vendor and global. Promotion and Conversion Management
Features Rocket Bazaar CEDCommerce Apptha It offers an easy way to raise a complaint ticket and get it troubleshot easily ensuring awesome customer support. They can easily manage their customer complaints without any hassle. The s?ste? does?’t offer a?? customer support extension or tools to solve their queries. The system has inbuilt customer support that helps communicate with customers through e?ails. There’s ?o ticket system. Customer Support Rocket Bazaar offers unmatched addon features for customers like Ewallet and store credit, product question answers, advance product filters and deals CEDCommerce offers various Vendor-friendly addons at competitive prices Apptha offers basic Magento addons like social login, one- step checkout and Merchant shipping to allow vendors manage their orders. Addons
Conclusion The idea behind this presentation was to give you the comparison statistics of leading multi-seller marketplace solutions so that you can choose the best for yourself. After ?olle?ti?g the fa?ts a?d a?al?zi?g the? ?arefull?, I’?e dra?? out these conclusions. Have you used some other Magento 2 marketplace module? Did you find it useful? Share your experiences in the comments.
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