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REMEMBRANCE DAY. I REMEMBER. ...I was five years old, full of fear and terrified, when strange soldiers entered our house and screamed at my Mother and Grandmother to get out and to leave all possessions behind, except for a few essentials...

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  2. I REMEMBER ...I was five years old, full of fear and terrified, when strange soldiers entered our house and screamed at my Mother and Grandmother to get out and to leave all possessions behind, except for a few essentials... We were then led away to a big camp, with lots of people, some were hurt lying on the ground...

  3. I did not know then how lucky we were to be alive!

  4. Sudeten German Inferno... The hushed-up tragedy of the ethnic Germans in Czechoslovakia I am that five year old boy

  5. After the war ended in 1945, one of the most gruesome genocides took place that the history of mankind has ever seen: the expulsion and destruction of the Sudeten Germans. The German government has kept knowledge of this Holocaust and the huge files of documentary evidence a secret, in other words, this chapter of history is supposed to remain tucked away in the hindmost corners of the Federal German archives, there to gather dust and be forgotten. Its publication is not desired. The poor souls who were tortured to a gruesome death can no longer tell their story - but the survivors can. Driven into a truncated Germany of rubble and ruins, where the people had enough to do to get their own lives back under control, the Sudeten Germans soon gave up trying to tell of their suffering; they buried the knowledge deep within themselves - but nevertheless their story has not been lost, as it was summarized (at least in part) in a book titled Dokumente zur Austreibung der Sudetendeutschen - Documents on the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans - and it is our moral duty to those who were tormented to death, to tell the world about this death march of a people...

  6. Here is that book,“Documents on the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans” these are eyewitness accounts of the terrorist atrocities which are recorded, each has a case number. The originals are in the national archives in Germany. These are the most gruesome accounts of inhumanity to man... Allow me to relate some of the lesser gruesome statements, translated from the German...

  7. Prague 1945 / 1947 - Statement by Doctor of Medicine Hans Wagner - Case number 15 - Date of statement given - September 27th, 1950 Germany... On Sunday May 13th 1945, the new President of the new Republic of Czechoslovakia, Eduard Benes entered the German city of Prague, in his honour rows of German victims were...

  8. ...hung up feet first, doused with gasoline and lit as living human torches, amid the howling and cheering Czech mob... The Decree was given...Kill the Germans where you meet them, take no consideration if they are women and children or old men, every German is your worst enemy, now is the time to destroy them, once and for all exterminate them... The Hussites roasted in their prisoners in pitch-covered barrels. Centuries later, the Czechs of May 1945 burned wounded Germans to death as living torches, hung upside down.

  9. A popular sport was to drag dreadfully tortured and beaten-up victims to the second floor of a building, throw them over the railing and while falling, shoot them as live targets before they hit the ground...

  10. There are no words to describe this...

  11. This disturbing photograph shows the complete disregard of Czech civilians walking on the sidewalk, with murdered Germans lying yards away waiting to be buried on the side of the road as if they were so much vermin...

  12. How do you like this Czech scum cheering and waving, with a murdered German lying at their feet...

  13. This painting recalls as it was then in those days, weeks, months. Those who were there and lived to tell about it. The loss of our Heimat. (Homeland) Our Heimat which was the ancestral home of our Germanic Ancestors such as the Markomannen - Rugier - Goten - Wandalen - Gepiden... Reaching back for at least 2000 years and of which their centuries of hard work and diligence had wrought a paradise. The German population was driven out of their homes, packed into cattle cars and...

  14. ... railroaded out just like so much cattle

  15. He carries... • The golden Sword of Justice That is something I too remember... One thing I must also mention and that is when they brought us to this camp, we lived in shacks, and groups of Czechs and Russians would raid these shacks every morning and would take children as slaves for farm work and they would never be seen again... In our shack there was a system, the mothers dug a hole, quite large, and when the marauders approached, a signal would be given by someone standing guard and we... ...we were two children, would be shoved in the hole and covered up... Maybe otherwise I would not be here today...

  16. He carries... • The golden Sword of Justice All in order, let’s shake on it... A Czech officer hands over a freight train full of Sudeten-German expellees to British and Americans to be shipped out

  17. 3.5 million Sudeten-Germans lost their homes and properties 300,000 lost their lives...

  18. The horrors of expulsion were not limited to the Sudetenland but to the other German provinces east of the Oder-Neisse line... Pommerania - Silesia - Prussia and other ancient German communities of eastern Europe... The collective Statistics are: 20 million lost their homes and properties over 3 million lost their lives


  20. Champion for Truth

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