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This paper introduces a data hiding method for few-color images using subblock classification and ranking. Experimental results show minimal visual quality reduction, making it a promising approach for secure image embedding. Future research can focus on increasing data hiding capacity.
A Data Hiding Method for Few-Color Images Pan, Gang, Wu, Zhaohui, and Pan, Yunhe, Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2002. Proceedings. (ICASSP '02). IEEE International Conference on , Volume: 4 , 2002 Page(s): IV-3469 -IV-3472 vol.4 Adviser : Dr. Chang, Chin-Chen Reporter : Chi, Kang-Liang Date : 2003/06/03
Outline • Introduction • The proposed approach 1. Subblock classification 2. Supblock • Experimental results • Conclusions
Introduction Secret key supblock ranking order permutation of same rank supblocks embedding Host images Marked image Critical data
The proposed approach Secret image Host image
Subblock classification rank = 2 rank = 5 Let threshold = 4
Supblock rank = 2 rank = 5 rank = 4 . . .
Supblock rank = 5 rank = 2 rank = 3 . . .
Experimental results Fig. 5. Hiding effect on few-color images. (a) the original host image with 8 colors and size 256*256, (b) the marked image after embedding 289 bits, (c) the difference map, 170 pixels changed (in white), (d) the host image with 9 colors and size 339*887, (e) the image embedded 836 bits .
Experimental results Fig. 2. Hiding effect on binary image, (a) the original host image with 449*449, (b) the marked image after embedding 612 bits, 303 pixels changed.
Experimental results Table 1. Comparison of embeddable blocks at top rank.
Conclusions • This paper uses the prioritized subblocks by pattern matching to select the pixels with least visual quality reduction of embedding, and gets a good experimental results. • Future research may be directed toward increasing the data hiding capacity.