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Capacity building opportunities and technical tools available to the Parties

Capacity building opportunities and technical tools available to the Parties. Miriam Hinostroza, Head of Strategy. Global NDC Conference 2019 Berlin, 12-14 June 2019. Context. Art. 4 - NDC Tracking Art. 7 - adaptation communication

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Capacity building opportunities and technical tools available to the Parties

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  1. Capacity building opportunities and technical tools available to the Parties • Miriam Hinostroza, Head of Strategy Global NDC Conference 2019 Berlin, 12-14 June 2019

  2. Context Art. 4 - NDC Tracking Art. 7 - adaptation communication Art 13 - The Enhanced Transparency Framework, ETF), specifically the Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines, MPGs for the ETF. Art 14 - Theglobal stocktake;

  3. What is the BIG Issue for transparency?? • Lack of reliable data, • Fragmented, unsustainable structures and arrangements, • weak coordinated processes • … and more • we need to help countries to have capacities for managing the full cycle of data flow - from data production to use • Actively promote the institutionalization of current best practices of national inventory work

  4. Global south demand for technical support on MRV for the enhanced transparency framework Source: UNEP DTU PARTNERSHIP, 2019

  5. Global south demand for CB support on the ETF Data traceability • Archives, indicators to track progress: • Mitigation: GHG trends, projections, actions and support • Adaptation:Climate trends, scenarios, impacts, actions and support • Impacts on SDGs and national development priorities Measurement • Appropriate methodology • assumptions • definitions Monitoring • Systematic monitoring • NDCs = goals targets, objectives • actions, strategies and measures • indicators • impacts M Support national reporting; climate actions NDC plans, adaptation plans, BUR/BTR Reporting Protocols NIR, BTR (including NDC tracking) R Tools guidelines data templates Archive systems Supervision Quality assurance & Quality control V Verification Assessment Review and consultation • Validation • (Future) ART 6 of the PA Certification • (Future) ART 6 of the PA

  6. Objectives of technical support providers • Improve the availability and quality of data in partner countries • Strengthen national institutions and governance structures, including coordination and information-sharing across them • Build national capacities to establish and maintain information and registry systems for measuring, monitoring, validating/evaluating and reporting on mitigation, adaptation and support received • Enhance the ability to track the effectiveness of NDC policies and actions as well as financial support in achieving the intended outcomes • Improve the understanding of nationally and globally effective practices and the determinants that lead to their success • Integrate the contributions of non-state actors, including those of the private sector, into national registry systems • Document the impacts of commitments made by International Corporate Initiatives.

  7. Establish/enhance national MRV systems - supported by sustainable institutional and legislative arrangements. Partnering with existing institutions to improve current capabilities to ensure that the capacities build remain within the country Meeting the objectives - how? • Capacity building - based on existing knowledge and feedback from developing countries to create guidance and tools that can be applied to a wide range of circumstances and establish requirements that encourage transparent and reliable estimates of impacts. Research • Regional and global knowledge management- facilitating dissemination and sharing including peer-to-peer exchange, knowledge facilitation, e.g. identification of good practices, development of tools and guidance, complementary e-learning/webinars. • New approaches to data generation, collection, analysis and report for evidence based decision making -Approachesin line with technology advances; research and innovation to improve the reliability, availability and accurateness of data. • Connecting and Networking - workwith organisations and stakeholders at all levels and across diverse networks, including in the private sector, academia and civil society.

  8. Meeting the objectives - How? • UDP has developed a working framework for CB on MRV systems for transparency • Supporting sustainable National MRV systems including national, sectoral (private and public), and sub-regional levels • Capacity needs assessment (Institutions and stakeholders) • Design / develop tracking systems for: NDCs; Adaptation; Finance needed and received • covering the whole cycle of data management, from generation to use • CB for adaptation, to plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate adaptation actions in a transparent manner • Help understand the MPGs • Identify/define metrics and indicators • Date management • supporting tailored country activity packages; providing relevant tools, • training and assistance to meet the transparency provisions • Transferring knowledge and tools • On-line resources • Projects - managing a portfolio of projects

  9. UDP Framework for capacity building on transparency output input = data flows Data Gathering: Emissions and sinks by sources, by sectors Data Systematization Data Compilation Data Use

  10. TASA - Current projects portfolio • Tool-Box and Data Management for Enhanced Transparency • Climate Initiatives Platform • NAMA Pipeline Analysis and Database • CDM/JI Pipeline Analysis and Database • Managing the CBIT global coordination platform • Focusing on knowledge sharing and capacity building, mapping transparency gaps and needs of developing countries and coordinating donor support and country activities. • Supporting CBIT (Capacity building initiative Transparency) • Currently implementing country activities for national Transparency Frameworks; supporting National MRV systems; developing methodologies; guidebooks, and tools for information systems. • Implementing Agency for ICAT (Initiative for Climate Action Transparency) • Currently implementing country activities for national Transparency Frameworks; supporting National MRV systems; developing methodologies; guidebooks, and tools for information systems. • Increased transparency and documentation of private sector contributions to NDCs • MRV systems • Stakeholder engagement • Indicators • Data management

  11. Combining technical support with analytical support

  12. Transparency work in 50+ countries ICAT - COUNTRIES

  13. CBIT - COUNTRIES Source: The GEF, 2019

  14. Thank you! • milh@dtu.dk • A national MRV system informs policy making and inspires decision taking

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