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Learn about multiway search trees, including 2-3-4 and B-trees, their balancing methods, and benefits for storing data efficiently. Details on insertion, deletion, and maintaining tree balance.
TCSS 342, Winter 2006Lecture Notes Multiway Search Trees version 1.0
Objectives • Define Multiway Search trees • Show through how 2-3-4 trees are kept balanced • Show the connection between 2-3-4 trees and red-black trees • Explain the motivation behind B-Trees.
Multi-Way search Trees • Like Binary Search trees except: • nodes can have more than one element • perfectly balanced (all leaf nodes at same level) • Still obeys ordering property • (2,3) tree • contains only 2-nodes and 3-nodes • 2-node: one item node with 0 or 2 children • same ordering property as binary search tree nodes • 3-node: two item node with 0 or 3 children • With two items k1 and k2 and 3 children c0, c1, c2, ordering property is: c0 < k1 < c1 < k2 < c2. • all leaves at same level.
Example • A (2,3) tree storing 18 items. 20 80 5 30 70 90 100 25 40 50 75 85 110 120 2 4 10 95
Multiway search trees • (2,4) tree • contains only 2-nodes, 3-nodes, and 4-nodes • 4-node: three item node with 0 or 4 children; satisfies similar ordering property • all leaves at same level • Alternative 2-4 tree definition: • All nodes must contain between 1 and 3 items • All leaf nodes must be at the same level • Every internal (non-leaf) node satisfies: • If it contains i items k1, k2, .. ki, then • It must have i+1 children c0, c1, .. ci • Items are sorted so that for each item kb, • All items in subtree cb-1 are less than kb. • All items in subtree cb are greater than kb.
(2,4) Tree Example 3 8 10 45 60 70 90 100 50 55 25
B-Trees • (2,3) Tree = B-tree of order 3 • (2,4) Tree = B-tree of order 4 • In general, B-tree of order m • allows k items per node, where • m/2 -1 k m-1 • Internal nodes with k items have k+1 children • Satisfies similar ordering property • All leaves at same level • Design ideas behind B-Trees: • In array implementation, each node at most ½ empty • (# items per node allowed not strictly followed when there are not enough items) • Always balanced
B-Trees motivation • Suppose data stored on disk • To read data, speed depends on • Seek time (moving head) • Transfer time (after location is found on disk) • Accessing a contiguous chunk of data relatively fast • Accessing data scattered in different parts of disk slow • Storing sorted data on disk: • Use B-tree to store long contiguous chunks • Design order of B-tree so items in one node fits in exactly one fast-loading chunk of data.
Implementing multiway search trees • Always maintain the search tree properties after every insertion and deletion • Maintain ordering property • Maintain all leaves at same level • Make sure #items in each node is acceptable • Do some combination of the following to maintain tree properties: • Rotations (Redistributions) • Splitting full nodes • Fusing neighboring nodes together • Moving item from child to parent, or vice versa • Replacing an item with its in-order successor. • Do case-by-case analysis to figure out exact steps
(2,4) Trees, some details • While adjusting trees • Temporarily allow 4 items in a node. • Temporarily allow leaves to not be at same level. • Insertion: • Find and insert item into proper leaf node (by sorted order) • If node is too full (has 4 items), then split the node • Split full node into one node with two subtrees • Leaves of new subtrees are now one level off • Merge root of split node upward with parent • Fixes level problem • Repeatedly apply split to parent node, if necessary. • If process goes all the way top, may get new root. • Alternative insertion strategy: split full nodes on the way down when looking for proper leaf node.
(2,4) Tree 3 8 Next: Insert 38 10 45 60 70 90 100 50 55 25
(2,4) Tree After insert(38); next: insert(105) 45 10 60 70 90 100 3 8 25 38 50 55
(2,4) Tree • After Insert(105); 45 10 60 90 3 8 50 55 70 100 105 25 38
Removal • Swap node to removed with inorder successor • Inorder successor will always be in a leaf. • Remove item from the leaf node. • If node is now empty, try to fill it with an extra item from neighbor (redistribution/rotation). • If all neighbors have only one item, we have an UNDERFLOW. Fix this by • move parent item down into child node so it contains two items • move a grandparent item down into parent node • merge parent node with sibling (possible node split) • If necessary, fix UNDERFLOW at grandparent level • Underflows propagating to root shrink tree.
Delete(15) 35 20 60 6 15 40 50 70 80 90
Delete(15) 35 20 60 6 40 50 70 80 90
Continued • Drop item from parent 35 60 6 20 40 50 70 80 90
Continued • Drop item from grandparent 35 60 6 20 40 50 70 80 90
Fuse 35 60 6 20 40 50 70 80 90
Drop item from root • Remove root, return the child. 35 60 6 20 40 50 70 80 90
Summary • (2,4) trees make it very easy to maintain balance. • Insertion and deletion easier for (2,4) tree. • Cost is waste of space in each node. Also extra comparison inside each node. • Does not “extend” binary trees.
Red-Black and (2,4) trees. • Every Red-Black tree has a corresponding (2,4) tree. • Move every red node upwards into parent black node. • Does this always work? Why? • max # items in a node? • all leaves at same depth? • Is there only one unique way to convert • red-black tree into (2,4) tree? • (2,4) tree into red-black tree? • Strategy for red-black deletion: • Convert Red-Black to (2,4) tree. • Delete from (2,4) tree. • Convert back to red-black tree.
The corresponding (2,4) tree 10 30 20 40 50 55 5 Deleting 20 is a simple transfer! Remove the item 20. Drop an item (30) from parent. Move an item 40 parent.
Updated 2-3-4 tree 10 40 5 30 40 50 55 50 55
Now redraw the RBTree! 60 40 70 10 85 50 65 5 30 80 90 55 Drill: delete(65), delete(80), delete(90), delete(85)
References • Lewis & Chase book, chapter 16.
Example • A (2,3) tree storing 18 items. 20 80 5 30 70 90 100 25 40 50 75 85 110 120 2 4 10 95
Updating • Insertion: • Find the appropriate leaf. If there is only one item, just add to leaf. • Insert(23); Insert(15) • If no room, move middle item to parent and split remaining two items among two children. • Insert(3);
Insertion • Insert(3); 20 80 5 30 70 90 100 40 50 75 85 110 120 2 3 4 10 15 23 25 95
Insert(3); • In mid air… 20 80 5 30 70 90 100 3 23 25 40 50 75 85 110 120 2 10 15 95 4
Done…. 20 80 3 5 30 70 90 100 4 23 25 40 50 75 85 110 120 2 10 15 95
Tree grows at the root… • Insert(45); 20 80 3 5 30 70 90 100 4 25 40 45 50 75 85 110 120 2 10 95
New root: 45 20 80 3 5 30 70 90 100 4 25 40 50 75 85 110 120 2 10 95
Delete • If item is not in a leaf exchange with in-order successor. • If leaf has another item, remove item. • Examples: Remove(110); • (Insert(110); Remove(100); ) • If leaf has only one item but sibling has two items: redistribute items. Remove(80);
Remove(80); • Step 1: Exchange 80 with in-order successor. 45 20 85 3 5 30 70 90 100 110 120 4 25 40 50 75 80 2 10 95
Redistribute • Remove(80); 45 20 85 3 5 30 70 95 110 120 4 25 40 50 75 90 2 10 100
Some more removals… • Remove(70); Swap(70, 75); Remove(70); “Merge” Empty node with sibling; Join parent with node; Now every node has k+1 children except that one node has 0 items and one child. Sibling can spare an item: redistribute. • 110
Delete(70) 45 20 85 3 5 30 75 95 110 120 4 25 40 50 90 2 10 100
New tree: • Delete(85) will “shrink” the tree. 45 20 95 3 5 30 85 110 120 4 25 40 50 90 100 2 10
Details • 1. Swap(85, 90) //inorder successor • 2. Remove(85) //empty node created • 3. Merge with sibling • 4. Drop item from parent// (50,90) empty Parent • 5. Merge empty node with sibling, drop item from parent (95) • 6. Parent empty, merge with sibling drop item. Parent (root) empty, remove root.
“Shorter” 2-3 Tree 20 45 3 5 30 95 110 50 90 120 4 25 40 100 2 10
Deletion Summary • If item k is present but not in a leaf, swap with inorder successor; • Delete item k from leaf L. • If L has no items: Fix(L); • Fix(Node N); • //All nodes have k items and k+1 children • // A node with 0 items and 1 child is possible, it will have to be fixed.
Deletion (continued) • If N is the root, delete it and return its child as the new root. • Example: Delete(8); 5 5 1 2 3 3 3 5 3 8 Return 3 5
Deletion (Continued) • If a sibling S of N has 2 items distribute items among N, S and the parent P; if N is internal, move the appropriate child from S to N. • Else bring an item from P into S; • If N is internal, make its (single) child the child of S; remove N. • If P has no items Fix(P) (recursive call)